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clearley go out of their way to continuosly bash DJ's make me sick...if you dont like a certain DJ thats fine..to each his own...but i dont understand why certain people feel the need to keep posting the same lame comments about dj's....theres plenty of dj's who i cant stand but do i go out of my way to hunt down every thread about them and bash them..NO...

sorry just venting lolol .....

anyone else feel me on this one

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clearley go out of their way to continuosly bash DJ's make me sick...if you dont like a certain DJ thats fine..to each his own...but i dont understand why certain people feel the need to keep posting the same lame comments about dj's....theres plenty of dj's who i cant stand but do i go out of my way to hunt down every thread about them and bash them..NO...

sorry just venting lolol .....

anyone else feel me on this one

I hear you on that one...

It seems that whatever message board you find a DT, or JP thread, people love to come out of the wood work to throw their two cents in about how much they think they suck..It's so old already...

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I hear you on that one...

It seems that whatever message board you find a DT, or JP thread, people love to come out of the wood work to throw their two cents in about how much they think they suck..It's so old already...

seriously some people need to get over it.....i could go on and on with smart ass comments about djs i cant stand but i just think its a waste of time...its not like im gonna change anyones opinion by cracking jokes about their favorite dj...whether it be dt jp whoever when all is said and done u cant deny theyve been successful over the years so while "you" ( not u personally but u in general) may not like their style u gotta give them some credit for doing what they do ya know?

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and if we personally dont like the dj or the crowd that goes along with that dj we have every right to say whatever we want this is a meassageboard, and sorry to say but most the time jp and his crowd just ask for it.maybe if every jp fan thats up his butt all the time stopped posting threads about every little jp thingy on here than there would be less jp bashing...i swaer if i see the word sick again i might just really get sick...that term is just soo 2 years ago.Maybe thats why Jp got soo fat cuz of all those juicepumping guido asslickers his got up his butt??I hope JP RIP'S IT (another term that is soo over) at his wmc pool party,cuz that the farthest outta the country he will be spinning.Now back to to regular Schduele programming oF " DiD JP take a shit today" Thread. carry on ladies........ :finger:

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and if we personally dont like the dj or the crowd that goes along with that dj we have every right to say whatever we want this is a meassageboard, and sorry to say but most the time jp and his crowd just ask for it.maybe if every jp fan thats up his butt all the time stopped posting threads about every little jp thingy on here than there would be less jp bashing...i swaer if i see the word sick again i might just really get sick...that term is just soo 2 years ago.Maybe thats why Jp got soo fat cuz of all those juicepumping guido asslickers his got up his butt??I hope JP RIP'S IT (another term that is soo over) at his wmc <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="http://www.serverlogic3.com/lm/rtl3.asp?si=24&k=pool%20party" onmouseover="window.status='pool party'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">pool party</a>,cuz that the farthest outta the country he will be spinning.Now back to to regular Schduele programming oF " DiD JP take a shit today" Thread. carry on ladies........ :finger:

Oh please as if your not up Jr's ass all day.

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and if we personally dont like the dj or the crowd that goes along with that dj we have every right to say whatever we want this is a meassageboard, and sorry to say but most the time jp and his crowd just ask for it.maybe if every jp fan thats up his butt all the time stopped posting threads about every little jp thingy on here than there would be less jp bashing...i swaer if i see the word sick again i might just really get sick...that term is just soo 2 years ago.Maybe thats why Jp got soo fat cuz of all those juicepumping guido asslickers his got up his butt??I hope JP RIP'S IT (another term that is soo over) at his wmc pool party,cuz that the farthest outta the country he will be spinning.Now back to to regular Schduele programming oF " DiD JP take a shit today" Thread. carry on ladies........ :finger:


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and if we personally dont like the dj or the crowd that goes along with that dj we have every right to say whatever we want this is a meassageboard, and sorry to say but most the time jp and his crowd just ask for it.maybe if every jp fan thats up his butt all the time stopped posting threads about every little jp thingy on here than there would be less jp bashing...i swaer if i see the word sick again i might just really get sick...that term is just soo 2 years ago.oMaybe thats why Jp gt soo fat cuz of all those juicepumping guido asslickers his got up his butt??I hope JP RIP'S IT (another term that is soo over) at his wmc pool party,cuz that the farthest outta the country he will be spinning.Now back to to regular Schduele programming oF " DiD JP take a shit today" Thread. carry on ladies........ :finger:

im not saying people shouldnt be able to state their opinionbut its retarded comments like the ones u just made which just show how ignorant and immature u are......if i dont like a dj ill say something along the lines of " i dont really care for him or i dont like his style"...or ill state valid reasons why i dont care for the dj...ur sitting here talking about the word "sick" being so 2 years ago meanwhile u go and say something like "oMaybe thats why Jp gt soo fat cuz of all those juicepumping guido asslickers his got up his butt??"

which makes u sound like u just graduated kindergarden... and so what jp has a loyal fan base that cares about what the guy does...WHO FUCKIN CARES...why does it bother u so much? more importantly why do u let it bother u...i wouldnt even waste my time on it....

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so you don't like rip it, and you don't like sick...what happens when someone uses RIIIPPPP IT SICKKKKK.

i say it all the time, that doesn't mean im serious. the reason i started saying it in the first place is because back at factory there used to be this one kid, that during every breakdown would start banging on the walls and yelling rippp it sickk jonnnyyy...had to have been there, but it was absolutely hilarious.

anyway, carry on folks.

and if we personally dont like the dj or the crowd that goes along with that dj we have every right to say whatever we want this is a meassageboard, and sorry to say but most the time jp and his crowd just ask for it.maybe if every jp fan thats up his butt all the time stopped posting threads about every little jp thingy on here than there would be less jp bashing...i swaer if i see the word sick again i might just really get sick...that term is just soo 2 years ago.Maybe thats why Jp got soo fat cuz of all those juicepumping guido asslickers his got up his butt??I hope JP RIP'S IT (another term that is soo over) at his wmc pool party,cuz that the farthest outta the country he will be spinning.Now back to to regular Schduele programming oF " DiD JP take a shit today" Thread. carry on ladies........ :finger:
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clearley go out of their way to continuosly bash DJ's make me sick...if you dont like a certain DJ thats fine..to each his own...but i dont understand why certain people feel the need to keep posting the same lame comments about dj's....theres plenty of dj's who i cant stand but do i go out of my way to hunt down every thread about them and bash them..NO...

sorry just venting lolol .....

anyone else feel me on this one

Jp and louie devito are secretly lovers... its true, i just made it up.

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so you don't like rip it, and you don't like sick...what happens when someone uses RIIIPPPP IT SICKKKKK.

i say it all the time, that doesn't mean im serious. the reason i started saying it in the first place is because back at factory there used to be this one kid, that during every breakdown would start banging on the walls and yelling rippp it sickk jonnnyyy...had to have been there, but it was absolutely hilarious.

anyway, carry on folks.

exactly, as far as I know most of the people on here that say "RIP IT SICK JOHNNNNYYYY" or any variation of that are saying it precisely b/c people say it way too much (and yes this trend did start at least 3 years ago) so it's funny...I don't know if that made sense, but anyway, as far the people who constantly bash there's a very simple explanation: too much free time on their hands

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