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Administration's Offenses Impeachable

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how is a tripling of the GDP of a country a clusterfuck. you tell me on thing that the iraqi's do WORSE than saddam did.

lets see carpet bombing the shit out of a country and then having to rebulid an entire infrastucture might help with bumping up those numbers

and oh yeah iraq is still over 70 billion dollars in debt , a debt that George and Co. have already said they would not forgive

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lets see carpet bombing the shit out of a country and then having to rebulid an entire infrastucture might help with bumping up those numbers

and oh yeah iraq is still over 70 billion dollars in debt , a debt that George and Co. have already said they would not forgive

Iraq wasn't carpet bombed we dropped less bombs in a year than the bombing of dreseden. there was no carpet bombing. and don't you think the 200 billion that were giving them is a forgiveness of the debt? 200>70.


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1. Read the key findings in this actual CIA document by Bush's own weapons inspector Charles Duefer.


He destroyed his WMDs in 1991.

2. Your article is pure propaganda and has zero substance to support the claims. Propaganda aren't facts.

3. Deal with the facts and shut up.

4. Owned!

you have got to be FUCKING KIDDNG Me YOU CITE ME A REPORT THAT WAS CREATED AFTER THE WAR ENDED TO REFUTE THE FACT THAT BEFORE THE WAR EVERYONE AND THIER MOTHERS AND THIER INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES BELIVED SADDAM HAD AN ACTIVE WEAPONS PROGRAM ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!! does the linear fucking flow of time mean anything to you. have you managed to move in the 4th dimension and gained the ability to control the sequence of events?

damn you people are so fucking stupid it's frustrating more than entertaining.

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you have got to be FUCKING KIDDNG Me YOU CITE ME A REPORT THAT WAS CREATED AFTER THE WAR ENDED TO REFUTE THE FACT THAT BEFORE THE WAR EVERYONE AND THIER MOTHERS AND THIER INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES BELIVED SADDAM HAD AN ACTIVE WEAPONS PROGRAM ARE YOU SERIOUS!!!! does the linear fucking flow of time mean anything to you. have you managed to move in the 4th dimension and gained the ability to control the sequence of events?

damn you people are so fucking stupid it's frustrating more than entertaining.



I have no arguement I can defend.

The fact is loser, Saddam destroyed his WMDs after the Gulf War. In 1991. You see, after the Gulf War, the UN imposed sanctions on Saddam rendering him w/o financial resources to rebuild his arsenal and develop new weapons with the same technology WE sold him when Iraq was at war with Iran. It is true he wanted to build new weapons, however he had not the financial resources due to the sanctions. He figured if he destroyed the weapons he had (which he did not have much of after the Gulf War) the UN would believe he's making the commitment to be no longer a threat to the ME and therefore lift the sanctions but the UN refused. End result, NO WMD, NO FINANCIAL RESOURCES to rebuild his arsenal and develop NEW WMD including nuclear weapons.

The photos that were presented to the UN were DATA MINED. In other words, they DUPED the global community by using now 14 year old pictures and made them out to be recent. This has been well documented.

By the way imbecile, Bush admitted there were no WMD,


Kristol admitted there were no WMD,


Tenet admitted there were no WMD,


Colin Powell admitted there were no WMD,


And since then, the Bush Administration has abandoned the search for WMD.


Seriously, can you back your arguement now? Not with biased propaganda from the Bush Cheerleading Squad but with documented FACTS?

This will be interesting, lol. :D

By the way, this war never ended and yes, I will present an actual government document that proves he never had any WMD because the findings were after the fact that Bush and his clowns deceived both congress and the UN to wage an illegal war to exact revenge for his father and steal the oil. It's funny when the US marched onto Baghdad the first thing they did was head straight to the oil ministry while the museum was being pillaged and ransacked destroying historical artfacts etc...

You don't believe the war is illegal?

Richard Pearle admitted to it.


And if you still don't believe it, check out this US Government doc. Here are some excepts from it. The link is at the bottom if you want to read it in its entirety:

Mr. McDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. Delahunt) for having this session tonight. I come out here, it is 11:35 at night. You ask yourself, why does a Congressman come into the well at 11:30 at night to talk about Iraq. Well, today was an absolutely stunning day. And I will submit into the RECORD an article in the Guardian Newspaper from Thursday, November 20, entitled, ``War Critics Astonished as U.S. Hawk Admits Invasion was Illegal.''

