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Thursday, September 1st, 2005


Help for Katrina survivors

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S.O.S.: New Orleans mayor sends out "a desperate SOS." New Orleans newspaper provides first-hand accounts of the chaos as readers seek help and information.


PAT ROBERTSON: Bush uses the tragedy to push government partnerships with faith-based groups -- "Government agencies are working with faith-based and community groups to find shelters for thousands of displaced person."

And indeed, FEMA is directing people to donate to faith-based groups, and at the top of their list is Pat Robertson's "Operation Blessing."


DEATH TAX: Ken Mehlman, head of the GOP, was busy today crafting an email to Republican activists advocating an end to the death tax.


DUCK & COVER: W.H. Press Secretary Scott McClellan claims Bush was ahead of the curve in declaring a disaster, thus enabling FEMA "to fully mobilize."


PREPARATIONS: No one can say they didn't see it coming.

In fact, Popular Mechanics saw it coming on 9/11/01.


FLIP-FLOP: Dennis Hastert says rebuilding New Orleans makes no sense | Later, takes it back... developing.


EDITORIAL: The N.H. Union-Leader (not a liberal rag) says:

A better leader would have flown straight to the disaster zone and announced the immediate mobilization of every available resource to rescue the stranded, find and bury the dead, and keep the survivors fed, clothed, sheltered and free of disease.

A tale of two photos.


RUMORS: There are rumors that civil unrest and looting has spread to Baton Rouge, but they appear to be just rumors.


HUMANITARIAN AID: One reader, Michael, sent us the following email:

Several years ago while watching on TV the coverage of the war in war in Afghanistan (a country thousands of miles away), I remember shortly after we bombed the hell out of the country seeing the military dropping bags of food and water from the helicopter to the refugees below. The people in New Orleans have been without food or water for 4 days. Our own people are starving and babies are dying. What in the hell is this ass hole Bush waiting for?

In the first few days of the Afghanistan war -- thousands of miles away -- the Pentagon was indeed coupling its bombing raids with humanitarian food drops.

Four days after the hurricane hit, refugees at the New Orleans convention center still have little to no food.


GASOLINE: Bush tells country: "Don't buy gas if you don't need it."

President will travel to disaster area tomorrow.

In Charlotte, NC: "40 stations of the more than 230 stations in Charlotte and the unincorporated areas of Mecklenburg County were without fuel Thursday morning."

Bush voter: "The President's got to step up to the plate."


More news... The National Guard debacle...

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