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Why do people put 50 stuffed dolls in their car's back window sill? And there is always like 11 fat pregnant bird dolls and their fat baby-birds in there?

If you are going to have 12 bumper stickers, why do they always have to talk about the same lame topic 12 times in a row? And its always something a bit too obvious like "if you were able read to this, you should hug a teacher".

Why put spinner rims on a $4,000 car? Why put spinner rims on any car?

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Why do people put 50 stuffed dolls in their car's back window sill? And there is always like 11 fat pregnant bird dolls and their fat baby-birds in there?

If you are going to have 12 bumper stickers, why do they always have to talk about the same lame topic 12 times in a row? And its always something a bit too obvious like "if you were able read to this, you should hug a teacher".

Why put spinner rims on a $4,000 car? Why put spinner rims on any car?


I so hear ya...

I have to admit that i did get a chuckle from the "My kid beat up your honor roll student" bumper sticker :laugh:

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Why do people put 50 stuffed dolls in their car's back window sill? And there is always like 11 fat pregnant bird dolls and their fat baby-birds in there?

If you are going to have 12 bumper stickers, why do they always have to talk about the same lame topic 12 times in a row? And its always something a bit too obvious like "if you were able read to this, you should hug a teacher".

Why put spinner rims on a $4,000 car? Why put spinner rims on any car?

lol, people are crazy... one of my friends had a zillion stuffed animals all over the rear deck and dashboard and clipped to the "oh shit" handles, and then if that wasnt bad enough her trunk loooked like models dumpster had softball equipment and a bowling ball in it... wtf~!?

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