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Clubbing wounds/injuries?


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Just curious...has anyone ever suffered an injury while clubbing?

I was at Twilo about 3 years ago..and some huge guy with combat boots stomped on my big toe..it was very bruised..and my toe has never been the same since then...

anyone else?


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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I think lots of ppl have this experience... got burned with cigaret smile.gif I hate packed clubs with so many smoking ppl all aver my face!


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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My ears,

I was doing a gig the other week, the headphones were crap (i always mix to the drum not the high hat for some reason!), anyway i had to keep cranking up the volume to the monitor so i could here to make the mix..

Now every few minutes people came over and were passing me... ahem.. roll-up's. So i was getting a little mashed, a few times i nearly forgot to turn the monitor down before fadeing in the song... if i had BOOM goes the amps for the club (and eveybodies eardrums).

Anyway... all caused by my lack of hearing due to standing right next to the speakers.

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had a guy tripping on roofies pass out, fall off a radiator (heater), and his head hit my head! I was starting to roll, so i was sitting on the floor next to him. I had my head down and my eyes closed. Never saw it comming. That was in LL in '94-'95....

frown.gif I miss that place soooooo much....


"Come closer to the speakers so I can see the light in your eyes..."

"When the sun comes up, I have morals again...."

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I went to SouthBeach out on LI with my bf one night. I was drinking, so I wasn't all there. It was about 3am and we were getting ready to leave and I went to the bathroom first. The line was too long, so I didn't want to wait. I was walking out of the bathroom, and girlss were walking in. I hit the side of the door way and there must have been nails sticking out, because when I left and went to my bf he looked down at my arm and it was bleeding! He asked me what happend and I couldn't tell him. That was about 5 months ago and I now have a scar on my arm!!!


It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to get to know someone, a month to love someone, but it takes a life time to get over someone.



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Originally posted by Jilly:

Just curious...has anyone ever suffered an injury while clubbing?

I was at Twilo about 3 years ago..and some huge guy with combat boots stomped on my big toe..it was very bruised..and my toe has never been the same since then...

anyone else?

Same thing happened to me - sort of. My toes were kinda bruised bec my shoes were a bit small, some chick stamped on my foot, week later my TOENAIL CAME OFF!!!

Took the whole summer to grow the damn thing back.


The music was our teacher...

The DJ was our preacher...

Now tell me if I reach you.

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Dancing on a dance floor covered with beer... ended up doing a face plant into the floor and broke my front tooth.. MAD DENTIST BILLZ!!


AIM: slimchezdy

I'm outta place

I'm in outer space

I've just vanished without a trace

I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow

I'll be back in an hour or so -- Eminem

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hehehe..you guys are funny..

I almost forgot my other wounds..from..god damn glowsticks on strings!!! For some reason..they always hit me! worst one was at tunnel a few years ago..got hit in the head twice in a row...then last week at Limelight got hit in the back...those damn things should be outlawed..


" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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I was wired on about 6 Red Bull & vodkas a few weeks back at Limelight and, in a mad scramble to get on stage and dance my overworked heart out, I wiped out going down the stairs and severely twisted my ankle. Walked with a limp for about a week. It still ain't right.

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I think I lost a bit of my hearing in SoBe a few years back. My wife and I were rolling exceptionally hard at some afterhours place (not Fabrik, but that other place...System, maybe?). We were dancing on the platform at the dj's booth all night without even realizing that there was a speaker about five feet above angled right at us. By the time we left, the sun was blazing. While crawling back to our hotel, shriveling like raisins, we noticed the loud ringing in our ears. The next day, our hearing was perceivably worse. To add insult to injury, we both had big red blotches on our ass cheeks from bouncing up and down after we couldn't dance standing anymore.



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Jilly...cute topic girl.. smile.gif...I've totally gotten my feet stepped on 1000s of times...the worst is during the summer, though, when I wear open toed shoes. I love sandals though so I won't stop wearing them...I guess I'll never learn. cwm37.gif



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The very first weekend Twilo opened like 5 yrs ago, I was up in the DJ booth vip area and a mangled mess....Went to smush my way on the couch in between 2 HUGE beefs and no joke twisted my ENTIRE leg , like from the knee down it was one way and the top part was straight. It just popped and i felt this warm rush it was GROSS but i didnt even care -- I think I was laughing!! The next day I bugged out for hours...It was all retarted, I guess It popped back in but it was so swollen.I NEVER WENT back up in that room! LOL

Oh, and at Arena, -- actually, I had met these two guys from the OLLDDD clubnyc -- I think it was romulus and azo? Anyway I did way 2 much ~~~ and next thing u know..FLAT ON MY FACE ON THE STAGE. I was wearin 6 inch platforms and one was UNDER the stage. No joke JR's lighting guy flashed a spotlight on the crowd around me while they carried me to a couch. Internally, I thought I was floating in the ocean. My friends said I had this hugeeee smile on my face. I woke up on the couch and got right back up on the stage. Three people told me the next week they HEARD the bang from my head hitting the floor!!!!!!!! HEHE!

One guy grabbed my ass so hard i had 2 finger shaped black and blue marks smile.gif




..."Music is my life...and I just can't help it..Music is my life...It's the joy I feel inside"...


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i waws dancing and i was jumping around and landed on someones foot, and sprained my ankle, damn that hurt, and then one time some ass with the strings nailed me in the balls and took me out for the count for a few minutes, theres were both at exit, people with the strings please becareful, cause that shit hurt


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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