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Up and coming #1 natural testosterone booster


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Taking Novedex XT for a TEST Drive

By Bruce Kneller

First things first. I have a confession to make: when I patented the two unique anti-aromatase compounds found in Novedex XT, I knew this product would be really special. But until very recently, I didn’t fully grasp the scope of its potential in the supplement industry (funding research and getting real data on a product has a way of doing that). I also want to say that I am thankful for certain associations I have made in this industry. Rich Gaspari doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk. While his competitors hide behind their computers and use smoke-and-mirror tactics to trick consumers into thinking their products are best, Gaspari Nutrition proves the worth of its products with hard science. Case in point - Novedex XT.

Here’s a shout out to all the haters who’ve been flaming me, this product, and Gaspari Nutrition on various bodybuilding forums: it’s time to pay the piper. We have data, and we’re ready to share it! In fact, we invite everyone to compare this data (and graphs) to other similar, but less impressive data (and graphs) on our competitors’ products. In the end, the conclusion is simple: Novedex XT is the safest, most effective testosterone boosting, estrogen inhibiting product on the planet.


Gaspari Nutrition commissioned a well-known, independent clinical research lab located within a medical center to run a four-week, open-label, proof-of-concept, pilot trial. The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of consuming Novedex XTä on basal (resting) levels of testosterone and estrogen. A secondary purpose was to ascertain the safety of Novedex XTä supplementation using standard clinical markers of safety (i.e., comprehensive blood chemistry panels).


Very simply, the researchers took a handful of guys with normal testosterone levels and had them take the recommended dose of Novedex XT every night before they went to bed. Subjects were required to maintain their normal training and dietary habits during the study, and weren’t allowed to take any other supplements. Blood samples were taken pre, and at weekly intervals (1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks) to document any changes in androgens (total testosterone and bioavailable testosterone, measured via radioimmunoassay) and estrogen (estradiol, measured via immunochemiluminometric assay). Pre (week 0) and post (week 4) blood samples were also taken to measure changes in blood lipids (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides), liver function (ALT, AST, bilirubin), and kidney function (creatinine, BUN). All blood samples were analyzed in duplicate by one of the largest independent clinical research laboratories in the world, Laboratory Corporation of America (LabCorp).


From the very first dose, things started to happen quickly. Total and bioavailable testosterone increased by over 50 and 100%, respectively, after the first week. Even more impressive was the greater than 50% reduction in circulating estradiol! As the weeks passed, these differences were magnified, and by the three-week mark, total testosterone had increased by more than 200%, bioavailable testosterone increased by almost 450%, and estradiol had decreased by 67%! Take a look at the following graphs for details regarding the hormonal changes during the course of the study.


Pre (week 0) Post (week 4)


Total Cholesterol (mg/dl) 165 174

HDL (mg/dl) 55 56

LDL (mg/dl) 93 99

Triglycerides (mg/dl) 88 93

ALT (IU/L) 31 33

AST (IU/L) 28 26

Bilirubin (mg/dl) 0.5 0.7

Creatinine (mg/dl) 1.1 1.0

BUN (mg/dl) 16 17

Note: all safety variables remained within normal clinical limits for all subjects.


Results don’t get much easier to interpret than this. Novedex XTä has the double-barrel effect of jacking total and bioavailable testosterone while simultaneously crippling estradiol. And it does it right out of the gate (i.e., within a few weeks). When was the last time you could get these kind of effects from a safe, naturally occurring combination of compounds? The answer is never.

Let’s put this in perspective with a quick comparison to what we know about other legal testosterone boosters and anti-estrogens:

· Tribulis terrestris: increases total testosterone by 40-50% for a few hours at best. No anti-aromatase activity.

· Eurycoma longifolia: increases free testosterone up to 60%, but takes four weeks to do it. No anti-aromatase activity.

· Category leading anti-aromatase: increases total testosterone up to 188% and free testosterone up to 226% within three weeks. Little, if any, anti-aromatase activity, based on blood measurements of estradiol.

· Novedex XTä: increases total testosterone by 211% and bioavailable testosterone* (free T + weakly bound T) by 449% within three weeks. Potent anti-aromatase activity, i.e., decreases circulating estradiol by 67% within two weeks.


We’re glad you asked that question. Rather than rest on our collective asses, Gaspari Nutrition has already agreed to take the next logical step in the research process: fund a placebo-controlled, double-blind study at one of the premier sports nutrition laboratories in the country. This independent university trial will document the effects of supplementing with Novedex XTä during an eight-week training period. Subjects will consist of healthy, resistance-trained men between the ages of 21-45 years. This time, we are pulling out all the stops to document the power and safety of Novedex XTä. Researchers will measure anthropometric variables (total body weight, percent body fat, fat mass, fat-free mass via DEXA), hemodynamic variables (heart rate, blood pressure, rate pressure product), serum hormone variables (total and free testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estradiol, estrione, estrone, sex hormone binding globulin, leutinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, IGF-1, cortisol) and serum and urinary clinical marker variables (prostate specific antigen, glucose, total protein, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, BUN/creatinine ratio, uric acid, AST, ALT, CK, LDH, GGT, albumin, globulin, sodium, chloride, calcium, carbon dioxide, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, triglycerides, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, hemoglobin, hematocrit, red blood cell counts, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils).

Obviously, we’re serious about this. And you be should too. Once you ditch all the marketing hype, the science speaks for itself. Novedex XT is clearly in a class by itself…

Note: Bioavailable testosterone = free testosterone + weakly (albumin-bound) testosterone. The rapid dissociation of “weakly bound†testosterone from albumin results in the availability of essentially all albumin-bound testosterone for steroid receptor interaction. In contrast, bioavailable T does not include SHBG-bound testosterone, because the SHBG-bound fraction is biologically inactive due to the high binding affinity of SHBG for testosterone. See the following reference for details:

Pardridge WM. Transport of protein-bound hormones into tissues in vivo. Endocr Rev 1981 2(1):103-123.

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your forgetting to explain the sides nolvedex or "nov.XT" will have. and i have never heard anything about what you have just explained and i do plenty of research regarding natural test and test levels. :ghey:

You never heard anything about it because its a brand new product that is being extensively tested. The research was done at Baylor University - a well respected entity in sports nutrition research. And there are no sides to report. Thats why you dont see anything about them in the article. Do not mistake Nolvadex for Novedex XT - two completely different things. You need a prescription for Nolvadex, Novedex XT is a naturally occuring supplement. The results of the placebo-controlled, double-blind study will document the effects of supplementing with Novedex XT during an eight-week training period and will be posted at www.gasparinutrition.com as soon as we get them.

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