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Oklahoma City Terrorist Cell, Iraq/Al-Qaida-Terrorist links & apparent COVER-UP!


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Crime Scene Overview of the Suicide Bombing in Norman, Oklahoma, 7:30pm, Saturday, October 1, 2005



The suicide bombing incident that happened at the University of Oklahoma in Norman on October 1, 2005 has led to a great deal of speculation as to the motives and intent of Joel Henry Hinrichs III, the person who died in the blast.

Law enforcement officials have generally been close-mouthed about their ongoing investigation, and the national media has so far only provided cursory coverage of the incident. As a result, the public has been forced to scrounge for details. The primary sources of information at this point are, on one hand, the local Oklahoma media, which are fairly reliable, and on the other hand two alarmist news services -- Northeast Intelligence Network and WorldNetDaily -- both of which claim to have exclusive details of a possible wider terrorist plot. But there is still no confirmation of these claims, and neither NEIN and WND are seen as entirely trustworthy.

As a result, all the information on this page is derived from news reports in local Oklahoma media, and from independent research, and not from the claims put forth by NEIN or WND, or blog entries based on those claims. (Not that NEIN and WND are necessarily wrong in this case -- I'm just withholding judgment until they have more confirmation.)

This crime scene image, which I created on October 5, is based on details revealed in various reliable media outlets and Web sites. Links documenting each fact are given below.

This image (based on a NAVTEQ satellite image provided by Google Maps) shows the relevent sites related to the bombing that killed Joel Henry Hinrichs III at 7:30pm on Saturday, October 1, 2005. The dotted line traces a possible route taken by Hinrichs that evening.

1. Hinrichs' Apartment. According to THIS ARTICLE in the Oklahoma Daily, Hinrichs lived in the Parkview Apartments, at 606 Stinson. According to YAHOO MAPS, 606 Stinson is near the corner of Sooner Drive, just east of campus. And according to THIS ARTICLE by AP printed in Tulsa World, his roommate was named Fazal M. Cheema, who was (apparently) a member of the Muslim Students Association, since the president of the MSA knew him well.

2. Islamic Society of Norman. According to THIS ARTICLE at NewsOK.com (site may require registration [free]), Cheema attended a "nearby mosque," and the FBI was looking into the possibility that Hinrichs also attended the same mosque. THIS SITE shows that there is only one mosque in the vicinity, The Islamic Society of Norman, which is only three blocks away from Hinrichs' apartment, at 420 E. Lindsey. THIS DIRECTORY shows that 420 E. Lindsey is also the office of the University of Oklahoma chapter of the Muslim Students Association, confirming that this was mosque attended by Cheema and possibly Hinrichs.

3. Oklahoma Memorial Stadium. At the time of the explosion, a football game was being played at the campus stadium, with 80,000 fans in attendance. According to this article at NewsOK.com (again, NewsOK may require registration), "One OU senior, Adam Smith, of Oklahoma City, however, said a stadium guard Saturday night told him 'a guy had sprinted off' outside Gate 6 after refusing to let his backpack be searched." If Hinrichs had walked from his apartment to the blast site, he would have walked right past the stadium. I couldn't find exactly where Gate 6 was, but THIS PAGE shows that Section 6 is on the west side of the stadium, though I don't know if Gate 6 leads to Section 6. In any event, the west side of the stadium is the point closest to the blast site, and if someone "sprinted away" west from the stadium, the first place he would come to is the very place where the explosion happened.

4. Blast Site. According to THIS ARTICLE and THIS ARTICLE in the Oklahoma Daily, the explosion happened on the South Oval of the campus, in front of George Lynn Cross Hall. An official campus map downloadable at THIS PAGE shows the location of George Lynn Cross Hall, immediately to the west of the stadium. Another detailed pdf map of the campus, showing the location of George Lynn Cross Hall and the stadium, can be downloaded HERE.

What does all this information suggest about Hinrichs' movements on the evening of the blast? The map composite above shows each location, and the likely route he took before he died in the explosion.

News is breaking quickly on this case. If you have links to hard information that you think would be useful to add to this page, send them to tips@zombietime.com.

Until then, here is a selection of other interesting links related to this case:

Breaking link: NewsOK.com: Television report confirms that Hinrichs recently spent much of his time at the Islamic Society of Norman

Tapscott's Copy Desk: Exclusive -- tree at bomb site shows evidence of round shrapnel holes -- possible evidence of a bomb intended to cause harm to others.

channeloklahoma.com: Hinrichs Tried To Buy Ammonium Nitrate.

bellaciao.org: OU President David Boren, who has connections to the intelligence community, is trying to downplay the incident, because of school debts related to the stadium.

Norman Transcript: The explosion was so powerful that it was heard four miles away.

WFAA.com: The stadium was "vibrating" from the force of the blast (link may require free registration).

Associated Press (in 2002): Zacarias Moussaoui, the "20th hijacker" of 9/11, was connected to the Islamic Society of Norman.

Oklahoma Daily (repeat of link above): Hinrichs was vaporized from the waist up by the bomb.

channeloklahoma.com: MSA claims Hinrichs not a member.

Flopping Aces: Good rundown of the known facts.

Overview of news links related to the case.

The following links may be sensationalizing, so take their claims with a grain of salt:

WorldNetDaily: Hinrichs had Islamic jihad materials

Northeast Intelligence Network Hinrichs part of Muslim terror cell in Norman.

