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Sound Factory? - Wll someone convince me......


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Okay.....I hear so much on this board about SF that it makes me curious.......I haven't been there since last year and when I went, I thought it was wack as hell.......I mean, the place itself is nice but the music was so up and down.....like, go crazy, then stand there, go crazy, then stand there.......I didn't really like the vibe either cause the crowd was very like "I'm the greatest one here" type shit......plus the juicers took up the whole dance floor and were just downright obnoxious.......I'm not trying to knock the place....just giving an honest opinion so please don't reply to this telling me how wrong I am........anyway, I really want to give SF another shot but can anyone convince me that something has changed, if it has......or is my description above pretty accurate of SF these days?......I hear good things about afterhours Saturday but I'm not sure if my sources have the same thoughts as I do.........can anyone help me here? Thanks.



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Go see for yourself. I won't try to CONVINCE you to go or tell you that some things changed...but I have decided never to go back again. Don't like don't go... thats my new motto because of how out of place I feel there now. Curious to give it another chance? Go for it and let Rachel and Amalkavachech know when you're going so they can tell me all about it on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Or just go to a place you know you like and don't even bother...for me, that is now my house on Saturday nights...sorry girls, thats the way it is!!!

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Go see for yourself. I won't try to CONVINCE you to go or tell you that some things changed... Don't like don't go... Curious to give it another chance? Go for it and let us know when you're going smile.gif Or just go to a place you know you like and don't even bother...

Zoya somehow I knew you'd be the first to reply to this......anyways, c'mon you gotta give me more than that!......I know I can go for myself but I wanted some assurance before I go spend $30 or whatever.......alright, let me put it this way.......can you or someone else paint a picture in my head of what the vibe is like at SF on Saturdays.......you don't need to convince me necessarily but just give me a feeling of what the deal is there.......thanks....lol



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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Originally posted by tyco:

Okay.....I hear so much on this board about SF that it makes me curious.......I haven't been there since last year and when I went, I thought it was wack as hell.......I mean, the place itself is nice but the music was so up and down.....like, go crazy, then stand there, go crazy, then stand there.......I didn't really like the vibe either cause the crowd was very like "I'm the greatest one here" type shit......plus the juicers took up the whole dance floor and were just downright obnoxious.......I'm not trying to knock the place....just giving an honest opinion so please don't reply to this telling me how wrong I am........anyway, I really want to give SF another shot but can anyone convince me that something has changed, if it has......or is my description above pretty accurate of SF these days?......I hear good things about afterhours Saturday but I'm not sure if my sources have the same thoughts as I do.........can anyone help me here? Thanks.


i wouldn't bother, unless you are dying to hit an afterhours party saturday night. save your $$.

i wouldn't even show up their prior to 5AM if you decide to go.

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Hehehe.. I'm predictable when it comes to factory, I know smile.gif Guilty as charged..

As for details on the vibe.. It's really hard to describe because what I like YOU might hate.. I can only tell you my own opinion and tell you why I love that place..

I've said it all about a 1000 times already but I guess you never read my posts on that so here we go smile.gif

In my opinion, the vibe on Sats is unbelievable. On most nights of course, not all.. The majority of the crowd is a REGULAR crowd there. I see the same faces every weekend and there are a lot of ppl who go religiously every week. No, they are not losers or crackheads, just ppl who LOVE SF as much as I do.

The music is INSANE. From what I know, you like trance so I really don't know if you'd like it or not. It's definitely nothing like Twilo. A totally different experience. I think JP is one of the sickest dj's ever, he fucks with the music and makes you go crazy (that's only if you FEEL his music)..

As far as juiceheads, I dunno.. They don't bother me at all. I don't pay attention to them so they never ruin it for me.

I met a LOT of really cool ppl there. Every night I meet a few ppl who are just very cool.. I must be lucky but I rarely get disrespected in any way so I cannot complain about that. But I find the crowd to be very cool.. Ppl always talk to you.. That's one of the things that I hate about Twilo actually. If you're in SF and someone is standing or sitting next to you, you WILL be talking to them within 5 minutes!!! I was sitting next to this girl at Twilo for about 3 hours (not sitting the whole time but hanging out in the same area) and she never said a word to me!!!!! She looked upset so I asked her if she was ok.. She was like "yeah" and sat there for like 3-4 hours the whole time.... I found that sort of strange and that would NEVER happen at SF!!! Every time you sit down, you end up talkign to someone! I love that....

Anyway, I hope you come with us this or some other weekend and see for yourself smile.gif IMO, it's worth the $30 but again, this is coming from me so.......

