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Lucie, Rachel and Lola

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ok....Mysteriousss....you called/posted our names and you don't reply to your own post.....whats up w/ that???? huh??.... biatch smile.gif .....where are you?.........answer me dammit!!! cwm22.gif .........Lola


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

whats up hun?? yea i'm d, running around hiding from juicheads. i'll have to get on the drag queens good sides wink.gif exit was good on wednesday?? had some complaints by people who bought tix from me, but had some praise too, mostly a mixed reaction i guess.

coming to dinner thursday?

hey you smile.gif .....Exit on Wed....crowed was bad...very young...didn't see that many regulars there....musik was good...in MO...I had a great time smile.gif ....went there on Sat. after World and had even better time...it was a good thing that I bought my tics on Wed....they were charging $60 by the door...

dinner on Thursday???....where???.....I didn't read anything about it..... cwm22.gif now I feel left out.......... smile.gif



"I don't want you to love me........"

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Hey my girzzzzzzzzzz smile.gif

I just wanna say good morning to all of you!

I am gonna go to the doctor today at 2.30 so please wish me good luck smile.gif

Rachel girlie are you going to the dinner meet up?


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Originally posted by bastardino:

Hey Mysteriousss, can you tell us one more time that JP was harder this weekend. Im' just amazed with your deep knowledge of music. Saying it 26 times today on this board i think another time wouldn't hurt.

Hey you... admit it already!! You love her, don't ya smile.gif You just don't know how to say that...


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Originally posted by amalkav:

Hey my girzzzzzzzzzz smile.gif

I just wanna say good morning to all of you!

I am gonna go to the doctor today at 2.30 so please wish me good luck smile.gif

Rachel girlie are you going to the dinner meet up?

hi sweetheart smile.gif .....good luck to you...everything will be just fine...you'll see wink.gif ..........let me know how it went ok hun .........ttyl....Lola


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by amalkav:

Rachel girlie are you going to the dinner meet up?

Good Luck at the doctor and let me know how it went baby!!

Of course I want to go to the dinner meet-up the b-day meet-up... bla bla.. LOL

I have to pay my rent tommorow so hopefully I will get to do everything I need to this week!

I just hope everyone makes up their minds and says if they want to go to that Chilli place in Times Square.

LOLA girl!! How are you? Long time no see... are you still tanned from FL? I'm see-thru LOL

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Originally posted by rachel1997:

Good Luck at the doctor and let me know how it went baby!!

Of course I want to go to the dinner meet-up the b-day meet-up... bla bla.. LOL

I have to pay my rent tommorow so hopefully I will get to do everything I need to this week!

I just hope everyone makes up their minds and says if they want to go to that Chilli place in Times Square.

LOLA girl!! How are you? Long time no see... are you still tanned from FL? I'm see-thru LOL

hi Rachel smile.gif ....whats up girlie

yeh...I'm tan.....but did get as dark as I wanted to....the sun is not that strong now...when I went there in May/June I came back home soooooooooooooo dark.....oh well smile.gif .....but I'm faaaaaaaaaaar from see-thru...heheheheh..........<<hug>>...Lola


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by risa06:

hi Rachel smile.gif ....whats up girlie

yeh...I'm tan.....but did get as dark as I wanted to....the sun is not that strong now...when I went there in May/June I came back home soooooooooooooo dark.....oh well smile.gif .....but I'm faaaaaaaaaaar from see-thru...heheheheh..........<<hug>>...Lola

I was just checking for tickets online to go in Jan, and WTF??? No prices UNDER $300.00??

Price: 1 adult @ USD 321.

Price: 2 adults Total: USD 643.00

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Originally posted by rachel1997:

I was just checking for tickets online to go in Jan, and WTF??? No prices UNDER $300.00??

Price: 1 adult @ USD 321.

Price: 2 adults Total: USD 643.00

really??????????....hmmmmmmm....I got a great deal then...$400 air and hotel 4 night and 4 days......we stayed in Ramada....the room was gorgeous....w/ balcony and ocean view..........I'm gonna start looking for tics today too...for wmc.......


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by rachel1997:

Good Luck at the doctor and let me know how it went baby!!

Of course I want to go to the dinner meet-up the b-day meet-up... bla bla.. LOL

I sure will let you know how was it...

I am on IM now if you wanna talk to meeeeeee


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Hi girls!!

sorry Zoya I didn't call you yesterday after my doc's visit, I left you a msg on your cell I hope you got that...

Rachel!!!! I am so sorry I didn't pick up the phone but you called so late! You caught me in rare momet when I fell asleep finaly..

I woke up again around 12 with hysteric feelings and I was going crazy frown.gif

The doctor told me that I have high blood pressure and that my conditions can be caused by many things.. like heart, thyroid or something psychical like panic attack! (WTF)??... so she took my blod and I will know more on Friday.


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Hey girlie.. I got your message but it was late and I didn't wanna call you at that hour.. High blood pressure? Doctor Eric was right.. They have medicine for that, if that's the only problem. I sure hope so. A lot of ppl have high/low blood pressure and there is a lot of stuff you can do for it. Hopefully she'll tell you what to do so you feel better. *hugz*

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Originally posted by amalkav:

Rachel!!!! I am so sorry I didn't pick up the phone but you called so late! You caught me in rare momet when I fell asleep finaly..

I woke up again around 12 with hysteric feelings and I was going crazy frown.gif

The doctor told me that I have high blood pressure and that my conditions can be caused by many things.. like heart, thyroid or something psychical like panic attack! (WTF)??... so she took my blod and I will know more on Friday.

ARe you OK today? When is the blood test coming back? I think there is pills for that or food diet ...

Did you get the pictures yet?


I will be on IM later, what time will you be on?

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thx girls smile.gif

blood test is gonna be done on Friday probably.. so the doctor is gonna call me and let me know how is it. She did everything for free!!! She was sooooo sweet and nice! I will have to pay only for that blood test... But she told me that if that blod is gonna be OK she would recommed to me to go to the cardiologist and that's very expensive... I mean only EKG is like 700$$!!

So I don't know what to do but I probably will have to go back to Czech sooner that I expected to take care of myself... I DON'T WANNA GOOOOOOO frown.giffrown.gif

Rachel I have those pics (I HAVE JP yoohooo smile.gif )and I'll be on AIM 12-2pm. You can come over tonight to see them if you want! Zoya you too!!


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Hey girls!

I am sorry I had to log off so fast, my boss came and I had to go...

Zoya call me later!

Rachel call me when you'll know if you are comming tonight! (If yes, could you bring me that Twilo-Junior's CD?)



I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Originally posted by amalkav:

Hey girls!

I am sorry I had to log off so fast, my boss came and I had to go...

Zoya call me later!

Rachel call me when you'll know if you are comming tonight! (If yes, could you bring me that Twilo-Junior's CD?)


OKay... I'll bring you the CD's and call you later but I have to get them from my little sister first... She didn't like it! lol


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Originally posted by vampienyc10:

I am going......!!!!!!! No twilo for me either...

.....PARTY....PARTY....PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! smile.gif hehehehe..........see you Friday........




"I don't want you to love me........"

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