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GITMO COCKTAIL: A must drink for the clueless left and anti-American brigade


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June 16, 2005 -- THE demands to shut down our Guantanamo lock-up for terrorists have nothing to do with human rights. They're about punishing America for our power and success.

From our ailing domestic left to overseas America haters, no one really cares about the fate of Mustapha the Murderer or Ahmed the Assassin. The lies told about Gitmo are meant to undercut U.S. foreign policy and embarrass America.

The Gitmo controversy is about many things, from jealousy of the United States and outrage that we refuse to fail, to residual anger that we won the Cold War and exploded the left's great fantasy of a dictatorship of the intellectuals. But the one thing the protests aren't about is human rights.

Except, of course, as a means to slam the United States.

Torture? Who and when? Koran abuse? I'd rather be a Koran in Gitmo than a Bible in Saudi Arabia. Illegal detentions? Suggest a better way to handle hardcore terrorists. Maltreatment? Spare me. The food the prisoners receive is better than what I had to eat in the Army.

Another thing: Would it be more humane to incarcerate the declared enemies of civilization in northern Alaska, rather than on a Caribbean beach?

Has the Bush administration made mistakes regarding Guantanamo? You bet. The biggest one was attempting to placate the critics. By launching a new investigation every time a terrorist had a toothache, our government played into the hands of its enemies.

The truth is that the terrorists and their defenders have something in common. It's not courage, which is one quality violent fanatics don't lack. It's that neither can be appeased.

Any concession only increases their appetites. The Clinton administration's reluctance to respond to terrorist strikes encouraged al Qaeda. If the Bush administration closed the Guantanamo facility, any alternative holding center would be attacked just as rabidly and dishonestly.

If we put our captives up at the Four Seasons, we'd be condemned because somebody smelled bacon at breakfast.

You can't negotiate with terrorists. And you cannot reason with ideologues — whether they're Islamist fanatics or pathetic old lefties fishing for a cause to give meaning to squandered lives. Terrorists, French and German neo-Stalinists, and our own democracy-hating intelligentsia aren't interested in facts. It's all about the comfort of belief.

Let's get this straight: Nothing we could do would appease those who feel a need for our country to fail. We must stop trying to satisfy them.

There's a military maxim that applies to all the nonsense about Gitmo: Don't let the entire battalion get bogged down by a sniper. By attempting to respond to the wild charges leveled by those who offer no solutions themselves — who have no interest in solutions — we've allowed anti-American basket cases from Harvard Yard to the German parliament to create an issue from nothing.

Oh, and thanks to the "mainstream" media for assuming that our country's always wrong.

There is a culture of torture in the world. Blessedly, America isn't part of it. When a few of our troops make mistakes, they're punished. Given the magnitude of our task and the unprecedented conditions we face, it's remarkable our errors have been so few.

What should enrage every decent citizen is that the real torturers — from Zimbabwe to China, from Syria to North Korea — get a pass from the political left. If terrorists behead defenseless captives on videotape, it's simply an expression of their culture. But if a handful of U.S. troops play an ugly round of Candid Camera, that's a new gulag.

As someone who takes human rights seriously, I'm appalled by the lack of sympathy the left feels toward the victims of any regime other than the Bush administration. Let's shout it to prisoners everywhere: If you're not harmed by an American, your suffering doesn't count.

The left's hypocrisy is immeasurable. The grandchildren of those who defended Stalin are mortified that Saddam Hussein will stand trial. By taking such irresponsible voices seriously, we grant our critics a strength they otherwise lack and simply help them keep their lies alive.

No matter what our country does, we will never please a global intelligentsia outraged that all their theories came to nothing. We can't satisfy al Qaeda, and we can't please those discontented souls who need to blame the United States for their personal inadequacies. It's time we stopped trying.

What should our nation's leaders say about Guantanamo and our treatment of captured terrorists? A lot less.

When comments are unavoidable, try this: "We're human. We make mistakes. We fix those mistakes. And we move on. Nothing will divert us from our mission of defeating terror and keeping our country safe."

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torture is torture

sexual humilition , religious desecration , hooking up electric currents to genitals, smearing menstural blood on prisoners

funny too how these "prisoners" are branded liars and incapable of telling the truth aboout their allegations , yet we go to these measures to get info out of them???

wouldnt the info be all lies as well?

GItmo is a black eye for us

save all your neocon rhetoric for the Fox crowd

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torture is torture

sexual humilition , religious desecration , hooking up electric currents to genitals, smearing menstural blood on prisoners

funny too how these "prisoners" are branded liars and incapable of telling the truth aboout their allegations , yet we go to these measures to get info out of them???

wouldnt the info be all lies as well?

GItmo is a black eye for us

save all your neocon rhetoric for the Fox crowd

Clueless schmucks like yourself are a black-eye for all of us.........