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Thanks sweetie.....I knew you could do it.......I think I need to check the scene out sometime.....I'll def let you know when I do cause I don't think I know too many people who will come there with me........anyways, I think that is odd what happened to you at Twilo, my experience has been exactly the opposite....I have met so many people there that I see every week and we have a blast.....very friendly crowd I think......well, if SF is like that then it's for me.......I haven't heard JP that much, only in Cancun and I don't think he was really serious with his set.......I actually met him also......what an asshole the guy is......very arrongant, but who cares if he can spin a nice set.......okay, okay, I'm done......thanks again to everyone so far.....



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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Factory's crowd is very homogenous in the sence that most of the guys are abnormally large and shirtless. It's often very hard to differentiate them from one another being that they all, for the most part, look the same. The women are all very attractive. The entire crowd is full of intense partiers and is very sociable. The music does vary with hard hitting beats for 3-6 or so, then bug-out music from 6 till around 9, then the music hits its pinnacle after that. It's worth another shot.

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Thanks sweetie.....I knew you could do it.......I think I need to check the scene out sometime.....I'll def let you know when I do cause I don't think I know too many people who will come there with me........anyways, I think that is odd what happened to you at Twilo, my experience has been exactly the opposite....I have met so many people there that I see every week and we have a blast.....very friendly crowd I think......well, if SF is like that then it's for me.......I haven't heard JP that much, only in Cancun and I don't think he was really serious with his set.......I actually met him also......what an asshole the guy is......very arrongant, but who cares if he can spin a nice set.......okay, okay, I'm done......thanks again to everyone so far.....



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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Zoya, you are so right. Mikey, I went there for the first time last Sunday morning (around 4:30 AM) since the underwear party in '99. So I went in with a totally open mind. I liked the setup with the lights and all and music was sick. The juiceheads or whatever you want to call those guys were actually nice to me and gave me room to dance. I went by myself that night, and I was happy that I still decided to go b/c I did talk to a couple of random ppl like Zoya was saying. Mad ppl were very friendly (don't know if it was the drugs or not)...And I would be just standing there chillen during the SF dancers were performing and ppl would just come over and strike a conversation...I think the only CNYC head I saw there that night was gofastman, but I wasn't sure if he would remember who I am. But like most (Zoya and Dee) say here, if you have an inkling that you are not interested in going then you will definitely not have a good time.

My $0.02



Email: ynicholas@aol.com

AIM: ynicholas

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Zoya, I was considering but then I will be up all weekend, then I will be really looking cracked out! cwm32.gif ...I've decided to save myself till next Saturday (12/23) so I can rock the house b4 Christmas! cwm27.gif



Email: ynicholas@aol.com

AIM: ynicholas

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Originally posted by jammy:

Zoya, you are so right. Mikey, I went there for the first time last Sunday morning (around 4:30 AM) since the underwear party in '99. So I went in with a totally open mind. I liked the setup with the lights and all and music was sick. The juiceheads or whatever you want to call those guys were actually nice to me and gave me room to dance. I went by myself that night, and I was happy that I still decided to go b/c I did talk to a couple of random ppl like Zoya was saying. Mad ppl were very friendly (don't know if it was the drugs or not)...And I would be just standing there chillen during the SF dancers were performing and ppl would just come over and strike a conversation...I think the only CNYC head I saw there that night was gofastman, but I wasn't sure if he would remember who I am. But like most (Zoya and Dee) say here, if you have an inkling that you are not interested in going then you will definitely not have a good time.

My $0.02


Hey, jammy......thanks......I think I will have to make a trip there on one of these Saturdays......I'm very suprised to hear this about SF......lol



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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i don't know about zoya's comment regarding the girl who didn't talk at twilo for like 3 hours- prolly cuz i'm never off the dance floor biggrin.gif

but as for vibes they opposite end of the spectrum

the chill out vibe is definetly more rampant at factory. people are kinda friendly from what i remember, but the last tiem i was there couldtn' even move or practically breathe so no chance for people to be friendly

the twilo vibe is about the music on not so much socializing. you won't find anyone on the dancefloor at twilo standing talking, everyone is wiling out. its just insane nrg from start to finish. i've noticed that factory is more laid back and chill which is cool as well, but i wouldnt' even know recently b/c i've been on almost as long a hiatus as you (JP bday last year)


so as i see, if you like chillin then factory is definetly nice and its great b/c of the late afterhours, but if you wanna get intense on the dancefloor then its definetly twilo




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