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Has anyone ever....

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mixed precursors to neurotransmiters with e?

Such as products by twin labs and those other gnc supplement companies.

Yohimbe, Choline, Tyrosine, and DMAE. My buddy who is a speed freak says that these will enhance the e 10 fold but i would like more info and more feedback than just one kid ya know.

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Originally posted by precator:

i did a stacker 2 with e and i have to say it was a fast night smile.gif

I did the Stacker thing too, and it DEFINITELY kept me going... it was pretty cool... I don't know about 10 fold, but it was good all the same...

- meli -



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Originally posted by melichacha:

I did the Stacker thing too, and it DEFINITELY kept me going... it was pretty cool... I don't know about 10 fold, but it was good all the same...

- meli -

Really? The one time I took Xenadrine with E it was horrible. My throat was burning and it was one of the worst nights of my life. Maybe I just had a bad night.

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I don't see how any of the precursors could really heighten a trip on E. I think what anyone would feel is just amplified effects of the precursor. In DHEA, for instance, you might have alot more energy because DHEA causes you to have more energy... one of it's side effects... found that out after a few nights of insomnia. smile.gif

I have read that psudoephidrine... found in over the counter cough medicine can invoke hallucinations when used with E. Haven't tried it myself though.

peace, love, and big thumbs up!



"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

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