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Clinton's Disaster Response Took Longer Than Bush's


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Call me crazy?

Like I've said before: For all these arm chair critics who seem to think Bush and his admin can do NOTHING right, plz tell me what liberal policy or liberal politician has EVER fixed anything?

(tick tock tick tock tick tock...........)

SURVEY SAYS................... "X"


Clinton and the Ireland peace process.

standing up to the Axis powers

WTO, by yes...Clinton!

ending of segregation

civil rights amendments

ending child labor in america

equal voting rights

americans with disabilities act

the Securities and Exchange Commission

Glass-Steegall Act

Dr Logic, i hope you are not saying that these did not fix anything.

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Clinton and the Ireland peace process.

standing up to the Axis powers

WTO, by yes...Clinton!

ending of segregation

civil rights amendments

ending child labor in america

equal voting rights

americans with disabilities act

the Securities and Exchange Commission

Glass-Steegall Act

Dr Logic, i hope you are not saying that these did not fix anything.

So what did he fix exactly? Still waiting are these liberal policies? Sounds like lipstick on a pig. You'll have to elaborate and try staying away from generalities which in no way are a liberal policy or politician which fixed anything.......You forgot to put "feeling your pain" too....... You might as well have...

Those items are absurd guy! Get serious will ya?

The only shinning star on his resume was WELFARE REFORM and he repeatedly vetoed that and the republican congress kept sending it up to him. Other than that,,,,I'm waiting.....you'll have to elaborate on how those general items you posted were infuenced by Clinton and what problem/s they actually fixed.

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So what did he fix exactly? Still waiting are these liberal policies? Sounds like lipstick on a pig. You'll have to elaborate and try staying away from generalities which in no way are a liberal policy or politician which fixed anything.......You forgot to put "feeling your pain" too....... You might as well have...

Those items are absurd guy! Get serious will ya?

The only shinning star on his resume was WELFARE REFORM and he repeatedly vetoed that and the republican congress kept sending it up to him. Other than that,,,,I'm waiting.....you'll have to elaborate on how those general items you posted were infuenced by Clinton and what problem/s they actually fixed.

i only mentioned clinton with WTO and Ireland, not the others.

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Dr Logic - you're way off with this thread. Its like comparing apples and oranges. A more appropriate comparison would be Bush's response to 9/11. Its like saying "why did it take Bush sooo long to step foot on ground zero?"!


actually, I think I'm right on.....

If the critics are so outraged at the response, I assume they can or have done better. That was my challenge to them.

ps...that link I put has video links which NUKE the critics, their posts and their logic. But I think it's safe to assume they're not intested in getting to the "BOTTOM LINE"...


lol ;]

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actually, I think I'm right on.....

If the critics are so outraged at the response, I assume they can or have done better. That was my challenge to them.

ps...that link I put has video links which NUKE the critics, their posts and their logic. But I think it's safe to assume they're not intested in getting to the "BOTTOM LINE"...


lol ;]


The political TEEN???

Even aside the source, you still did not address my point. I was not talking about Bush bashing, but was saying your comparisons are off.

President Clinton, on other the other hand, got glowing reviews for responding to his administration's biggest disaster, the Oklahoma City bombing - even though he took a day longer to arrive on the scene than Bush did last week.

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The political TEEN???

Even aside the source, you still did not address my point. I was not talking about Bush bashing, but was saying your comparisons are off.

I could give 3 shits where the video link is....It's straight from CNN and ABC.....So, get over the page that hosting it. Not trying to jump down your throat, just trying to nip the implication that it's a manufactured video/s.

Don't take my word for it, watch them....Then ask yourself,,,,,,,"How dumb do some people on these threads sound" Considering their infatuation w/ the "Bush admitted fault" themes. Those 2 videos blow massive holes in their story.

Anyway, my point w/ asking someone, anyone to tell me why America should hand over the keys of the gov't to today's Democratic party, as it is (liberals), given than I can't seem to find any policy or politician who represents them that has actually FIXED a problem w/ their policy. To hear them speak is to assume they actually have a plan (for anything,,take your pick). Only problem is, their plan is simply trying to destroy GWBush. They have no plan, for ANYTHING. Just, "DESTROY W", That's it! He can't even run for another term and still, all you get from them is "Destroy W". I'm a simple person and it's painfully obvious. What's wrong w/ them? I'm a fair guy, if you've got a better idea that has not already been tried/failed, then by all means, what is it? But no,,Destroy W!