Save your clueless bullshit for the rest of the clueless brigade and your anti-American circle jerks, that no doubt history will once again prove are insignifcant, wrong, and blowhards....

BTW--these "prisoners" --if you are so concerned, why don't you take one of these "prisoners" in.....show him what a loving, caring, why do they hate us moronic imbecile schmuckboy repulsive moral equivalency jerkoff like yourself has to offer.....

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Clueless schmucks like yourself are a black-eye for all of us.........

Save your clueless bullshit for the rest of the clueless brigade and your anti-American circle jerks, that no doubt history will once again prove are insignifcant, wrong, and blowhards....

BTW--these "prisoners" --if you are so concerned, why don't you take one of these "prisoners" in.....show him what a loving, caring, why do they hate us moronic imbecile schmuckboy repulsive moral equivalency jerkoff like yourself has to offer.....

same pathetic responses from a weak minded sheep

good job ickgoo

you need to come up with a new act ..its as tired as your views on everything

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same pathetic responses from a weak minded sheep

good job ickgoo

you need to come up with a new act ..its as tired as your views on everything

Good comeback jerkoff.....file it for use another day it was so well done....

I am glad you used the word tired, because there is not a more accurate description of the vomit than flows from your cunt.....

I am glad you used the word weak-minded, because there is not a more accurate description that reflects clowns like you who are the easy target for the rhetoric and propoganda used by our enemies (yes, enemies jerkoff--there is a real war going on in the real world, not just some empty bullshit at your little anti-American orgies)., and used by like minded fools, lefties, and blind Bush haters to think they are above everyone else.

But do me a favor, don't come up with a new act, despite how tired, lame, and hollow it is....because it actually serves a useful purpose....it is a reminder that those who are not like you are on the right track....and thank God for that....

This Ralph Peters piece couldn't be more perfectly aligned to address clueless shit turds like you.....absolutely perfect

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Good comeback jerkoff.....file it for use another day it was so well done....

I am glad you used the word tired, because there is not a more accurate description of the vomit than flows from your cunt.....

I am glad you used the word weak-minded, because there is not a more accurate description that reflects clowns like you who are the easy target for the rhetoric and propoganda used by our enemies (yes, enemies jerkoff--there is a real war going on in the real world, not just some empty bullshit at your little anti-American orgies)., and used by like minded fools, lefties, and blind Bush haters to think they are above everyone else.

But do me a favor, don't come up with a new act, despite how tired, lame, and hollow it is....because it actually serves a useful purpose....it is a reminder that those who are not like you are on the right track....and thank God for that....

This Ralph Peters piece couldn't be more perfectly aligned to address clueless shit turds like you.....absolutely perfect

great use of curse words .. says alot of your intelligence when thats all you can use ....and you said nothing to refute or even comment on my original response to your post

and its a war(the iraq part)we were deceived into going into and tens of thousands of lives were lost.. all on this administrations head

you fuckwad neocons are so lucky the avg. american is too concerend about runaway brides , michael jackson and AMerican Idols...

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great use of curse words .. says alot of your intelligence when thats all you can use ....and you said nothing to refute or even comment on my original response to your post

and its a war(the iraq part)we were deceived into going into and tens of thousands of lives were lost.. all on this administrations head

you fuckwad neocons are so lucky the avg. american is too concerend about runaway brides , michael jackson and AMerican Idols...


Son, my nut custard has a higher IQ than you........

And it is not just about Iraq you simple minded, retarded putz......that is the problems with you clueless wonders, you have no fucking idea what you are talking about....

Deceived???,....blah, blah, blah....save that vomit for your protests clownboy.....talk about tired

"Average American"- classic, absolutely classic use of words...what a typical liberal jerkoff you are......BTW--what does that make you in your eyes anti-American turdboy?

And refute what jerkoff, that pile of shit you laid down? wow...what brilliance on your part.....did you think that steaming load of shit refuted what Peters was saying? :rofl: .........

Like I said, his piece could not have been more accurately directed at you......the classic blame America first , misguided moral equivalency, highlight the minority to stain the majority, clueless jerkoff.......

So, take a look at your insightful post

torture is torture

sexual humilition , religious desecration , hooking up electric currents to genitals, smearing menstural blood on prisoners

funny too how these "prisoners" are branded liars and incapable of telling the truth aboout their allegations , yet we go to these measures to get info out of them???

wouldnt the info be all lies as well?

GItmo is a black eye for us

save all your neocon rhetoric for the Fox crowd

Wow...torture is torture.......patent that one Einstein.......

Using "prisoners"....speaks for itself and your thinking...no need to say any more on that...