Mr. Speaker, now in an absolutely stunning statement today, Richard Perle, who has been the chairman of the Defense Policy Board, this is the board that talks to the President about what he should do with defense, today he said, ``I think in this case international law stood in the way of doing the right thing.'' Now, consider what that means. International law says what we are doing is illegal, but we are going to go ahead and do it anyway because we made the decision that what we think is more important than international law.

In the same US Government document (Iraq Watch

An Ilegal Invasion?) dated November 21, 2003, I am going to cite, It went on to display the same article I posted from the Guardian I have already linked.

After the article was cited, McDermott continued,

"Mr. Speaker, I think that says a lot about why we are in the problem we are in. Because Perle went on to say that international law would have required us to leave Saddam Hussein alone. He admits it. International law would have required us to leave Saddam Hussein alone."

"Now, how can the President of the United States come before us and present this as an imminent danger and all this stuff when the law says you cannot do it? He did not want to go to the United Nations. We understand why he did not want to go to the United Nations. Why? If he had had to stand up to international law, he would never have been able to do this."

"Perle went on to say, this is unbelievable, really, when you think about it, he said, ``A divergence of view between the British Government and some senior voices in American public life who have expressed the view that, well, if it is the case that international law does not permit unilateral preemptive action without authority of the U.N., then the defect is in the international law.''



In other words Siceone, Bush's own people KNEW the war is illegal and McDermott (and the rest of the Bush Brass) knows Perle is right about this, so how can you extreme righties blatantly claim this war is legal when Bush's own people admitted the opposite of your (long since debunked) claims? I hope you can answer this because your arguements has just been totally destroyed, provenly flawed and has been completely debunked.

The UN charter:

Article 2, section 4 All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.

Exceptions for war are made in the case of self-defence or the defence of allied nations.

Since the US is a charter member of the UN and is signatory to the UN charter, it must abide by it. The US has violated it as well as the Geneva Convention. I hope you realize under military law (I will cite at the bottom of this post) the US military MUST abide under the geneva convention (international law) and so does the US itself.

No nation itself can unilaterally decide to enforce a UN resolution. And no nation itself can unilaterally decide to enforce a UN resolution."

Iraq never attacked the USA. Therefore Attacking Iraq is illegal. What Article 2 is trying to say is that a nation has the right to defend itself from an attacking enemy and can only attack a foreign entity when the foreign entity has attacked IT. Since Iraq did not attack the US, the US has no right to attack them. This is the point you are missing. The terrorists who attacked the US came from Saudi Arabia. Why haven't we attacked them??


Here is the military law I am going to cite:

3.1. Law of War. That part of international law that regulates the conduct of armed hostilities. It is often called the law of armed conflict. The law of war encompasses all international law for the conduct of hostilities binding on the United States or its individual citizens, including treaties and international agreements to which the United States is a party, and applicable customary international law.


en·com·pass Audio pronunciation of "encompasses" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (n-kmps)

tr.v. en·com·passed, en·com·pass·ing, en·com·pass·es

1. To form a circle or ring around; surround. See Synonyms at surround.

2. To enclose; envelop.

3. To constitute or include: a survey that encompassed a wide range of participants.

4. To accomplish; achieve.


The US has clearly violated their own law regarding international law and they know it.

Your worthless arguement has officially met its' complete destruction.

Consider yourself...


Go back to clown school mongoloid jr.


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you're a moron nothing can get it through to you putting oup a picture doesn't make you right genius.

and neither does you calling people morons make you right

sorry i chose the word carpet bombing , use whatever word you like

we destroyed the shit out of the country 15 yrs had haliburton build it up and destroyed it again this go around for some more NO bid Haliburton contracts to build it up again.

so the 200 billion we are giving them had nothing to do with their gdp going up???

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you're a moron nothing can get it through to you putting oup a picture doesn't make you right genius.


I have made this post to admit that you have proven me wrong and to admit you are absolutely correct and also to admit I cannot defend my arguement. With that being said, personal attacks is all I have left to resort to due to my frustration, lack of intelect and my own immaturity.

Thank you for your admittal.

Questioning the picture and not addressing the points I made with an educated counter arguement doesn't aid in any contribution in a legitamate debate and proves you have no arguement you are capable of defending and only validates the points of your adversaries. At least apply your personal attacks in such a manner that will make you look more intelligent.... oh wait.....

In other words siceone, grow up and present your arguement (if you have one you can defend which I doubt) with DOCUMENTED FACTS in a more adult and civil manner as well as within reason instead of throwing tantrums like a 6 year old child who had his toys taken away from him for misbehaving and being insubordinate to his parents.

Grow up.

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