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I think we should all wear a hemp string necklace with a piece of broccoli hanging on it. If we forget to wear our necklaces, we must strike up a conversation with another clubmember and end each sentence with some kind of clicking noise to identify ourselves.


Too crazy for Boys Town, too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

Do what thou wilt.

Aleister Crowley

We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams- Willy Wonka

AIM: crackorn71

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oh i know...i know...

we should have that i'm rollin' look (ie; eyes half shut...or the strung out look) since clubbin' and partying is what we all have in common cwm3.gifcwm24.gifcwm32.gif

if that's not too obvious...then i think if we see one of ur fella clubplanet brotha or sistah...we should non-chalantly pick ur nose with ur middle finger and at the same time twitch ur right eyes cwm35.gifcwm4.gif

either way let me know what ya' all decide

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hey boys!

Sinem isn't feeling all that good today... Richard you left me with those wierdos... (nah.. the one guy was okay he was trying to give me a lap dance the whole night... I was sooo not digging it... Your a lucky bastered you left and had your self a grand ol' time wink.gif )

well without getting too far from the topic in conversation.... my reply to your suggestion would be..................

Sounds like a great idea.... we should get tatoos on our left wrists..... with the letter CP (clubplanet) and we flash eachother... this way we can avoid the clicking sound (my dear crackorn great idea but very annoying at the same time almost like torture, although I am sure Richards would agree with me I am a master at clicking... tik tik tik tik!!! so its okay with me! )

Okay boys I'm off! off to never ever land!! (wasn't that a line from a song Guns and Roses used to sing or was that metallica?? (sp?) anyway, BYE BYE Sineminemineminemineminem



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Originally posted by sgbrooklyn:

Okay boys I'm off! off to never ever land!! (wasn't that a line from a song Guns and Roses used to sing or was that metallica?? (sp?) anyway, BYE BYE Sineminemineminemineminem

It was Metallica's "Enter Sandman"... more random trivia courtesy of MeliChaCha...


- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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Hmmm. The hemp necklace with brocolli won't work for me. I hate brocolli...not to mention the gas factor. Plus, if I were on a train and a pan-handler came by I would feel obligated to give him my secret ID to eat.

The clicking-- won't work in a noisy environment...plus it's nearly impossible to click at every face you come in contact with. Those with hearing difficulty will never hear you either.

The "rolling" look-- that won't work either...you'd have to spend all of your time faking the rolling look just in case someone would pass you by and notice you rolling. If you were rolling on the train, chances are many people would be noticing you..not just other planetclubbers.

The nose picking-- if you knew someone was a club member you wouldn't need a secret ID to begin with!!!

Tatoos- Long sleeve shirts would hide them...some people don't like them...and it would be impossible for us to decide on a design.

Ok...maybe my point wasn't clear. Scenario...you're in restaurant with your Aunt Fran. Your heroin-chic waitress comes over and asks if you'd like dessert...you can't help but notice the secret ID ring on her finger....later that night, you and her a rolling together in ecstacy. No brocolli necklace, no nose picking, no clicking...it was the ring....so something to that effect! Where are all of you creative souls???



Rich Suede


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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i forgot what I was replying too... hmmm... oh yeah okay... whatever...ring sounds good...they used to wear rings in the secret meesanger service back in the WAY days.... a closed horn is what they had on the ring.... it symbolized something but I forgot, anyone know what I'm talking about?????????? I'll get back to you guys on that I can't believe I forgot... I'm not myself today! cwm23.gif



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Ok...maybe my point wasn't clear. Scenario...you're in restaurant with your Aunt Fran. Your heroin-chic waitress comes over and asks if you'd like dessert...you can't help but notice the secret ID ring on her finger....later that night, you and her a rolling together in ecstacy. No brocolli necklace, no nose picking, no clicking...it was the ring....so something to that effect! Where are all of you creative souls???