Use the word neocon---easy using words you see in headlines but don't have a clue about--it is painfully apparent

Gitmo is a black eye because people like you, and those in the media, have an agenda to make it a black eye....is that simple

You choose to ignore who these people are, what they have been trained to do......you choose to ignore they eat better than our own military forces...........you choose to ignore we treat their religious beliefs and Korans better than you jerkoffs treat the Christian people in your own country............you choose to ignore that we paint an arrow on the floor of their cells pointing towards Mecca, while they look to behead anyone they capture....you choose to ignore that 12 of the releases detainees have been caught fighting us again......you choose to ignore that there terrorists are not part of a state, or nation, or standing army......

Over 24,000 interogations, and you choose to focus on the CONFIRMED, FACTUAL minority times where we fucked up...but of course, ignoring that these were addressed, and that measures were put in place to make sure it does not happen again....which is exactly WHAT SHOULD be highlighted, but anti-Americans and Bush haters like you would never want to show what differentiates us from them.....

You look to elevate every fuck up, no matter how inconsequential it may be, in order to stain the whole....but God forbid someone says a Muslim is a terrorist, than you hypcorites are in arms calling people racists for branding a whole because of the actions of a few....funny how that same logic does not apply to your own country, and your own military....

Were mistakes made, yes...were some of them disgusting, yes. Will more mistakes be made-yes. But it is a war, and we have hundreds of thousands of military and intelligence people fighting a real war, one that was never waged before.....and it is disgraceful that jerkoffs like you, and some in the media, with their never-ending beating of the America sucks drum, continue to try and portray the minority as the majority......to apply a repulsive moral equivalency that you should be ashamed of... to diminish real accomplishments in favor of highlighting the doom and gloom......and do exactly what are enemies expect and count on-show no stomach for war.

I would rather you just shut the fuck up, and let the big boys take care of the real problems....

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Iglost... You're the one who needs to do the shutting up since you advocate torture.

Listening to your moronic babble is torture..........they should hire you for Gitmo, your idiosy laced vomit would make any hardened terrorist talk.........

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Listening to your moronic babble is torture..........they should hire you for Gitmo, your idiosy laced vomit would make any hardened terrorist talk.........

Torture is unamerican and any american who advocates torture like you do is sick and needs help. Scratch that. You're beyond help. Kill yourself.

Here are some tips.

Fucking trolling maggot. I know you're bitter because Bush and his goons are taking a pounding in the polls.

Has it ever occured to you that it is up to congress to either keep the gitmo gulag open or decide to close it? After all, in the constitution, congress opens or closes military bases. The president and the pentagon has no say in that matter.

Article 1

Section 8

Of the Constitution

Article 1

Section 8

Section 8. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;

To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;

To establish post offices and post roads;

To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;

To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court;

To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations;

To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;

To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years;

To provide and maintain a navy;

To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;

To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings;--And

To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof.


Has it also occured to you that it is a violation of the 8th amendment of the bill of rights (torture)...

Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.


...and is also against military law? I know. I come from a military family.

Don't force me to cite the law.

you are a stooge

I know you are but what am I. :)

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Torture is unamerican and any american who advocates torture like you do is sick and needs help. Scratch that. You're beyond help. Kill yourself.

Here are some tips.

Fucking trolling maggot. I know you're bitter because Bush and his goons are taking a pounding in the polls.

Has it ever occured to you that it is up to congress to either keep the gitmo gulag open or decide to close it? After all, in the constitution, congress opens or closes military bases. The president and the pentagon has no say in that matter.

Article 1

Section 8

Of the Constitution


Has it also occured to you that it is a violation of the 8th amendment of the bill of rights (torture)...


...and is also against military law? I know. I come from a military family.

Don't force me to cite the law.

I know you are but what am I. :)

Wow..what an impressive cut and paste.....please send to the White House and Pentagon Counsel's office, as well as the AG.....they probably didn't know this important information that you posted..........thank God there are those like you to offer such enlightment............we should defintely impeach Bush based on this post...good job!

Now, to repeat, they should send you to Gitmo----your existence is torture....but I would not tell you to kill yourself........like I said earlier, the world needs imbeciles like you....just a reminder that those not like you are on the right path....

SO good job today, you did two good things... a brilliant post of the "law" that somehow slipped through the clutches of the evil Bush administration and their torture chambers.......maybe, just maybe, if you can inform Bush and his fellow Nazi's about this, they can act in time to get their approval ratings higher....I mean after all, what's more important, what someone like you thinks or national security........and of couse, your second good deed was again demonstrating your ignorance, stupidity, and bottom-less pit of idiosy that provides the perfect barometer in determining if the Bush team is doing something right.....cause if blowhards like you are barking, it must be the right thing to do...

Thanks again jerkoff, and take pride that you are a complete imbecile.....because you obviously work hard at it...


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Son, my nut custard has a higher IQ than you........

