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The chaos that is Organized Religion


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I saw Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, and Budha the other day. While I'm bickering with them over my soul, Confucius pops in and tells me to stfu and live a little.


Dream a little dream... then bonk the girls with a club so they make sense!


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Your 100% right. I do apologize. I meant in no way to offend you or your beliefs. In my defense, I had a horrible childhood. I starved most of my life, only able to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day for lunch at public school, because I wasn't allowed to eat unkosher meats and other foods the cafeteria was serving. That's peanut butter and jelly sandwiches EVERY day from kindergarten untill 10th grade when i ran away. I also wasn't allowed to go out on weekends because of the Jewish Sabbath. I wasn't allowed to have any friends in the public schools because they weren't Jewish. When i ran away from CT, I came straight to NYC, to Covenant House in Times Square. There I made my first black and Latino friends. I was 1 out 3 white kids in the whole shelter. I was the only jewish kid. Because of religion, I was kept away from this whole great life. I have such a great life because of the different cultures I hang out with. I still keep in touch with some religious jewish friends, but they don't like to come over to my place because they don't understand the ethic variety that I chill with. They led their lives so shelter and closed minded that they might never be ready to go out into the real world. And I don't want you to think I'm just talking about the Jewish relegion. If you watched MTV's "The Real World", you'll see one of the house mates, Julie, who as a Mormon, was sheltered from meeting gay people, bacl people, and being told that intimacy with another sex is punsihable by eternity in Hell. Because of her breaking free from her father's grip of the Mormon lifestyle, she got to live a whole new life. And even though she was one of the most anoying members of the cast of that show, I still understood exactly what she was going through.


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You shouldn't go and bash religiouns, IMO.

People belive in what they are tought, and what they belive is true. There are so many different religiouns and groups and who knows what else is true or not.

IMO, People should go and find the truth, if they want. Those Jewish people were wrong in a way to force things onto you, but every Jewish family is different. Everyone is bought up differntly and sometimes are tought the wrong things and take the wrong actions.

As life goes on, you shouldn't let it affect you. A person should find out on his own what he thinks is right, and what is not right. Maybe there is some logic behind everything, who knows?


genie.gif This genie grants 3 wishes... Hey I'm not sharing! He's all MINE!

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I think it would be pretty funny if religion was just a farce, 95% of this world believes in one form of religion or another, imagine if its all fake. What a waste of time that would be for billions of people. Religion has caused so many wars and death in our history. If it wasnt real, all thoes people died for nothing. Im catholic, but also a little sceptical.


Make love to yourself like no one is watching!!!

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Nothing more annoying than ppl trying to PREACH to you. Goddamn it.. If I wanted to be religious, I'd do it all myself.. Read the Bible, go to church, without anyone's HELP. But some religions REQUIRE it's followers to "spread the word".

I'm a 100% atheist. Almost to the point of anti-religion. In my mind, all it is, is BRAINWASHING. I'm not saying that ppl who are religious are stupid. Not at all. I can definitely see the "appeal" of religion. It's easier to deal with things in life that way.

For example, I saw it somewhere on TV.. They showed a large religious family (don't recall which religion but it really doesn't matter in this case). One of the children in the family died. The only thing that the parents said was "God brought him into this world, and he took him out when the time was for him to go". WTF??? They weren't even sad or anything! I was SHOCKED. Of course it's SOOOO much easier to deal with the pain this way and just think "oh, my son is in heaven now" than to face the fact that he's dead. I dunno, this shit bothers me. I almost see it as an escape from reality. But that's just me. I'm very fact-oriented and not very easily influenced.

Like with everything else, to each his own.. If religion makes your life even a tiny bit better, awesome, more power to you. But don't force it on anyone who doesn't feel the same way!

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Again I apologize if you think I am bashing anybodies personal religions. I'm not. I don't understand them, but that is my own persoanl belief. What I AM bashing is people who PUSH their religion. Who get in my face and tell me that I am stupid and they are are correct. The ones who bash MY beliefs. The ones who ruin the fun for everyone else. I just feel that America and the world would loosen up a little bit, if people stopped protesting because they want everybody to follow their faith. Look at all the commotion that prayer in school is doing. How people want to push their beliefs about abortion. How the bible belt has signs on the highway stating "Call 1-800-Jesus-99 with a slogan underneath "IF YOU DON'T FIND CHRIST, YOU'LL SPEND ETERNITY BURNING IN HELL." I beleive in the freedom of relgion. And in that freedom, I don't want to be told what i should or should not believe in.

I hope I haven't offended anybody with any of these comments. This is just my opinion. I could be wrong. I mean..I could be dead right now, and this my own personal Hell, for not believing in a particular religion.


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Agreed, Rachel smile.gif. Evan, I'm sorry you had a bad experience (by the way, why couldn't you bring lunch from home?) but saying that religious people are closed-minded is only one way to look at it. I agree that many religious people don't mix with other faiths/ethnicities but like Rachel said, every family is different. Lots allow their children to be friends with people with other beliefs while holding onto their own. But "closed-minded" is the wrong term to use b/c someone thinks differently...religious people may be more open minded to spiritual matters & experiences that others wouldn't understand. You obviously found religion to be the wrong route for you, but using negative terms to describe others that think otherwise doesn't accomplish much...

Glad you found what you were looking for outside of the structure your family presented to you. Happiness is different for everyone. cwm38.gif



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