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So I was out for a while with SGBrooklyn (Sinem) & Co. and we were avoiding conversation with the dorks we were with and started talking about this message board.

I said "You know what? In this whole crowded bar, I wonder if there could be people from the Clubplanet message board here that we'd probably have a better time with."

So since we were drunk (and at 12:06pm as I write this, I think I still am) we talked about some kind of identification thingie.

Wouldn't it be cool if you were in a bar, restaurant, club or train and you saw someone sitting across from you wearing the "secret id ring" (or something to that effect)? You'd know that that person has something in common with you and is probably someone you've exchanged postings with.

Just a thought...a little geeky but just a thought.

So now the questions:

1. What do you think of this idea?

2. What would you suggest be the "secret ID"?



Rich Suede


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True why dont we geta a lazer sys on the wall saying Club planet members .. so everyone can look up and say i belong there and have a special ID card with them ??



New CLub in Staten islnad ... (ELEMENTS) call for info ... or e-mail me at martin_izzo@netzero.net

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Originally posted by glowball:

True why dont we geta a lazer sys on the wall saying Club planet members .. so everyone can look up and say i belong there and have a special ID card with them ??

Ok..once again...you're missing the point. Will you be able to get onto a train or in a restaurant with your laser system?

Here's the idea. I'll use a homosexual reference to illustrate:

If I were on a train and happen to notice a young, handsome buck across from me I might be hesitant to throw my charm at him. However, I can't help but notice a little "rainbow flag" hanging from the zipper of his backpack indicating he "goes to my church"...so it's safe to give him the eye or something without risking personal harm.

Get it? Anyone else have a suggestion. We need our own version of the gay rainbow flag but for ClubPlanet identification purposes.

If not, then I guess it was a dumb idea and we could just let this thread die.



Rich Suede


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I do have a question though. I'm pretty new to the board too and it seems you guys all (more or less) know eachother in person. So how do you meet or rather recognize each other? I mean I'm not going around having "flying high" written on my forehead...although that could be a good idea if I think about it wink.gif

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Originally posted by suedenyc:

Here's the idea. I'll use a homosexual reference to illustrate:

If I were on a train and happen to notice a young, handsome buck across from me I might be hesitant to throw my charm at him. However, I can't help but notice a little "rainbow flag" hanging from the zipper of his backpack indicating he "goes to my church"...so it's safe to give him the eye or something without risking personal harm.

Well, why not someone design something like that -- a little flag or keychain/ zipperpull thingie that one could display proudly (without having to wear any major food group)...

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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Originally posted by sgbrooklyn:

yadda yadda yadda! bumpity bumity bump!

ideas please...

What's the matter Sinem, don't like my idea?!?!?! j/k biggrin.gif

I think the ring idea is good.

What about a bracelet? Similar to a ring but a little bigger....

We tried the sunglasses thing and that didn't seem to work since only a very few peeps actually brought sunglasses with them...




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r

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It has to be something obvious. Nothing like a ring, or a necklace. Are you gonna go up to everyone and pick their hand up to see if it's a clubplanet ring? No. What if my necklace was hidden under my shirt?

I can't think of something that could be the universal clubplanet sign!?! There is nothing discrete you can do. How about a secret code word or something. When you meet someone at a club say this word or sentence that won't be obvious or off the wall. I think that would work better, but I have no idea what to make it.

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i'm serious suede...u don't like the strung out look...or nose picking with a wink...

well how bout' we all get silver/platinum caps for a tooth, so when we smile they can see it...at least its subtle and not too obvious...and u ask why silver/platinum...no gold cause' that is like the eighties cwm4.gifcwm2.gif

hey i have more ideas if u want to know...hey divalicious u like my idea cwm29.gifcwm30.gif

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Well at least you're all thinking. I smell the wood burning (or is that a blunt?).

Anyway, I was bored and playing on my PC and re-created the ClubPlanet logo turning the C&P into a new symbol.

What do you all think? And what can be done with it?




Rich Suede


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