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Ambien is habit forming...

I know some people who really like it way to much, but then again they love to do alot of stimulants. They also are on the verge of completely loosing their mind.

you are absolutely right on this one, knew someone who use to take ambiens to fall asleep and smoke base to wake up.

Oldtimer - ur on point as usual except for the ambien thing, Tempts this year?

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Ambien is habit forming...

I know some people who really like it way to much, but then again they love to do alot of stimulants. They also are on the verge of completely loosing their mind.

ehh.. no disrepesct but ambien is not habit forming when taken as prescribed... i work in a psych ward and the docs here routinely prescribe ambien to people with addiction problems... it is not habit forming, unless abused..

xxboss i know what you're saying, but if someone asked you today... hey man i would appreciate it if you stopped smoking weed.. would that create a problem for you?? would it be uncomfortable?? if the answer is yes, then yeah it's somewhat of an issue ya know?? i mean it's not like you're sniffing heroin every ten minutes or anything... weed is not the end of the world... but it's just not a solution..

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you are absolutely right on this one, knew someone who use to take ambiens to fall asleep and smoke base to wake up.

Oldtimer - ur on point as usual except for the ambien thing, Tempts this year?

you cant base your one friends problem and generalize it to all ambien use.. ambien isn't perfect either.. you will feel groggy still but im just saying a few thigns here...

1) it's better to use than over the counter drugs...

2) it's not habit forming if taken properly (ie: not smoking rock with it)

3) it should not be substituted for a good old fashoined 8 hours of sleep a night...

basically it's like an antibiotic... you're only sick for a while.. you shouldnt be taking antibiotics your whole life... if you're going through a rough patch in life ambien will help you to get back on to your regular sleeping patterns...

for some people this will take a few weeks, some people years...

ps.. cynstam.. tempts is on!!! heyy ya doiN!!!!!!

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back a few months ago i was under alot of stress and had to do the same....couldnt sleep because i just had toooo much on my mind....it helped but its def not the answer. Do what u need to get done and a full nights sleep w/o weed will follow

that is unless u like smoking weed alot. in that case just enjoy yourself then :D

I don't think my inability to sleep, or my propensity to toss and turn, is due to the fact that I'm not getting what I need to get done during the day. I work with 4 different attorneys at a medical malpractice / employment / contract / tax / personal injury firm, and I get about 70% of the legal research, brief writing, motion writing, etc., so my job really isn't the type of job where I can go, get a fixed amount of work done, punch out, then come home. My hours spent on work really fuckin blow, and may span the entire day, well into the night, then into the morning again, only to still have more to do once I'm done. I really can't stand it. So, regardless of how much I get done before bed time, there will undoubtedly be even more that needs to be done. The work is literally never-ending, given the caseload we handle, as well as the quantity and quality of research that needs to be done. Also, my school schedule is right now is never-ending, especially now that I'm in the midst of studying for the bar exam.

That probably explains why it's difficult not to have shit running through my mind come time for sleep. Also, I think I just have more difficulty keeping my mind at ease, and relaxing enough to get a good night's rest. Weed may not be the healthiest answer, but that shit sure puts me right the fuck out.

Also, I'm hardly new to smoking (I've been smoking constantly since 1992). I have taken extended breaks, but I always resume smoking at some point. Weed's always been a part of my lifestyle. However, it's only as of lately that I've been smoking in order to get some sleep.

Also, reading a book probably wouldn't help. I do manage to squeeze in some leisure reading from time to time throughout the week, but I barely have the time (and I'm barely able to make the time). Reading before bed is the last thing I want to do, considering that, right now, I basically read for a living.

As someone suggested previously, the gym would probably be the best option, since I have no work out regimen right now, and I hardly get any cardiovascular. I need to start taking better care of myself; I'm not getting any younger.

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no disrespect to you son, but are you tellin me that WEED doesnt have any chemicals (pestsides) that will make you age like 8 years? So if you wanna look like an old bag of sh*t...keep it up

I have an uncle who smokes weed every day and he's 65 years old and doesn't have a single gray hair...he also has perfect skin and really good metabolism...he looks like he's 40...I've also had bosses who smoked and they were successful and well-adjusted, maybe even more so than ppl who didn't...

I personally think weed is better for putting you to sleep than tylenol PM...PMs are hell on your liver and you wake up feeling hella groggy...every time I used to take Tylenol PMs to go to sleep, I would be late for work the next day...if you smoke before you go to sleep, you have a good sleep, you're relaxed and ready to take on the next day, and you're less stressed. It also helps to get you on a better sleep schedule..

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I don't think my inability to sleep, or my propensity to toss and turn, is due to the fact that I'm not getting what I need to get done during the day. I work with 4 different attorneys at a medical malpractice / employment / contract / tax / personal injury firm, and I get about 70% of the legal research, brief writing, motion writing, etc., so my job really isn't the type of job where I can go, get a fixed amount of work done, punch out, then come home. My hours spent on work really fuckin blow, and may span the entire day, well into the night, then into the morning again, only to still have more to do once I'm done. I really can't stand it. So, regardless of how much I get done before bed time, there will undoubtedly be even more that needs to be done. The work is literally never-ending, given the caseload we handle, as well as the quantity and quality of research that needs to be done. Also, my school schedule is right now is never-ending, especially now that I'm in the midst of studying for the bar exam.

