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:argue: Ok so right now China's economy is booming and they have lots of money to throw around. Russia is thriving also. Russia made an agreement with China and signed a treaty and now are "allied" in a sence. Since China needs oil and Russia has lots of it they exchange that for Grains from China. An army maybe be massing and with this new wealth the combined armies fully equipped they could sweep across the Europe even the U.S. would have a very hard time trying to stop this mass if they could. With the combined forces of the Russians and Chinese the number of soldiers is omonus. Now also if china was ever to be invaded they also have another card to play. Korea they are willing to step up to the plate and back them up, + they have been manufacturing WMD's and still testing them even after the ban. Now doesn't that sound like WWIII in the making??? :tank:


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:argue: Ok so right now China's economy is booming and they have lots of money to throw around. Russia is thriving also. Russia made an agreement with China and signed a treaty and now are "allied" in a sence. Since China needs oil and Russia has lots of it they exchange that for Grains from China. An army maybe be massing and with this new wealth the combined armies fully equipped they could sweep across the Europe even the U.S. would have a very hard time trying to stop this mass if they could. With the combined forces of the Russians and Chinese the number of soldiers is omonus. Now also if china was ever to be invaded they also have another card to play. Korea they are willing to step up to the plate and back them up, + they have been manufacturing WMD's and still testing them even after the ban. Now doesn't that sound like WWIII in the making??? :tank:


Not really. Despite the fact that the U.S. doesn't have the greatest relationship with Putin, the massacre in Chechnya has put us on the same page. And China will eventually sign on to help halt North Korea's nuclear program. Besides, I don't think anyone really believes N. Korea to be that much of a threat, as opposed to, say, Iran.

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I don't know, i think Iran isn't that big of a threat. G.W.B just wants to invade there to try and gain more eastern territory and oil. Sure there has been the "Idea" of bio,chemical, and WMD's there but that isn't a proven fact, plus in N. Korea it is proven that they are equipped and prepared for a massive attack. The U.S. doesn't want to invade there in fear that it might start and uproar there and something devestating might happen. :2guns::grenade:

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I don't know, i think Iran isn't that big of a threat. G.W.B just wants to invade there to try and gain more eastern territory and oil. Sure there has been the "Idea" of bio,chemical, and WMD's there but that isn't a proven fact, plus in N. Korea it is proven that they are equipped and prepared for a massive attack. The U.S. doesn't want to invade there in fear that it might start and uproar there and something devestating might happen. :2guns::grenade:

why would we invade a country for oil when it's cheaper to buy it?

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All I know is that the US will invade Iran eventually and N. Korea is going down one way or another, I just don't know if it's before or after they get around to nuking someone. The US likes to be top dog, all this crap about N. Korea or Iran becoming serious players is laughable, The US will never EVER let that happen, we will kill everyone first before that happens.

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