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Things That Really Piss Me Off.........


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Okay, for everyone that knows me they know I am a very nice, calm person but I do get these spells once in a while when I need to vent......here are some things that fucking piss me off.......

1) Pop music - this includes everything from Britney Spears to club songs that are overplayed on 103.5......in my opinion, pop is mostly for people who can't think for themselves......it's like, just play something enough times for me and eventually, I will like it......not to say some don't really like some of the songs on the radio but is this just some coincidence that of all the music in the world, so many people happen to like the same exact shit??.......pop forces people to like it and that's a shame......

2) People who are straight-edge and insist on making it known to those who aren't how bad drugs & alcohol are........not people who try to help their friends out when they go overboard, these people I respect......I mean those who have to do a fake cough and make a comment when you pull out a cigarette then proceed to tell you how you are about to "shorten you life by three days"---fuck you!! I wanna die young.......not only that, but they insist on how great they are for not doing anything bad for their bodies......in my opinion, any of us could get hit by a truck tomorrow and none of that will make any difference......

3) Older people, some on this board, that insist on thinking they are the most experienced, mature clubbers around......just because you went to Palladium or the old skool Limelight religiously doesn't give the right to diss all over the scene that exists now.......moreover, it's the worst when they put down other, less experienced people on the board, just for asking a question.....that question may have seemed primitive and trivial to the "older, experienced clubber" but it is obviously something someone wants an opinion on because they don't know the answer.......none of us were born inside a club and we all had to go through our learning stage so to look down on those and poke sarcastic fun at those who are in this learning stage now.....that disgusts me.......I think the experienced clubbers should be delighted to help younger people out who haven't been there(not that many don't) yet and it blows my mind to see some of the shit people write sometimes.......remember, you were all there once too no matter how much clubbing you have done.......

Okay, now I'm fine......I am not targeting anyone on the board so I hope nobody is offended but I just had to vent that cause it's been on my mind.......I know it is somewhat pointless but maybe some people feel the same about these issues......lol



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

What pisses me off is... peeps that complain a lot... cwm35.gif

Oh yea.....forgot that one.....or did I??... cwm16.gif



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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mikey i totally agree, as for me, being in the field that i am, it's my job to tell you smoking is bad, etc. but that's when you have lung cancer or COPD or asthma. lol. as for me, i've tried a few things here and there, never in excess, but i'm not going to sit there and judge you for it, and i hate it when more ,experienced people who've used substances longer than i have or who do it more than i do, just like smirk or think i'm trying to be miss innocent or something, well maybe i don't wanna use, or maybe i only do it once in a long while because i feel i can enjoy life and be satisfied without it, or don't have the urge to use, ya know, or just can enjoy ,music without using, and yes you can party without it. the scale works both ways... i mean i drink, i have my fun, i've tried smokin, E, etc. but i'm not even near using more than a couple times, so does that make me a bad person either, i think not right? either way you're right, people have different circumstances in life, different responsibilities, so like you said, enough with the judgement


"Well you think i'd leave ya lonely... you know me better than that... if you'd think i'd leave you down when your down on your knees... well i wouldnt do that.. you're so much better than you know..."

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What really pisses me off are retards such as tyco. I mean is this fucking guy for real?

#1. People listen to pop because it's the type of music that is most widely liked. I don't give a fuck how much you feed people PVD or Suckit and Dickweet people will tune out of it. It doesn't sound as good to a MAJORITY of people. Radio stations play the songs that place on top of sales charts because that automatically guarantees them that they're playing the most like music.

#2. You of all the people should give straight edgers the most respect. You should be on your fucking knees in front of them. At least these people don't need to alter their state of being to enjoy this fucked up music that you all like so much. At least these people follow the laws that were set by this country wheather you like them or not.

#3. Agreed.

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Points #2 and #3 you definetly hit it on the money.....you also forgot those who go out of their way to let you know how many pills or drugs they did in one night...Like we are counting..


Put the CD in... The Music will do the rest..

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Originally posted by bastardino:

What really pisses me off are retards such as tyco. I mean is this fucking guy for real?