(this is the part when the critics who disagree w/ me start w/: Bush lied, people died, halliburton, bush hates blacks, Bush cut funding, halliburton, war for oil, bush lied, halliburton,,,,,,,twitch, twitch, twitch,,,,,,,spark-spark, twitch,,twtich)

Sad part is, it's always the usual suspects. Pseudo-outrage is all they can offer. Partial facts, half truths is all they've got. They put up half a story, I put up the other half and they don't want to hear it. That's okay,,really! I'm just defending here, NOT ATTACKING!

So, this thread was meant simply to add perspective to those who seemed to be jumping the gun w/ the blame game. They obviously do "their thing" for sport.......AND THAT WAS THE POINT I WAS TRYING TO MAKE/IMPLY.

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I could give 3 shits where the video link is....It's straight from CNN and ABC.....So, get over the page that hosting it. Not trying to jump down your throat, just trying to nip the implication that it's a manufactured video/s.

Don't take my word for it, watch them....Then ask yourself,,,,,,,"How dumb do some people on these threads sound" Considering their infatuation w/ the "Bush admitted fault" themes. Those 2 videos blow massive holes in their story.

Anyway, my point w/ asking someone, anyone to tell me why America should hand over the keys of the gov't to today's Democratic party, as it is (liberals), given than I can't seem to find any policy or politician who represents them that has actually FIXED a problem w/ their policy. To hear them speak is to assume they actually have a plan (for anything,,take your pick). Only problem is, their plan is simply trying to destroy GWBush. They have no plan, for ANYTHING. Just, "DESTROY W", That's it! He can't even run for another term and still, all you get from them is "Destroy W". I'm a simple person and it's painfully obvious. What's wrong w/ them? I'm a fair guy, if you've got a better idea that has not already been tried/failed, then by all means, what is it? But no,,Destroy W!

(this is the part when the critics who disagree w/ me start w/: Bush lied, people died, halliburton, bush hates blacks, Bush cut funding, halliburton, war for oil, bush lied, halliburton,,,,,,,twitch, twitch, twitch,,,,,,,spark-spark, twitch,,twtich)

Sad part is, it's always the usual suspects. Pseudo-outrage is all they can offer. Partial facts, half truths is all they've got. They put up half a story, I put up the other half and they don't want to hear it. That's okay,,really! I'm just defending here, NOT ATTACKING!

So, this thread was meant simply to add perspective to those who seemed to be jumping the gun w/ the blame game. They obviously do "their thing" for sport.......AND THAT WAS THE POINT I WAS TRYING TO MAKE/IMPLY.

dude, you're so fuckin' paranoid it's not even funny...

and nuts...

you start a thread to stop the bush bashing by doing some clinton bashing...(real smart :puke: )...

then everybody tells you that you're wrong...but you still want to justify yourself by saying "i'm just defending here"...

the only thing you're defending here is your stupidity...and you're doing quite a nice job at it...

you should just learn that when you're wrong you're wrong...

and the first rule of hole-digging is "if you're digging...stop"...

i don't care how many off-topic articles and links you post...you are wrong about this...

oh and i almost forgot...you're a flaming idiot...

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dude, you're so fuckin' paranoid it's not even funny...

and nuts...

you start a thread to stop the bush bashing by doing some clinton bashing...(real smart :puke: )...

then everybody tells you that you're wrong...but you still want to justify yourself by saying "i'm just defending here"...

the only thing you're defending here is your stupidity...and you're doing quite a nice job at it...

you should just learn that when you're wrong you're wrong...

and the first rule of hole-digging is "if you're digging...stop"...

i don't care how many off-topic articles and links you post...you are wrong about this...

oh and i almost forgot...you're a flaming idiot...

Well, that was brilliant! Really! Take off your helmet, mongo! I am defending! You skipped right past the whole point about "perspective" (must have been your helmet).

The only people proving they keep stepping in shit everytime they try a new "bush is guilty" post are mongo's like yourself. I'm just holding the mirror up for you to see and by your post, I'll take it you don't like what you see. Fohk'n Tard! (I think I can, I think I can! Which way did he go George? Which way did he go?) Bruto!

So, from what I can tell, you ain't only ugly, you're a TA-TA-TA as well.

Put the bong down, fry daddy! Your attn. span keeps shrinking!

In closing, I'll see you homos next week. Have fun this wknd spreading glitter on each other while you dream about sucking each other little wee-wee's.


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