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Happy now, racist neokkkon losers??

Former NAACP member..

Civil rights icon...

I know how much you hate those words. I know how much you hate anyone whose skin isn't as pearly white as yours.

I know you're glad Rosa Parks is dead. Admit it.

Civil Rights Icon Parks Dies

Published On Wednesday, October 26, 2005 1:49 AM


Contributing Writer

Rosa Parks, the renowned civil rights icon, died of natural causes on Monday in her home in Detroit, Mich. She was 92.

When Rosa Parks refused to move, a whole movement began.

Park’s refusal to give up her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery, Ala. bus sparked the influential 1960s civil rights movement. Her arrest in 1955 provoked the 381-day bus boycott in Montgomery, led by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Following the boycott, the United States government instituted the 1964 federal Civil Rights Act, which banned racial discrimination in public spaces.

Parks has long been remembered in history as one of the pioneers in the civil rights movement. Although Parks was only a 42 year-old seamstress, her act is well-known by children and scholars alike.

“I actually cried when I saw the news [of Parks’ death]. Rosa Parks is one of those titanic heroines that is rare in human history, a woman who seems by all means and standards [to have] lived a life of exceeding integrity and humility,” said Timothy P. McCarthy ’93, a residential tutor in Quincy and lecturer in History and Literature and a coauthor of The Radical Reader, a book documenting the history of the American radical tradition.

McCarthy said that Parks will long be remembered as an example for how to live ones life on a daily basis.

“Rosa Parks represents the power that is inherent in each individual person to change society for the better,” said McCarthy. “It does not require a social movement to create social change.”

The nation recognized Park’s contribution to society in 1996 when she received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, an award to outstanding civilians, and in 1999 when she received the Congressional Gold Medal, the nation’s highest civilian honor. Her hometown of Detroit, Mich. also named a street in her honor.

“I think she’ll be remembered in many ways, perhaps most profoundly as an ordinary citizen who helped the nation take an extraordinary step to greater justice,” said Christopher Stone ’78, Guggenheim Professor of the Practice of Criminal Justice at the Kennedy School of Government.

Yesterday, President Bush recognized Roses’ contribution to American history and the 20th century.

Although the Harvard Black Students Association (BSA) said that they have not yet had an opportunity to discuss how they will commemorate Parks, they recognized her impact in history.

According to BSA Political Action Chair Chaz M. Beasley ’08, “I think Rosa Parks had a tremendous impact on the black community not only at Harvard but everywhere. She was one of the guiding lights and guiding forces in the civil rights movement.”

Later in her life, Parks devoted her attention to young people and developing their leadership qualities.

“She was such a beacon of faith and hope for young people who are struggling,” said


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What Fox News Channel Would Have Done to Rosa Parks

Cenk Uygur

Aug 12, 2005

Cindy Sheehan - in case you've been living in a box or you only watch the mainstream media - is the mom of slain Iraq War veteran Casey Sheehan. She is protesting in front of George Bush's Crawford ranch this month.

This grieving mom has been characterized as a flip-flopper, accused of putting on a public circus, lambasted as a publicity seeking grandstander and criticized for not truly speaking for her family since an aunt and a godmother Matt Drudge found somewhere in the Sheehan family disagrees with her. The conservative attack machine is in high gear in the efforts to tear this woman down.

That made me think of how it would have been in the Civil Rights era if Fox News Channel, Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge and the rest of the gang were around back then.

O'Reilly: "Rosa Parks claims she speaks for all of the African-Americans in the South, but in fact, we have found two African-Americans who say they disagree with her. They say she's just trying to gain publicity and doesn't speak for anyone in her race. They would know, they're black."

Hannity: "Could Rosa Parks be angling for a Senate run? What does she have to gain from her public stand? Coming up next, the incredible story of how this woman might be deceiving the whole country!"

Drudge: "We have found three members of the Parks family who say that Rosa doesn't speak for them. That, in fact, they are very happy with the government of the state of Alabama. The uncle, step-brother-in-law and niece three-times removed all agree that the better route is a dignified, respectful silent deference to authority. Developing..."

Limbaugh: "We have just found information that before Rosa Parks sat in the front of the bus, there were numerous times, she sat in the back of the bus! Ah ha! A flip-flopper!"

Drudge: "More stories on Rosa Parks scandalous history of consistently sitting in the back of the bus before she changed her position and insisted she would only sit in the front of the bus. Developing..."

