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Hi all.

I woke up this morning fed up with all the shit that's been going on on CP lately, sometimes you just have one of those days when you want

to jump out of daily routine, do something different.

For a newcomer to CP this place must sound like heaven judging by it's name, however a quick glance at the things that go on put you down to earth instantly. I'm sure when creators of this site light years ago started it, they had in mind a site dedicated to trance music in all forms and shapes.

As community increased I'm sure they were happy about all corners of earth they could reach with their site. However I'm sure they would be unhappy if they saw to what it has crumbled down to.

Today we no longer have 'just trance' but vocal trance, uplifting trance, hard trance, and every other variable you can think of or desire to name.

But thing all of these have in common is the same, music or EDM as ones call it, it's one thing that is suppose to bind us and connect people with same interest around the world. Trance or EDM compared to other music genres is small if not tiny. Yet you can't go one thread around TA that you don't read words sell-out, commercial, massive etc. I find it quite silly to argue about such things knowing this, if my fellow CP'ers like one song or form of music why should I bash it?

More even, there are people who are constantly attacking others for what they like under disguise that they have a right to free speech and voicing their opinions. Sure everyone is entitled to their opinion on the subject, but when you look more closely these people don't even like trance, and are openly and willingly admit it. That's fine by me, as I said everyone can listen to what they're feeling like listening to, but to start imposing it on another

people is another subject. Thus rivalries have started, groups of various interests have formed, and there's gang-like wars in just about every thread you read.

I'm sure CP was designed with fail-safe in place, ie. moderators, but they're obviously busy doing something else than moderating threads. It's some simple points that one can observe opening a random thread; subject A likes random music/artist and starts a thread about it, subject B will reply and agree, but then you have subject C (so called elitist, bullies) who will bash both, preferably bringing in his/her buddies in on it, what happens = nothing. It's whole bunch of threads like this that end up nowhere, and are just a waste of time.

I for one can say have participated in them because I believe public opinion does matter, but only to an extent, once it begins to eat you, bug you, haunt you, it's time to analyse what in earth are you doing, why are you fighting some people you don't even

know and probably never will, and for what stupid reasons like what they like and you don't.

You can only fight so many wars until it begins to draw you away from the whole issue.

So I'm sad to say I decided to put on ignore anyone who will blatantly attack how I feel.

I've never done this as I felt being blind to surroundings is worse than being attacked, but time changes and so do people.

I'm also sad that the fail-safe mechanism who was suppose to protect us has failed too. Yes everyone is on their own on CP I read the disclaimer, however we have a saying the way you'll make your bed is the way you'll sleep, and as far as this issue is concerned

you can call me insomniac.

I like to think CP is about trance as name suggests, so I choose

not to stray away from it, whoever disagrees with me is on the wrong forum.

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