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NEED TO VENT (ignore if u choose)

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I dont even know where to start so Im going to go off on a tangent here.

I try and make things REAL SIMPLE and CRYSTAL CLEAR for people..particularly my close nit friends. What I think is really beginning to annoy me is that with my friends, Im always willing to push what I have to do for myself aside to cater to their needs. Apparently I believe in helping others when they are down. Lending a hand when needed. Giving a shoulder when the tears cant be held back anymore. Having my ear ready to hear the same drama in their lives repeat over and over again like a broken record. And all for what?

I wake up everyday with my own bullshit that seems to be piling up more and more because I opted to put it on the back burner to try and help everyone like Mother Theresa. I can only do so much but when a really close fuckin friend of mine asks me to help and then turns around and gives me fuckin shit about it, I get really pissed off. I drop EVERYTHING...all of my fuckin things to help a friend in need. Someone who is totally about to crash in every way possible. Poor kid is getting messed up in some serious shit and has the nerve to turn around and say to me that I dont undertsand. God, he's only 19 years old and thinks he knows everything. Yet all the little fuck does is hide behind his e and k and pot and coke thinking that it will make the fact that he doesnt have a job nor a car anymore and his girl wont talk to him and a million other problems go away. Well if he doesnt want my advice, then why waste the time and tell me your problems? WTF?

Im really about to give up on these people that I hang with anymore. Theyre my buds for years now many of them but their way of thinking is just starting to get to me. All they are doing is thinking about themselves anymore and asking me for help but shitting on me in the long run. I dont even remember the last time one of them asked me.."How have YOU been?". Yea some of u talk to me on a reg basis but its like u guys care more about me then some of my selfish friends do. And THEY know me. Like REALLY know me and theyre not even seeing what use to be plain as day with me and its getting frustrating. Im really easy to read when you know the real person I am. And what was able to be seen in a glance with them just isnt showing anymore and personally, well, its starting to hurt.

Ok Im just gonna shut up now and go to bed and hopefully the sun will be shining brightly for me. I seem to have been waking up with this thick black cloud floating above and it just dont wanna budge a lil bit. Sorry for the babble. Hopefully you guys know where Im coming from and can relate.



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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Hey Misskittie I know what you are going through went through the same thing about a year ago. Helping friends in the time of need and for me what happened is that I tended to put them first instead of myself. Till one day I got into some trouble and turned for help and not one of them had time or even cared. So what I did is said enough is enough it is time for myself and fuck everyone else.Now I have a new group of friends appreciate me as a friend and not a fuckin shrink. Hope this helped a little and remember that the air is always smoother if you rise above the clouds.

GLEN cwm35.gif

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Misskittie, when your friends start taking you for granted, they're no longer your friends, it's time to drop them.

It's easier said than done, but a change is good sometimes. Sometimes the friends surrounding you mold you into who you are... so be careful and stay safe.


Dream a little dream... then bonk the girls with a club so they make sense!


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Friends are defined by their actions and their deeds plain and simple. You can know someone for a long time, thinking they're your friend and suddenly realize the whole time they were just an acquaintance.

Life's too short to deal with other people's bullshit as well as your own. For someone to command that kind of effort on your behalf that have to earn it and they have to merit it somehow.

When for whatever reason you do try to help and it doesn't work out, isn't appreciated etc... just remember that you tried. That is what is most important. You can live with yourself just by knowing "I tried."

Doesn't mean you throw them over your shoulder and carry them for the rest of your life, either. A helping hand offered to someone in need of a leg back up the mountain they seem to have slipped off. If they smack it aside you either walk away or kick them in the head knocking them unconsious and drag em the fuck up.... then they can fall off again on their own time.

Friends can also take advantage, even the real ones. I've come across a few of those give a hand take the whole arm types--- be careful of those too... they'll suck the marrow right outta your bones.

Don't take it to heart too much. It's a learning experience. Nothing more.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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