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Winter Music Conf. ???

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I've seen posts about it but haven't been paying much attention. Then I looked at the lineup and almost puked on myself.


Question: Does the ticket allow you into the clubs for free/reduced admission? Would it be worth it just to go down there to go out w/out getting the ticket?

Thanks for any info



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The DJ was our preacher...

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Uhhhh...I saw last year's, thought it was this year's. This is why "needs to pay more attentiont to detail" is going to be #1 on my year end review.

But what's the deal with the whole thing? Has anyone gone in the past?




The music was our teacher...

The DJ was our preacher...

Now tell me if I reach you.

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Well i received all the documentation this morning and there were no line-up's.

I think the line-ups you have seen were for last year, they are only a the registration stage at the moment, so i don't think it's set in stone.

I am told that the delegates arn't guaranteed entry into all the club nights. Only the gift of the gab or a $50 note will do the trick. But we will have to see.

There are pool parties at the radisson that may only be open to delegates.

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Dave, what do you mean by Delegates? How do you become one or who are they? I know you told me this before . . . I just don't remeber. cwm4.gif



“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” angel.gif

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Delegate tickets are-

$225 - before Dec 27th

$275 - Before Jan 31st

$335 - Before March 9

$395 - walk up.

But you do get cheaper flights with American. If your not interested in the smoozing opertunities then i get the feeling (from regulars) that it may be best not to get tickets.

Oh and condos/apartments are much cheaper than hotels if there is a few of you going.

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Delegates are people who just register for the actuall conferance. So you get courses on remixing, mixing, free CD's, Vynl etc. And you also get a few other priveleges. It's mainly for industry people, or people just starting out.

The clubs arn't tied in with the conferance, so you can just go down to Miami without being a deligate.

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As a six year WMC veteran, I can offer you guys these words of advice: The badges mean NOTHING. All they are good for is getting you poolside access, and the ability to attend mundane forums and discussions taht most of you probably wouldn't be interested in...

The clubs always say that they will honor the badges for free admission, but it never works out that way...The really good events are soooo packed, you have to arrive ultra early to get in (and it doesn't always matter even if you know the door person, cause sometimes the mob is so big - and it's ususally a mob, mind you, not a line - that you can't even get near the door....Im talking arriving like 9pm to the mega-clubs with foreign talent...

I def suggest not getting the badge, unless you want to get near the pool for "celebrity" watching, cause that's basically all it's good for... hope this helps smile.gif


Upcoming Gigs:

Thurs Nov. 30nd - Plush, LI

Fri Dec. 1st - Cream, NYC

Sat Dec. 2nd - 92.7 & 98.5 FM 3-5am



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Guest chinagirl

this years wmc is the 24th - the 28th 2001. My friends and i went down last year and the guys attended the confrence cause its industry and two are dj's and the rest are promoters. My friend played with johnny vicious last year at cream. a couple of the clubs let them in right away with reduced admission, but most of the time you had to wait. if your a girl and your dressed right and look good, dont worry about getting in, we did not have any problems last year. cwm12.gif

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Guest chinagirl

this years wmc is the 24th - the 28th 2001. My friends and i went down last year and the guys attended the confrence cause its industry and two are dj's and the rest are promoters. My friend played with johnny vicious last year at cream. a couple of the clubs let them in right away with reduced admission, but most of the time you had to wait. if your a girl and your dressed right and look good, dont worry about getting in, we did not have any problems last year. cwm12.gif

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there isnt one line up .. soon u will start to see event listings .. its about 5 days with up to 10 parties or more a night u pick where u wanna go or bounce round to different parties .. dont rely on the wmc site for a full party sced cuz they only list the official parties i would suggest not getting a badge ... the parties arent that expensive ... i cant believe how popular it is getting tho ... geez looks like everyone is going !



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