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People I hate


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People you drive 3 miles behind the car infront yet slam on their brakes the whole fucking time..die

People who dont hold the fucking door for you when you are right behind them...gonna start slaming heads through doors, then I will say thank you..

Fuckos who when I hold the door for them cant mumble outta their fat lips the words thank you....they deserve their head through the door also

Ass-hammers (stymie) who clang the 30 lb dumbells together loud enough so I can hear them over my headphones...they deserve a firm smack.


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also ppl who cut you off and drive slow...

the moron who has to hold the elevator open for everybody to get on, why can't you just let them catch the next elevator ?

and for some reason, i hate when i'm on the subway, a seat opens up, and you see a young guy rush for the seat when there's plenty of old ppl right around him..

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people that refuse to admit they are wrong even when they have clearly been proven so. should be able to tazer them right in the ear.

people that ask you what they need to do RIGHT after reading a letter back to you that has the instrutions clearly stated. DIE.

that whore at Ritz Camera that answered the phone in spanish and kept speaking it until i flipped out on her and asked to speak someone who spoke EN-GA-LISH.

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Or the fucko that cuts you off or almost merges into you and then gives you the finger...

I want to body slam every fuck face that thinks they have to get on the train before they let anyone off...people that do this should have to ride the train with their heads stuck in the door

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yess that's so rude, and i hate when you get off the train and ppl are just standing RIGHT in front of you trying to get in, it's like can you move to the side or something and let ppl get off..

also, ppl who when they get to the top or bottom of the escalator just stop right there and try to figure out where to go, can you atleast move away so the ppl behind you can go on their way....

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I want to body slam every fuck face that thinks they have to get on the train before they let anyone off...people that do this should have to ride the train with their heads stuck in the door

This my absolute pet peeve :mad:

Or the people that push you out the way to get a seat on the train before you.

Or people who drive and talk on the phone and pay more attention to their conversation instead of the fact that they are operating a deadly object!

Or people who are walking in front or you and decide to stop dead in their tracks, so you almost slam into the back of them.... Stupid fucking idiots

Or people that you deal with at work that think their stuff is the only thing that you have to do for the rest of your life, my work is not my life!

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Ass-hammers (stymie) who clang the 30 lb dumbells together loud enough so I can hear them over my headphones...they deserve a firm smack.


Fuck off, you kno I hate dudes that do that. Oh and same with the idiots that grunt and yell in the gym too, STFU.

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Fuck off, you kno I hate dudes that do that. Oh and same with the idiots that grunt and yell in the gym too, STFU.

Yes these people need to get slamed also...

People who walk around with "phantom" lat syndrome...these tool bags need to be slaped sooooooo fucking hard

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Funny story actually, everyone obviously knows that we had a shit load of snow the beg. of the week. So the trains have been packed this whole week because there is a parking ban here in Boston. Well Tuesday we pull up to one of the main stations here in Boston (South Station) and on the same car as me these two guys start arguing, I think because one of the guys was standing in the door while the other was trying to get on. They start calling each other names, bitch, fuck you, mother f'er etc. then all of sudden these two guys start going at it first to cuffs, spills out into the station people are screaming etc.... I couldn't stop laughing, under my breath of course. I guess that's just the mentality of Boston this week, short tempers all around... :laugh:

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Yes these people need to get slamed also...

People who walk around with "phantom" lat syndrome...these tool bags need to be slaped sooooooo fucking hard

haha yeah. And 17 year olds that do biceps and chest 3 days a week with rediculous amounts of weight that they just bounce off thier chest.

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People you drive 3 miles behind the car infront yet slam on their brakes the whole fucking time..die

People who dont hold the fucking door for you when you are right behind them...gonna start slaming heads through doors, then I will say thank you..

Fuckos who when I hold the door for them cant mumble outta their fat lips the words thank you....they deserve their head through the door also

Ass-hammers (stymie) who clang the 30 lb dumbells together loud enough so I can hear them over my headphones...they deserve a firm smack.


did any of these things happen to you last night or this morning that made you think of this thread or you just raging?

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