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Fed Response to Katrina Gets Thumbs Down


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Fed Response to Katrina Gets Thumbs Down

September 4, 2005--Just 28% of Americans give say that the federal government has done a good or an excellent job responding to Hurricane Katrina. Another 25% say the government has done a fair job while 45% say poor.

Interest in the story is extraordinarily high. Eighty-eight percent (88%) of Americans say they are closely following news stories about the tragedy, including 59% who are following it "very closely."

Forty-seven percent (47%) have made a financial contribution to help the victims of the disaster. Seventy-eight percent (78%) have said a prayer for them.

Eighty-five percent (85%) say that the "disaster in New Orleans and surrounding areas [will] have a major impact on the U.S. economy. Consumer confidence has fallen to its lowest level in more than two years.

Even among Republicans, there are significant doubts about the federal response to Katrina. Just 47% of those in President Bush's party say the federal response has been good or excellent. Fifty-one percent say fair or poor.

In terms of supporting the victims with financial contribution and/or prayer, there is little partisan difference.

Demographic details available for Premium Members.

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liberals need to show America what they've fixed before we ever rely on you to fix anything



i have nothing of logic substantial to the argument therefore i have nothing of worth to add. random jibberish is all I have because my bankrupt intelligence forbades me to be comprehensive


First of all, Capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence. Second, PUNCUATION is necessary, in this case, use periods at the end of your sentences. Also, it's "comprende", not "comprede". Learn to spell and use once again PUNCTUATION, in this case, a question mark.

Apparently you're having one (period).

Word of advice:



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First of all, Capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence. Second, PUNCUATION is necessary, in this case, use periods at the end of your sentences. Also, it's "comprende", not "comprede". Learn to spell and use once again PUNCTUATION, in this case, a question mark.

that's all you have?

oh please. :rolleyes:

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Red Cross interviewed yesterday saying they had trucks lined up w/ food/water/sanitary kits PRIOR to the storm hitting. Unfortunately for the folks who decided to stay in NO, the LA governor and her local homeland security denied access to Red Cross convoys. Also, the school buses seen flooded out just blocks from the superdome were not used because the Mayor.............

Nagin turned his nose up at the yellow buses, demanding more comfortable Greyhound coaches instead.

"I need 500 buses, man," he told WWL. "One of the briefings we had they were talking about getting, you know, public school bus drivers to come down here and bus people out of here."

Nagin described his response:

"I'm like - you've got to be kidding me. This is a natural disaster. Get every doggone Greyhound bus line in the country and get their asses moving to New Orleans."

While Nagin was waiting for his Greyhound fleet, Katrina's floodwaters swamped his school buses, rendering them unusable.

== OOOOPS? MY BAD....- Mayor Nagin

Now, back the previous point:

MAJOR GARRETT(FoxNews Journalist): The Red Cross was ready, just got off the phone with one of their officials. They had a vanguard, Brit, of trucks with water, food, hygiene equipment, all sorts of things ready to go, where? To the Superdome and the convention center. Why weren't they there? The Louisiana Department of Homeland Security told them they could not go.

So, there was plenty of water, there was plenty of food and it was on the pallets and it was ready to be delivered, and the Red Cross was told no, you can't go there by the Louisiana Department of Homeland Security. Hmmmm? But I thought it was a Bush plot? (I may be retarded,,but I'm not Reeeetard'd)

MAJOR GARRETT: The state's own agency devoted to the state's homeland security. They told them, you cannot go there. Why? The Red Cross tells me, that state agency in Louisiana said, look, we do not want to create a magnet for more people to come to the Superdome or the convention center. We want to get them out. So at the same time local officials were screaming, where's the food, where's the water, the Red Cross was standing by ready, the Louisiana Department of Homeland Security said you can't go.

Later Major Garrett said that the actual order that prevented the Red Cross from getting in there came from the Louisiana governor's office . The governor's office runs the state Department of Homeland Security, and they didn't want any more people showing up at the Superdome that were already there. So if the word spread that there's plenty of water and food, they knew it would be a magnet, so they chose instead to starve and dehydrate a bunch of people. I'm sure they didn't think it would go as many days as it did, but they chose that, they kept the food out. Now, all this time everybody thought it was incompetence on the part of the Bush administration for not acting fast enough, and then, everybody thought that it was purposeful, Bush wanted to kill those people, don't you know???(TA-TA-TA,, :stupid: If you want to find the answers to all your questions, you go to the mayor's office in New Orleans and the governor's office in Louisiana, because that's where you will find the answers to all these questions. That's the point. Good luck finding this interview in the media. It doesn't fit the Bush-hating template they've created, so I guess it doesn't matter....lol (ta-ta-ta, on top of ta-ta-ta)

Seems like the knee-jerk reaction of the "haters" has left them high and dry..yet again! You folks sure know how to step in it, don't ya? Dude, watch out for that pile of shit,(SQUISH......) You folks couldn't step in more shit piles if you tried. Keep it up geniuses.


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First of all, Capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence. Second, PUNCUATION is necessary, in this case, use periods at the end of your sentences. Also, it's "comprende", not "comprede". Learn to spell and use once again PUNCTUATION, in this case, a question mark.

Apparently you're having one (period).

Word of advice:



What part of: "liberals need to show America what they've fixed before we ever rely on you to fix anything" did you not understand?

How old are you guy? Do you even have pendekers yet? Some of your replies lead one to believe you're about 12 yrs. old, full of acne, sucking on cans of Dust-Off at your parents house.

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Former Secretary of State Colin Powell criticized the response to Hurricane Katrina, saying "a lot of failures" occurred at all levels of government.

Powell, the highest ranking black official in President Bush's first term, also said he does not believe race was a factor in the slow delivery of relief to the hurricane victims.

"I think there have been a lot of failures at a lot of levels _ local, state and federal. There was more than enough warning over time about the dangers to New Orleans. Not enough was done," Powell told ABC News' Barbara Walters in an interview to be aired Friday night.

"I don't think advantage was taken of the time that was available to us, and I just don't know why," said Powell, who recently visited storm survivors at Reunion Arena in Dallas.

"I don't think it's racism, I think it's economic," he told Walters.

"When you look at those who weren't able to get out, it should have been a blinding flash of the obvious to everybody that when you order a mandatory evacuation, you can't expect everybody to evacuate on their own. (HENCE, flooded unused school buses, not allowing Red Cross to deliver food/water, etc...HENCE,,,,LOCAL!!!)

"These are people who don't have credit cards; only one in 10 families at that economic level in New Orleans have a car. So it wasn't a racial thing _ but poverty disproportionately affects African- Americans in this country. And it happened because they were poor," he said.

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