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English Police shows the world how it's done!!! (WTF???)


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I woke up today to dantesque images on CNN that resembled nazi ss footage from the rounding of the ghettos back in the second world war. Entire buildings in London and Rome were rounded by heavily armed police forces and all 4 suspects of the July 21 failed bombing attempt in London were captured...dang! Street were closed and all possible hideouts were subject of full blown raid...stormtrooper style, if you what I mean. :eek:

LONDON (Reuters) - British police on Friday arrested two more of the suspected bombers they had been hunting over failed attacks on London's transport system, TV reports quoted police sources as saying. A police source, hailing a breakthrough in Britain's biggest ever manhunt, told Reuters the arrests were "potentially very significant." Only one of the four suspected attackers whose bombs failed to explode on July 21 remains at large.

the full monty

Now, they asked each and every person to get out of their apartments and lined them up in front of their buildings for identification, while they searched all their apartments, triggered assault weapons in hand...is this a sign of the times? Has London taken a step forward in its investigative style? I mean, England was legendary for the investigative powers of its police force, so much so that the Scotland Yard was often hired by other countries to train their personnel.

This goes to prove that in times of terrorism, a soft hand will just not do the job, also, the time factor between the time of the incident and the search has to be minimum, quick reaction and an agressive tactic won them gold, good for them...still, I think they talk funny and have bad teeth, I heard it's because they don't use fluoride on their water treatment plants...supposedly, the american water processing plants add fluoride...why are you reading this?


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They do it right!! I'ts sad to say, but, if that were here in the U.S. The people in that building would have refused to come out and there would have been protestors already in the streets and Fox News would have been reporting on site stating that the Police forced their way into into the building and dragged innocent people out into the middle of the steets, some in their underwear. They would have made a big scandle and the police would have been looked down upon.

just my opinion.

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it's a fine job. it’s unfortunate that the 27 year old Brazilian kid that was shot at point blank range multiple times, is just an after thought. simply because someone didn’t stop when asked, does not give one the right to use deadly force... to this day know one has been disciplined or held accountable for his death.

while I’m impressed with Britain’s aggressiveness in addressing terrorism... the lost of innocent people’s lives should not be tolerated, or go without punishment to those involved.

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it's a fine job. it’s unfortunate that the 27 year old Brazilian kid that was shot at point blank range multiple times, is just an after thought. simply because someone didn’t stop when asked, does not give one the right to use deadly force... to this day know one has been disciplined or held accountable for his death.

while I’m impressed with Britain’s aggressiveness in addressing terrorism... the lost of innocent people’s lives should not be tolerated, or go without punishment to those involved.

I agree 100% with you Tony, I was reading into what happened and it was one sad situation where chaos broke out from poor communication and desperation...the brazilian guy looked suspicious and 5 policemen in civil clothing pulled their guns on him as the guy freaked out and ran, thinking it was a stick-up...so the fish-and-chips eating cops unloaded unnecessarily all at once...as it urns out, the guy did not speak english very well...again, the system down there seems to be much more severe than ours...here, a funny say is "speak english or get of the country" down there, well...this is no time to be wandering england on a trenchcoat with a grown beard without a bit if conversation level english...from now on, stop means stop.

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A country has just sustained a terrorist attack in it's transit system, in which over 50 people die.

The police follow a individual out of a house that was suspected to be the residence of one of the bombers.

They follow the individual into the subway.

They approach him and order him to stop.

He immediately takes off running.



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They dont waste their time looking for justifications of lurking into other countries to get into a war with.. more like hunt down the direct suspects unlike.. uuhuumm.. America. They know how to direct their resources and intelligence, not throw billions of dollars to gain.... NOTHING.

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A country has just sustained a terrorist attack in it's transit system, in which over 50 people die.

The police follow a individual out of a house that was suspected to be the residence of one of the bombers.

They follow the individual into the subway.

They approach him and order him to stop.

He immediately takes off running.



a group of men. not identifying themselves draw guns on SGTfury in a subway. would sgtfury stop or run for his life? one bullet was not enough apparently it took over 5 shots at close range to kill an unarmed man , I call that murder. if that happen in the states the officers would be up on charges.

if this wasn't enough Scotland Yard would not say he was NOT a terror suspect, until a news report came out stating he was not. then they had no choice, but admit they f*cked up..

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They do it right!! I'ts sad to say, but, if that were here in the U.S. The people in that building would have refused to come out and there would have been protestors already in the streets and Fox News would have been reporting on site stating that the Police forced their way into into the building and dragged innocent people out into the middle of the steets, some in their underwear. They would have made a big scandle and the police would have been looked down upon.

just my opinion.

You think that Murdoch would allow such reporting? :confused:


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Nice headlines, hu?




Actually, they got those bastards and few bastards hiding out in Italy. How is that for crime solving. Im against this Iraq war/occupation, but when it comes to terrorists like these pussy's, I say parade them out in their underwear and then kick them in the balls 10 or 12 times. These guys are the ultimate cowards, bombing metro trains? WTF.


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Fuck the brits have to live in that weather, they can put up with anything!!

and seriously, they do not fuck around, they can stop the press from printing stuff, read mail, blanket searches, and a whole bunch of shit that would never be toloerated here. But their inteligence services have been close to top in the world for over a 100 years, and they play for keeps!

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