Other blogs with interesting coverage:

Fanblogs: Overview of terroristic aspects of the case so far.

The Jawa Report: Commenters have intriguing insights.

AR15.com: If you have the patience to read through the whole thing, this thread has several eyewitness accounts of the blast and details about Hinrichs' activities.

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How does a story like this get such little attention?

God forbid that fucker was successful and killed a bunch of people at that football stadium..........I'm sure the press would be salivating to crack some skulls!

What is sooooo TABOO about this Oklahoma "thingy" ?


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October 10, 2005 Previous Post

Is Lack Of Big Media Coverage Of Oklahoma Explosion OK?

Has there been more happening at the University of Oklahoma than hazing and all-nighters? The blogosphere, led by Michelle Malkin, has been chronicling the suspicious explosion at the University of Oklahoma just over a week ago, and wondering why the big media doesn’t appear interested.

According to most reports, Joel Hinrichs III was a young man with a history of depression who used a homemade explosive device to commit suicide just 100 yards or so from the school’s football stadium, which was filled with over 80,000 people at the time. Officials were quick to call the incident a suicide, but rumors and reports of Hinrichs’ attempts to buy large quantities of ammonium nitrate and ties to the Muslim community have raised a lot of questions and the answers thus far are not forthcoming.

The Oklahoma Daily, OU’s independent campus paper, lays blame on the FBI today for the confusion:

Remember, the FBI has commandeered this investigation. In doing so and by not telling anyone anything, they are only allowing the events of Oct. 2 to be misinterpreted over and over by people who are firm in believing something that is false and terribly dangerous.

For example, unsubstantiated claims that Hinrichs had been frequenting the Norman mosque have managed to seep onto television news broadcasts even though everyone we have contacted at the mosque says Hinrichs was never seen there.

So who is lying? Inherently, people should perceive the unfounded news broadcasts as the liars, but that doesn’t always happen. And even if only one person sees and believes such a report there or online, word of mouth can transmit that “truth†to hundreds or thousands within a matter of days.

Which is why it is undeniably the duty of the FBI to break its unctuous vow of silence and talk to somebody. The longer the feds delay in doing so, the more they become equally responsible for misinformed social reactions as the hacks who started these rumors in the first place.

Many, Malkin included, have wondered where the MSM is on this story. As the Oklahoma Daily editorial notes, local television has covered it and a quick Google search turns up (sometimes conflicting) reports in local and regional newspapers but no major media outlets appear to have picked up the story yet. We asked CBS News national editor Bill Felling, who told us the network is looking into the story. Let’s hope so, it’s one worth airing, whatever the facts are.

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Jayna Davis and Jon Dougherty report on the Justice Department's move to seal the search warrant in the Hinrichs case:

The warrant used to execute a search of Oklahoma University bomber Joel "Henry" Hinrichs III's apartment, where an undetermined amount of explosives were found, has been sealed by a federal court at the request of the Justice Department.

Hinrichs blew himself up yards from Oklahoma Memorial Stadium Saturday night while tens of thousands of fans watched an OU-Kansas State football game.

Bob Troester, first assistance U.S. attorney in Oklahoma City, said the department requested the warrant be sealed, but declined to elaborate when asked why it was necessary to do so given previous media reports that a depressed Hinrichs acted alone and on a whim.

"You can draw whatever assumption you like," he said. "We don't comment on any sealed indictments."

Troester also said he could not divulge details about what items were found inside Hinrichs' home, and he could not say if or when the warrant would be unsealed at some point in the future.

The attorney did confirm the incident was still "currently being investigated," but again declined to provide any specifics.

13 Plastic Bottles Found in Hinrichs' Car; Lots of Small, Round Holes Seen in Tree Near Bomb Site


A Lincoln Town Car registered in the name of OU Suicide Bomber Joel Henry Hinrichs III remained as of 4:00 p.m. EST today in the parking lot of the apartment where he lived and a U.S. Department of Justice inventory of the contents found by law enforcement officials was visible on the seat, Tapscott's Copy Desk has learned.

Among the items listed on the inventory are "13 plastic bottles" in the trunk. The inventory did not note if there was anything in the bottles, their size or coloration. The blue Lincoln was registered in Oklahoma under Hinrichs' name in June of this year, according to state tag records. The expiration date on the tag was February 2006.

As of 5:57 p.m. EST, a spokesman for the Oklahoma City FBI office had not returned a call seeking information on why the Hinrichs car had apparently not been impounded.

Other items on the inventory include a title, insurance certificate, a 2003 Rand McNally Road Atlas and two other highway maps with undecipherable titles. The car's license tag is Oklahoma VUL014, with a February 2006 expiration date.

Tapscott's Copy Desk has also learned that a tree near where Hinrichs' bomb detonated displays a number of small round holes and some areas of a metallic substance. The holes and substance are only on the side facing the bench on which Hinrichs was seated when the bomb detonated. The holes appear to be about the size of the head of 16 penny nail.

One of Hinrichs' neighbors told Tapscott's Copy Desk today that he believed Hinrichs lived with "three or four Arab guys." The neighbor said he rarely saw Hinrich or his roommates, except when they appeared to be going to and from classes.

The neighbor said all of the residents of the university apartment complex where he and Hinrichs lived are from Nigeria, China and Middle Eastern/Southeast Asian countries.

***YO IGLOO: :aright:

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