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somebody forgot to tell the insurgents


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that DIck Cheney said that they are in their last throes..

7 marines killed 2 days ago and now 14 more

have fun on your 5 weeek vacation in crawford george

By TINI TRAN, Associated Press Writer

50 minutes ago

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A Marine amphibious assault vehicle on patrol during combat operations near the Syrian border hit a roadside bomb Wednesday, and 14 Marines were killed in one of the deadliest single attacks in Iraq against American forces.

A civilian interpreter also was killed in the bombing, which came two days after seven Marines died in the same area during combat with insurgents. At least 1,820 members of the U.S. military have died since the Iraq war began in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.

Also, an American freelance journalist was found dead in the southern Iraqi city of Basra, the U.S. Embassy said. Steven Vincent had been shot multiple times after he and his Iraqi translator were abducted at gunpoint hours earlier, police said.

The Marines killed Wednesday were assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), the military said. One Marine also was wounded in the attack.

The explosion occurred just outside Haditha, which is 140 miles northwest of Baghdad.

The Marines were riding in an amphibious assault vehicle, which is designed to carry troops from ship to shore and on land. It has a road speed of about 45 mph and can carry up to 25 Marines. It is not as heavily armored as the Bradley fighting vehicles that the army uses.

The names of those killed were not released.

The latest losses come on the heels of the deaths of seven U.S. Marines in combat two days ago in the volatile Euphrates Valley of western Iraq, where American forces are trying to seal a major border infiltration route for foreign fighters.

One of the Marines died in a suicide car bombing in Hit, 85 miles northwest of Baghdad. The other six were killed Monday in Haditha, 50 miles from Hit, while battling insurgents. They all were attached to the same suburban Cleveland unit.

The American deaths come as the Bush administration is talking about handing more security responsibility to the Iraqis and drawing down forces next year.

At least 39 American service members have been killed in Iraq since July 24 — all but two in combat. In addition, the Iraqi Defense Ministry said that since the beginning of April, more than 2,700 Iraqis — about half of them civilians — had been killed in insurgency-related incidents.

The extremist Ansar al-Sunnah Army claimed responsibility for killing the six Marines on Monday.

Masked gunmen showed up in the Haditha public market Monday afternoon displaying helmets, flak jackets and other equipment they said were taken from the bodies of the dead Marines.

Fighting has intensified in recent weeks in Haditha, Hit and other dusty towns along the Euphrates River as American forces step up efforts to seal off the approaches to the Syrian border.

The Marines launched a series of operations in the region in May and June in hopes of pacifying the area so Iraqi military and civilian forces could assume effective control. But the insurgents have proven resilient.

Iraqi police said Vincent, a writer who had been living in New York, had been staying in Basra for several months working on a book about the city's history.

Vincent and was abducted along with his female translator at gunpoint Tuesday evening, police said. His translator, Nour Weidi, was seriously wounded.

They were seized by five gunmen in a police car as they left a currency exchange shop, police Lt. Col. Karim al-Zaidi said.

In an opinion column published July 31 in The New York Times, Vincent wrote that Basra's police force had been heavily infiltrated by members of Shiite political groups, including those loyal to radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

Vincent quoted an unidentified Iraqi police lieutenant as saying that some police were behind many of the assassinations of former Baath Party members that have taken place in Basra.

Vincent's body was discovered on the side of the highway south of Basra later. He had been shot in the head and multiple times in the body, al-Zaidi said.

According to the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists, at least 46 journalists and 20 media support workers have been killed while covering the war in Iraq since March 2003. Insurgent actions are responsible for the bulk of deaths.

The Vienna, Austria-based media watchdog International Press Institute condemned Vincent's killing and urged Iraqi authorities to conduct a speedy and thorough investigation.

The death underscored how "Iraq continues to be the most dangerous country in the world in which to work as a journalist," the group said.

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...that think things are getting better .


Insurgents using more powerful roadside bombs, military panel says

By Drew Brown, Knight Ridder Newspapers Tue Aug 2, 6:41 PM ET

WASHINGTON - Insurgents in Iraq are adjusting their tactics and using bigger and more powerful explosives to target the vulnerable undersides of armored Humvees and other military vehicles, according to a Pentagon group assigned to find ways to counter roadside bombs.

Since July 24, at least 17 U.S. soldiers and Marines have been killed by such attacks, according to Defense Department press releases and on-the-scene media reports.

"The terrorists are now using larger, more powerful IEDs, and they are attacking the undercarriages of our vehicles now, where the armor is not as thick as on the sides," said Richard Bridges, a spokesman for the Joint IED Defeat Task Force, the Pentagon group charged with analyzing the attacks and creating ways to counter the bombs. "They are also, in some instances, using home-engineered shaped charges that are more effective at penetrating armor."

IED is an acronym for "improvised explosive device," which the military uses to describe various bomb attacks, but which is used most frequently to describe the roadside explosions. A "shaped charge" makes a blast more powerful by directing the force of the explosion toward the target.

In July, IEDs claimed 39 lives among multinational troops in Iraq, the highest monthly total since the war began in March 2003. Of those, 36 were Americans, tying June's U.S. total and continuing a trend of IEDs being the No. 1 cause of U.S. casualties, according to Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, a Web site that compiles statistics on U.S. and allied casualties based on Defense Department press releases and media reports.

In May, 33 Americans were killed by IEDs. The worst previous month was January, when IEDs killed 29 U.S. soldiers, according to the Web site.

The most recent spike in fatal attacks began July 24 when four soldiers with the Georgia National Guard's 48th Brigade Combat Team were killed after a bomb exploded under their armored Humvee while they were on patrol south of Baghdad.

The attack involved an estimated 600 pounds of explosives that had been buried in the road, the Macon Telegraph reported. The deaths were the brigade's first combat fatalities since World War II.

