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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

Twilo Questions

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Hey everyone. As Twilo's General Manager I have some things that I want to say on behalf of the club.

I am very dissapointed that some of you would try to boycott the club. For years I have been bringing in the best dj talent in the world. And this is how you repay me? Some of you make it sound as if the private ambulance service I am running is a bad thing. Tell me Why? All I am doing is taking care of the people who fill my pockets with loads of money. If the ambulance was not there then those peole might have died(God Forbid) and not come back next week to see our fine dj's perform.

Also whats this problem you guys have with stuffing people in closets. Obviously you must have not seen how clean and spacious they are. So to make you happy there will be some changes. All our closets will now be equipped with the same sound system and lighting that rocks the dancefloor just in case you ever find yourself resting(thats what I like to call it) inside. And as an added bonus I will take .50 cents off the cover price the next time you come to our wonderful club if you can just clean up the place after yourself so it looks nice for the next group of people that need to rest.

Oh but here's the great part. For the low price of $50 you can take part in "The Closet Tours". They will be running Monday thru Thursday from 4pm to 4:15pm. This is will be going on for a very limited time only so come down and be part fo the fun.

And finally I just want to break down what you get for your $35 admission price:

-a night of great music

-access to our now WORLD FAMOUS closets

-free hosing down if necessary

-an escort to sidewalk in front of club

-ride to emergency doors of local hospital

If there's anything you think would make the club better just tell me.

P.S- If any of you are missing any friends tell me. I would be more than happy to check any corners or closets in the club.

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whatever dude...

big bla bla bla....

these fkn impostors r gettin to my nerves!


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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