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Good morning u all...

Befor i start,please dont maind the speling.

Its 10;30 & i dident went 2 sleep yet,im steel thinking about last night... i had the pleasure 2 meet some of u guys in the club.

the only name that i can rimmember is

Twilo-man.but 2 all of thouse that i dont rimmember there names,i just want 2 thank u 4 a beautiful night.

In my personal opinion i think that last night was alittel slow...

they played beautiful music,but allitel 2 slow.i think that the best music was around

6;00 in the morning,wich remand me that no one came 2 the meet up on that time (shame on u!) cwm12.gif

I steel had a wanderfull night in "TWILO",

the atmosfear was just perfect,peeps were

beautiful.i love u all 4 what u r cwm38.gif peace....


when u dream ther r no rules,peeps can fly,anything can hapend.

sometimes theres a momment as u awaking & u becoming aware of the real world around u, but u still dreaming.

u may think u can fly,but u better not try

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Fuck i can't sleep. So here i am. writng on this damn board instead of sleeping. Twilo last night? Well i had an awesome time. i really liked the music, it did slow down a little towards the end, but it was ok, cuz i was tired(then). The vibe and the people were awesome.

Ashley-it was great seein you again hun. love the hair.

Dean-you are a bitch for not saying goodbye before leaving

pooh-you're cool you drunkard and PVD rules

Kathy-cute little surprise there, don't let the guidos get ya down.

Andrew- good as always and nice to hear you don't snore.

Trancegirl- real chill meetin ya. see you at synthtic saddhus. yo pm me.

Kathy-cute little surprise there

and of course

MIke-thanks for the crash, and stop playing with those damn lighters in public.

[This message has been edited by mik-e_smilez (edited 12-09-2000).]

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