And it is not just about Iraq you simple minded, retarded putz......that is the problems with you clueless wonders, you have no fucking idea what you are talking about....

Deceived???,....blah, blah, blah....save that vomit for your protests clownboy.....talk about tired

"Average American"- classic, absolutely classic use of words...what a typical liberal jerkoff you are......BTW--what does that make you in your eyes anti-American turdboy?

And refute what jerkoff, that pile of shit you laid down? wow...what brilliance on your part.....did you think that steaming load of shit refuted what Peters was saying? :rofl: .........

Like I said, his piece could not have been more accurately directed at you......the classic blame America first , misguided moral equivalency, highlight the minority to stain the majority, clueless jerkoff.......

So, take a look at your insightful post

torture is torture

sexual humilition , religious desecration , hooking up electric currents to genitals, smearing menstural blood on prisoners

funny too how these "prisoners" are branded liars and incapable of telling the truth aboout their allegations , yet we go to these measures to get info out of them???

wouldnt the info be all lies as well?

GItmo is a black eye for us

save all your neocon rhetoric for the Fox crowd

Wow...torture is torture.......patent that one Einstein.......

Using "prisoners"....speaks for itself and your thinking...no need to say any more on that...

Use the word neocon---easy using words you see in headlines but don't have a clue about--it is painfully apparent

Gitmo is a black eye because people like you, and those in the media, have an agenda to make it a black eye....is that simple

You choose to ignore who these people are, what they have been trained to do......you choose to ignore they eat better than our own military forces...........you choose to ignore we treat their religious beliefs and Korans better than you jerkoffs treat the Christian people in your own country............you choose to ignore that we paint an arrow on the floor of their cells pointing towards Mecca, while they look to behead anyone they capture....you choose to ignore that 12 of the releases detainees have been caught fighting us again......you choose to ignore that there terrorists are not part of a state, or nation, or standing army......

Over 24,000 interogations, and you choose to focus on the CONFIRMED, FACTUAL minority times where we fucked up...but of course, ignoring that these were addressed, and that measures were put in place to make sure it does not happen again....which is exactly WHAT SHOULD be highlighted, but anti-Americans and Bush haters like you would never want to show what differentiates us from them.....

You look to elevate every fuck up, no matter how inconsequential it may be, in order to stain the whole....but God forbid someone says a Muslim is a terrorist, than you hypcorites are in arms calling people racists for branding a whole because of the actions of a few....funny how that same logic does not apply to your own country, and your own military....

Were mistakes made, yes...were some of them disgusting, yes. Will more mistakes be made-yes. But it is a war, and we have hundreds of thousands of military and intelligence people fighting a real war, one that was never waged before.....and it is disgraceful that jerkoffs like you, and some in the media, with their never-ending beating of the America sucks drum, continue to try and portray the minority as the majority......to apply a repulsive moral equivalency that you should be ashamed of... to diminish real accomplishments in favor of highlighting the doom and gloom......and do exactly what are enemies expect and count on-show no stomach for war.

I would rather you just shut the fuck up, and let the big boys take care of the real problems....



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Wow... a Sean Hannity reference....Hall of Fame material .............

No need to use caps son...you got spanked, your shit was shoved back up your hole, and you are dumb......deal with it

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Wow..what an impressive cut and paste.....please send to the White House and Pentagon Counsel's office, as well as the AG.....they probably didn't know this important information that you posted..........thank God there are those like you to offer such enlightment............we should defintely impeach Bush based on this post...good job!

Now, to repeat, they should send you to Gitmo----your existence is torture....but I would not tell you to kill yourself........like I said earlier, the world needs imbeciles like you....just a reminder that those not like you are on the right path....

SO good job today, you did two good things... a brilliant post of the "law" that somehow slipped through the clutches of the evil Bush administration and their torture chambers.......maybe, just maybe, if you can inform Bush and his fellow Nazi's about this, they can act in time to get their approval ratings higher....I mean after all, what's more important, what someone like you thinks or national security........and of couse, your second good deed was again demonstrating your ignorance, stupidity, and bottom-less pit of idiosy that provides the perfect barometer in determining if the Bush team is doing something right.....cause if blowhards like you are barking, it must be the right thing to do...

Thanks again jerkoff, and take pride that you are a complete imbecile.....because you obviously work hard at it...



You should be proud THe King Of cutting and pasting is congratulating you on your cut/paste.

Igloo you are a fuckin fooooool

D o w n i n g s t r e e t i s c a l l i n g y o u

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Wow... a Sean Hannity reference....Hall of Fame material .............

No need to use caps son...you got spanked, your shit was shoved back up your hole, and you are dumb......deal with it

puhlleeeeze you claiming a victory here is like Bush claiming major military combat activity was over in Iraq .... 2 years ago

ROck on skippy!!

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