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You're entitled to your opinion, I'm sure there are plenty of DJs you like that I do not, but saying Porter 'stole' anything from Digweed is just plain false, I'm sorry, you couldn't be more wrong. Their styles are worlds apart...WORLDS. Their taste in music, their production, even the way they mix, nothing alike. Steve plays and produces funky house, and only plays the 'meat' opf each track, the middle 4 minutes. That's why his hour long mixes boast 15-20 tracks. Digweed, on the other hand, plays and produses deep progressive, and prefers longer drawn out mixing. Listen to recent Kiss100 mixes by both, it's readily apparent. True Steve was more progressive back 3 years ago when he was involved with the Bedrock crew, but that was a long time ago, try to keep up. That comment just shows you don't really know what you're talking about. Again, it's fine to just not like someone, but don't use some wholly inaccurate basis as a justification.
well said counsel..
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i don't know... i offer my opinion. i think the some of the unique samples are the same... sasha and digweed have been taking things from eachother for years. but they do it well and they edit those sounds to suit thier style... i dont know, i'd prob. never hear the name porter if it was not for the boston people sweating him so much.

why would diggers endorse the guy then? :confused:
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wheres whorebags backup to her absurd statement about a funky house dj thats pumping out more of his own bombs than you can imagine thats stealing a progressive dj that spins NOTHING like him (in fact i cant think of one tune they both spin) that hasnt done much producing in recent years.

While I usually like to play devil's advocate, those are great points stymie.

I usually am pretty good at making outlandish statements, but crowina you took the cake on this one.

I would still bang u though

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i don't know... i offer my opinion. i think the some of the unique samples are the same... sasha and digweed have been taking things from eachother for years. but they do it well and they edit those sounds to suit thier style... i dont know, i'd prob. never hear the name porter if it was not for the boston people sweating him so much.
stop tryin to get on stymie's good side now..
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shes never heard the name porter yet she has sasha in her sig that spins half of porters shit and tours with porter and is having porter open up for him @ his ibiza partys this year.

she probably doesnt even know thats sasha in her sig...

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