#1. People listen to pop because it's the type of music that is most widely liked. I don't give a fuck how much you feed people PVD or Suckit and Dickweet people will tune out of it. It doesn't sound as good to a MAJORITY of people. Radio stations play the songs that place on top of sales charts because that automatically guarantees them that they're playing the most like music.

#2. You of all the people should give straight edgers the most respect. You should be on your fucking knees in front of them. At least these people don't need to alter their state of being to enjoy this fucked up music that you all like so much. At least these people follow the laws that were set by this country wheather you like them or not.

#3. Agreed.

I'm glad I got this you're attention.......Okay, fair enough, now I have something to say about your reaction......

1) I know pop music is the "music that is most widely liked" as you say, thus the name pop(short for the word "popular")......but that was not the point of what I said......my problem is with why it's the most popular music.......which is, because the radio plays it for us......and for your information, music is made pop most of the time before any of the public even hears it so don't tell me radio stations get out the sales charts each day and figure out which songs to play......more likely, its the opposite reaction in which the reason why those songs are at the top is because people turn on the radio, hear them, then go out and buy the CD.......back to my original point, the radio manipulates the musical tastes of many of us.......then, if the song is catchy enough, everyone and their mother buys the CD and the radio will decide to play it not 10 but 20 times a day until eventually everyone hates it.......is that not the typical life cycle of pop music for the most part??(and I mean pop, not just any song that made the radio).......

2) Okay, missed the point completely again......I did not say I didn't respect people whom are straight-edge, cause I do, in fact, I respect anyone who respects me back regardless of what they do.......point being, it is those that insist on "rubbing in" the fact that drugs and alcohol are harmful to the body to others who use them.......I, as many others, can enjoy "this fucked up music" in any condition including sober......yet that doesn't mean I don't like to alter my mind sometimes also or just smoke a cig for that matter......which doesn't alter your mind in any way pal........in that case, do I need to hear it from these people?? in the same way, and as safitamace319 and flowme said it, I think those that do drugs or drink alcohol shouldn't glorify it as something great they've done.......it may have been a great experience and it's fine to talk about it, but there's a limit to it.......bragging about how many pills you took or how many blunts you smoked before falling flat isn't appropriate, especially to someone who's clean........bastardino, you took my argument and made it seem just about drugs........cigarettes and alcohol(which I did mentioned in my original post) are not illegal and by doing either none of us are breaking "the laws of this country" save the partriotism.....

Mikey (the retard)


"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

[This message has been edited by tyco (edited 12-05-2000).]

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damn poppy.......a little hostile today. We all have those days. I COMPLEATLEY Agree with everything you said however.


"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

"Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world i feel i can't take it. and i feel like my heart is gonna cave in" -American Beauty

K and Erm...there is only one thing to say that will express my feelings about you guys......HAAAAAABUUUURRRBB

No Pleasure, No Rapture, No Exquisite Sin Greater....Than Central Air. - Dogma

"I can walk in straight lines, within my own crooked world" -a drunken Aramis Ponte


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that was awesome mikey!! cwm20.gif for people like bastardino... i rarely make insults about others, but i've just had it with is miserable remarks to many posts. cwm23.gif the fact that he can't comprehend other's points of view just proves how dense he is... someone get him back to the 3rd grade reading group and phonics.



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Wow.....thanks to you guys who actually read that as reason and not me being malicious toward anyone......I'm glad some agree with me on that stuff......lol



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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Yo...I totally agree with your first and second post Mikey...and am really tired of hearing bastardino cry all day...what a little bitch! He said that he wants us to "come together" and boycott Twilo...I got a better idea...why don't we boycott his dumb ass from any replies to his worthless posts...I'm really tired with seeing his name and his stupid messages...he brings nothing to the table, period...


"Up all night...sleep all day."



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mikey good points hon!! as for Bastardino we all know he will never show his face at a meet up, because he's just a sorry impostor who would end up getting his ass run outta the club. Bastardino if you can't grow up and voice your true opinions as opposed to always having to play devil's advocate, then you shouldn't even be allowed to be on the internet, you're sorry, pitiful and i've had it with your antagonizing posts. i think we've all got enough drama without you adding to it.


"Well you think i'd leave ya lonely... you know me better than that... if you'd think i'd leave you down when your down on your knees... well i wouldnt do that.. you're so much better than you know..."

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