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Do you consider MOBY a sell out?

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I was watching this show on VH1, All Access, and they were doing the Cheers & Jeers in the entertainment industry for this year. They gave cheers for Moby for in a way selling out and making that type of music heard to the masses. Normally they would never hear this type of music. It never got any play (no pun)until every song off his album "Play" was licensed for a movie soundtrack or for commercials.

So...do you consider a Moby a sell out? confused.gif

I consider him a "sell out" up to a point. If the record company didn't license out all of his songs...I don't think he would be this huge "pop" star as he is today.

For the record...Moby's albums never really did anything for me. Only song that I like off the latest album was "Porcelin" and the latest "South Side" remix with Gwen Stefani...which is decent.

I read articles and interviews that back in the day he was great DJ and amazing to hear. Too bad we're never going to get to him spin records in a club again because of his huge popularity.


maybe someday is when it all stops or maybe someday always comes again...


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That's a really good question...Yes, i do think he is a bit of a sell out. However, the money was there to be made, he just went out and got it. I can't really blame him for that. Even though his music is a bit "played" now, i do think that he puts out really good music and i still enjoy it as much today as i always have.


Fatboy Slim is Fucking in Heaven!

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Every one of these DJs wishes they could be a sell out...

Sell out stadiums... sell out cds... sell out every fucking event they get booked at... sell themselves out sillu so they don't have to slave about the future like the rest of us regular folks...

They say yeah, more peeps will get to hear their shit... my ass... might be true, but it's the money stupid <general comment>.

Yeah... being a sell out, everyone should hope for the chance... if I was a DJ and some toilet paper company wanted to license my shit on a commercial, I'll be like where do I wipe, huh, sign...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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I don't think he's a sellout...it's not his fault that every track on his new album kicks ass...what's the problem with that?

You will change your mind if you go see him live...he gives the crowd all he has every song...jumping all over the place and screaming and shit...

I've saw him in a random bar in upstate NY last summer before he blew up and wondered why he wasn't big yet...then I saw him again here in NYC in Oct. and saw how far he has come...I don't think he's a sellout at all and I'm happpy to see that he is doing so well...

"Thank you...Thank you...Thank you...Thank you...Thank you..." - Moby


"Up all night...sleep all day."



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I have seen moby a few times over the years. i used to like when he actually did spin. Do i think he is a sellout? No. Why shouldn't he be making all the money and getting all the fame he is recieving now. He worked hard and his music is slammin. Everyone who becomes famous is called a sellout. Some are and some aren't. I think MOBY doesn't forget about his roots.




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Definetly not a sell out

If it wasnt for Mody most people would have never heard this type of music. I mean its kinda because of him that we have this new type of music called ELECTRONICA. He is doing whay EVERY dj wants to do GET HIS MUSIC OUT TO THE WOLRD. Im sure that if a record caompany gave you $1 million toget your music you would have spend half of it befor lunch time....


Howz Ya BOX?

Like a Biskit....

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