That probably explains why it's difficult not to have shit running through my mind come time for sleep. Also, I think I just have more difficulty keeping my mind at ease, and relaxing enough to get a good night's rest. Weed may not be the healthiest answer, but that shit sure puts me right the fuck out.

I use to be a paralegal, so I feel your pain...I had at least 120 foreclosue files just to myself and I could not sleep at night cause the sh*t would be running through my head; all the docs, deeds, phone calls I had to make.

I hate to say this but I got out of the profession all together - didnt even bother with law school. These days I make a decent living and am happier all around without the added stress. I'm not saying you should do the same, but believe me, I UNDERSTAND. I hope u find soemthing to help u; not putting u down at all, its just sad when u see people close to u drugs (legal or illegal) just to go to sleep, just makin a sugestion to try something different. ;)

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I have an uncle who smokes weed every day and he's 65 years old and doesn't have a single gray hair...he also has perfect skin and really good metabolism...he looks like he's 40...I've also had bosses who smoked and they were successful and well-adjusted, maybe even more so than ppl who didn't...

that may be... but have you heard of a bell shaped curve??? for every person like your uncle... im sure there is some 13 year old kid who tried to jump out a window while being high... or some guy who was caught smoking on the job, lost his job, got divorced by his wife and is living out of a hotel room in some sketchy area of the bronx.. also, there are fully functional, well-adjusted heroin addicts with successful careers... there's really no point in saying well look at this guy he started shooting up heroin and then a day later he won the lottery... it doesnt mean everyone is gonna be rich after doing heroin.. my point here... it;s just bad to generalize... you cant base everything on one story or one example.. ehh this si getting old.. sorry.. lol

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I don't think my inability to sleep, or my propensity to toss and turn, is due to the fact that I'm not getting what I need to get done during the day. I work with 4 different attorneys at a medical malpractice / employment / contract / tax / personal injury firm, and I get about 70% of the legal research, brief writing, motion writing, etc., so my job really isn't the type of job where I can go, get a fixed amount of work done, punch out, then come home. My hours spent on work really fuckin blow, and may span the entire day, well into the night, then into the morning again, only to still have more to do once I'm done. I really can't stand it. So, regardless of how much I get done before bed time, there will undoubtedly be even more that needs to be done. The work is literally never-ending, given the caseload we handle, as well as the quantity and quality of research that needs to be done. Also, my school schedule is right now is never-ending, especially now that I'm in the midst of studying for the bar exam.

That probably explains why it's difficult not to have shit running through my mind come time for sleep. Also, I think I just have more difficulty keeping my mind at ease, and relaxing enough to get a good night's rest. Weed may not be the healthiest answer, but that shit sure puts me right the fuck out.

Also, I'm hardly new to smoking (I've been smoking constantly since 1992). I have taken extended breaks, but I always resume smoking at some point. Weed's always been a part of my lifestyle. However, it's only as of lately that I've been smoking in order to get some sleep.

Also, reading a book probably wouldn't help. I do manage to squeeze in some leisure reading from time to time throughout the week, but I barely have the time (and I'm barely able to make the time). Reading before bed is the last thing I want to do, considering that, right now, I basically read for a living.

As someone suggested previously, the gym would probably be the best option, since I have no work out regimen right now, and I hardly get any cardiovascular. I need to start taking better care of myself; I'm not getting any younger.

Right.. do the gymt hing.. you'll feel like your Busting one everytime you come out of the gym! it feels great..... like the great one once said in one of his movies.. *when i come outof the gym it feels like i'm comming 24/7* lol

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There is a HUGE difference between heroin and weed....can you show me an actual documented case of a 12 year old kid who smoked weed and jumped out a freaking window?! I think that was a Reagen-era DARE commercial. The guy isn't ruining his life, he's just smoking some pot to help him go to sleep at night and take the stress off. He would be stupid to bring a bong with him on the job, and most of the ppl I know who have smoked weed aren't sleeping in some alley in the Bronx. Also, all of the people I know who smoke weed never get sick and are in great shape and young professionals. I think its because stress lowers your immune system, and they're never stressed...bottom line, I think that it's pretty harmless.

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Right.. do the gymt hing.. you'll feel like your Busting one everytime you come out of the gym! it feels great..... like the great one once said in one of his movies.. *when i come outof the gym it feels like i'm comming 24/7* lol

im coming at the gym... im coming at home.. it's great.. im coming everywhere...


one of my points was that there are better ways of sleeping than smoking a blunt to the dome everynight... i never said he's ruining his life.. basically smoking a blunt to the dome to help get to sleep is like sweeping dirt under your rug when cleanign your room... yeah it works for the time being but there's better ways to go about it... ya dig?? lol

and believe it or not there are documented cases where people have completely lost it on marijuana... although few and far between it happens... i guess it's a little extreme but iam just anti-weed... i think it's lame..

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