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Facing Cops while being fucked up

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Last night my friend went outside to smoke a cig..next thing you know I see him in the back of a squad car....to make things even worest...My roommate and I were stoned and drunk and had to go to the police station to get him...was a little scetched out by the whole scene...then again I was a little paranoid...has anyone been in a similar situation?.....btw the cop didn't read him his rights does that mean that the case can be dropped....?? the crime was Pissing in Public...westchester cops have nothing else to do on a sat night


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The first time I ate mushrooms me and a bunch of my friends were walking on campus. We sat on a bench and public safety came up to us and asked us what we were doing. I look up and the guy's face just starts melting!! Can you say BUGGED OUT? I got so sketched that I said, "oh, I have to go to the bathroom".

It wasn't a cop, but just a funny story.

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miranda ain't worth shit

it never works b/c the cops always make sure there are two there when arresting so that nothing can be disputed.

when i was arrested, no rights, two cops, i lose



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

miranda ain't worth shit

it never works b/c the cops always make sure there are two there when arresting so that nothing can be disputed.

when i was arrested, no rights, two cops, i lose

Same thing happened to me. No mirandas. This was also for posession of marijuana. A friend I was with when it happened, who also got arrested, got his rights read to him when he went to court. WTF?? A little late? I never got anything read to me and still got screwed over.

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i got pulled over...while i was drunk. I don't know if was a random check or b/c i was speeding..hmmmmm....but in any case he asked me if i drank and there was NO WAY i was gonna deny it b/c i reeked of alcohol and prob my face was all red..haha

BUT in any case, i said yeah...he goes...how much did you drink, and i said...just one cocktail..HE LET ME GO!! oohhh..that was so close....and never again do i drive when i'm drunk!!~

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HAHAHAHA! had a half rack, smoked a couple bowls with friends, then was going 85-90 in a 65 and got pulled over. my friend in the passenger seat was also drunker than i was and had two warrants out for his arrest. i also had to get out of the car to get my purse and license from the trunk, where we had more alcohol and weed. managed to keep the cop from seeing it though, and i just got a speeding ticket. wasn't going to dispute that one

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You can't get off just because a cop doesn't read you your rights. You can only challenge points if you do something the cop should have warned you not to. For example, if he doesn't read you your rights and then asks if you committed a crime and you say yes, you can strike that confession from the trial, but if he just saw your man piss in public and then didn't ask him anything, doesn't matter.



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talk about paranoia...over the summer a friend and I were parked by the beach, smoking a bowl in the car. we see headlights,but didn't think much of it..until the police are literally pulled up next to us, saying"You two were just leaving, right"uhm, yes officer!!

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Ok, here's a great story:

A friend and I were all fux0red up on shrooms at college (like everyone else that weekend), wandering around on one of the lawns at 9pm with a bottle of water each during Spring Party. We also had walkie-talkies to amuse ourselves.

Anyway, there we were, minding our own business, when a cop car guns across the field, flashes on the headlights and stops RIGHT in front of us. We thought they were gonna hit us. So they get out, all swaggering and shit, and ask us "what's in the bottle?"

"Water", we reply, "just plain water.... want a drink?"

So they take the bottle from us, open the caps, sniff, then disbelievingly take a swig. They started to say sorry, at which point we asked them if they wanted to check our walkie-talkies, too.

Of course, they couldn't tell that our pupils were each the size of watermelons in the darkness..... but it was sooo sweet just the same to know that some arrogant bastards who tried to spoil our fun lost out. While we were WRECKED, no less. smile.gif



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

[This message has been edited by vejita (edited 12-03-2000).]

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i'll add to this interesting thread

this year in seaside for mem day weekend me and my freind poured his beer in a pepsi can and said lets walk.. so we are walking and a cop on a bike speeds up to us and goes

WHATS IN THE CAN and my freind points and goes pepsi want some... good thing he didn't

they are pricks down there for that weekend


*EXIT saturday 12.09.00 DJ BORIS For Guestlist call: (201)725-8858, oasis9389@msn.com, aolimer: oasis9389

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OK..., here's my brush with almost being taken in.

I was probably on the hardest roll of my life at Karma now defunct in Chicago). We went to see Dave Ralph. One of our friends disappeared and we got concerned because it was his first time. So, I talk to a bouncer and he remembers him going outside. I go outside and see some dude curled up in a doorway next door with cops all around.

Its pretty well lit, and I move around so I can try to get a good look at the guy. It's not my friend. BUT, a cop comes over (I'm spaced out) and asks me what I'm doing and to move away.

I snap back to the present, explain that I was looking for someone and was trying to see if it was him and get the hell outta there (realizing how lucky I was to not be in a squad car, since she was staring into my eyes from maybe 3 feet)

Never again, i hope.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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