Also on July 24, four soldiers with the 3rd Armored Calvary Regiment, based in Fort Carson, Colo., were killed in Baghdad when a bomb exploded near their Bradley Fighting Vehicle. No details were available on the amount of explosives used in that attack.

Two soldiers with the 89th Military Police Brigade, based in Fort Hood, Texas, were killed July 27 after their Humvee was hit by a bomb during a patrol in Ashraf, Iraq.

Four more soldiers with the 48th Brigade Combat Team were killed July 30 when their armored Humvee was hit by about 500 pounds of explosives. That bomb had also been buried, according to the Macon Telegraph. The Telegraph quoted Brig. Gen. Stewart Rodeheaver, the brigade's commander, as saying his soldiers had discovered about a dozen bombs in the area the previous week.

At least 448 U.S. service members have been killed by IEDs in Iraq during the past two years. They constitute nearly one-third of the 1,402 U.S. troops killed by hostile fire during the war, according to Iraq Coalition Casualty Count. Another 404 troops have died in accidents or of illnesses.

Despite the recent spike, Bridges said U.S. forces "still are rendering safe" about 40 percent of the bombs they encounter before they explode. He also said intelligence-gathering efforts on bomb-making cells have improved and that better cooperation from the Iraqi public has helped.

"There have been some successes in that regard, and we've taken out dozens of these bad guys," he said.

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Im so glad we have all these military scholars that know how to fight wars and can expound on this glorious message board about the mindset and the capability and level of desperation and progress of the TERRORISTS in Iraq. because with out your exclusive network of intelligence assets and NYT Editorials I wouldn't know that it was proper to cheer for the ENEMY!!!

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Im so glad we have all these military scholars that know how to fight wars and can expound on this glorious message board about the mindset and the capability and level of desperation and progress of the TERRORISTS in Iraq. because with out your exclusive network of intelligence assets and NYT Editorials I wouldn't know that it was proper to cheer for the ENEMY!!!


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Im so glad we have all these military scholars that know how to fight wars and can expound on this glorious message board about the mindset and the capability and level of desperation and progress of the TERRORISTS in Iraq. because with out your exclusive network of intelligence assets and NYT Editorials I wouldn't know that it was proper to cheer for the ENEMY!!!

fucking outstandng and on point! Once again, the mental midget twins mursa and bxbomb exposed for the repulsive jerkoffs that they are.

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Im so glad we have all these military scholars that know how to fight wars and can expound on this glorious message board about the mindset and the capability and level of desperation and progress of the TERRORISTS in Iraq. because with out your exclusive network of intelligence assets and NYT Editorials I wouldn't know that it was proper to cheer for the ENEMY!!!

lol...it's not cheering for the Enemy ......ITS SIMPLY SAYING WHAT IS OCCURING ..........and not being in denial like some of you seem to be suffering .

...but hey, if it's self-gratifying to say that the terrorists are "desperate" and "on their final leg " then go ahead ...... but I will on occasion smack you in the back of your head with the news and actual facts . ...... not opinions/editorials of some right wing nutcase like many of you seem to do . . :beer:

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lol...it's not cheering for the Enemy ......ITS SIMPLY SAYING WHAT IS OCCURING ..........and not being in denial like some of you seem to be suffering .

...but hey, if it's self-gratifying to say that the terrorists are "desperate" and "on their final leg " then go ahead ...... but I will on occasion smack you in the back of your head with the news and actual facts . ...... not opinions/editorials of some right wing nutcase like many of you seem to do . . :beer:

you got exposed and spanked......again, and easily.........deal with it mental midget sheepboy....hurry up now, run to the headlines to get your "news" and "facts" you fucking ignorant simpleton moron........

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fucking outstandng and on point! Once again, the mental midget twins mursa and bxbomb exposed for the repulsive jerkoffs that they are.

Dick smoker, get off of siceones pole for a minute and look what i wrote, you should have the problem with president cheney and his comments not mine

and sicone WTF are you talking about and how does your comment remotely relate to what i posted

cant deal with the fact that your president made a huge mistake and saying that the insurgency was in its last throes

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Dick smoker, get off of siceones pole for a minute and look what i wrote, you should have the problem with president cheney and his comments not mine

and sicone WTF are you talking about and how does your comment remotely relate to what i posted

cant deal with the fact that your president made a huge mistake and saying that the insurgency was in its last throes

he's a lil Sheep...he grazes on propoganda all day long until he actually believes it , what else would you expect from someone who has a quote from John Podoretz (along side Ann Coultart are the top 2 American Extremist today ) in his sig .

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he's a lil Sheep...he grazes on propoganda all day long until he actually believes it , what else would you expect from someone who has a quote from John Podoretz (along side Ann Coultart are the top 2 American Extremist today ) in his sig .


I take back what I said......please don't kill yourself mental midget.....you do have a purpose......if someone is having a bad day, all they need to do is read your jibberish, and say" well, at least I am not a moronic jerkoff sheepdog like Mursa"......

See simpleton, you do have purpose (other than being a useful idiot for those against us)

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I take back what I said......please don't kill yourself mental midget.....you do have a purpose......if someone is having a bad day, all they need to do is read your jibberish, and say" well, at least I am not a moronic jerkoff sheepdog like Mursa"......

See simpleton, you do have purpose (other than being a useful idiot for those against us)

Here igloo ... some spank the monkey material . :) enjoy


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Here igloo ... some spank the monkey material . :) enjoy

:nono: ...let's not get crazy now....I said you don't have to kill yourself, and I admitted you have a purpose, but you don't have to continually show your mental defects.....

There is more than enough proof and material to generate "pick-me ups" for a lifetime.....crawl back into Moore's ball sack, and wait until you are summoned for use sheepboy.....

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