Malkin: "I think I speak for the entire Parks family, and especially her children, when I say that they are so embarrassed by their mother who is making a public spectacle of herself."

Hannity: "Rosa Parks has turned this whole so-called civil rights issue into a public circus. We have information that Ted Kennedy might have put her up to this. That amazing story when we come back!"

Colmes: "You're right, Sean. I'm sorry."

O'Reilly: "To question the government of Alabama and implicitly the entire United States government by defying the political order like this has to be considered treasonous. Civil disobedience is a code word for I hate America. These people are criminals, simple criminals. It's ridiculous that they think they don't have to live by the same rules as the rest of us."

Scarborough: "Yeah, whatever they just said on Fox News Channel! Well... I mostly agree with it."

Kaplan: "Can we hire Shep Smith to cover this? Maybe give him his own show?"

Limbaugh: "What did I tell you folks? These libs like Parks would rather live in France where they can sit anywhere they want on the bus. They hate America. They want special privileges to be able to sit anywhere they want. They hide behind the color of their skin to try to undermine this country."

Coulter: "Rosa Parks is a dyke!"

Blitzer: "Dr. King, is it true that you support the liberal agitator Rosa Parks in her defiance of America? Can you confirm whether she has in fact sat in the back of the bus before? Do you think this makes her a flip-flopper? If she has been so inconsistent on this, how can we trust her on anything?"

Drudge: "MY SOURCES TELL ME THAT THIS MIGHT BE THE FIRST TIME ROSA PARKS HAS EVER SAT IN THE FRONT OF THE BUS. A whole life of sitting in the back of the bus and now this woman claims all of a sudden she wants to sit in the front of the bus. Developing..."

O'Reilly: "Unbelievable, just unbelievable. Ridiculous!"

Hannity: "Incredible!"

Scarborough: "What did they just say?"

In Unison: "Flip-flopper! Flip-flopper! Flip-flopper!"

Blitzer: "Ms. Parks left the bus in disgrace today after it was confirmed that some members of her family did not agree with her, she had ruined her credibility by working for the NAACP before the bus incident, and she had in fact sat in the back of the bus on previous occasions. Now back to the emotionally wrenching story of the girl missing in..."

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Back off your medz again,,,,huh??

Does ANYONE take you seriously, Fruitcake?



I'm glad she's dead. She's a fucking America hating crack smoking nigger anyhow so why do I care? I'll even go piss on her grave to show how much I hate niggers because I am better than them. I hope all niggers die. Bring back the Jim Crow laws!! WHITE POWER!!

I was hoping you and obby got killed by Wilma. Oh well... Maybe the next one will finally put you two in your place. Fucking racist whitebred inbreeds.

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Threatened your life? LOL You're such a fucking pussybitch!

I said I'd love to break your face after you wished I'd join my dead cousin who was killed in Iraq.

Here, I'll say it again. I know I have no chance of ever meeting you, but I would love to, in the hope that I could personally BREAK YOUR FACE! I'd even take it as far as pissing and shitting on your broken face while you lay there sucking on your thumb crying "mama,,,mama,,,,mama".....

Threaten your life? No way! Fuck you up? You bet!

Anyway, how are you and your Taliban loving jihadist doing today? Had your fill on granola yet? Still plotting ways to destroy America? How come you're not in France w/ your butt pirate heathens? Shouldn't you be in a cave somewhere plotting the demise of the west? Will you hurry up already and off yourself, there are virigns waiting for you. In your case, virgin boys you sick faggot fuck! LOL


PS...I've already printed this post and sent it to the authorities. They need to know that an enemy of the state is living among us here in America. You're going to be hunted down for being a traitor and terrorist sympathizer.

Choke on that puta!

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Threatened your life? LOL You're such a fucking pussybitch!

I said I'd love to break your face after you wished I'd join my dead cousin who was killed in Iraq.

Here, I'll say it again. I know I have no chance of ever meeting you, but I would love to, in the hope that I could personally BREAK YOUR FACE! I'd even take it as far as pissing and shitting on your broken face while you lay there sucking on your thumb crying "mama,,,mama,,,,mama".....

Threaten your life? No way! Fuck you up? You bet!

Anyway, how are you and your Taliban loving jihadist doing today? Had your fill on granola yet? Still plotting ways to destroy America? How come you're not in France w/ your butt pirate heathens? Shouldn't you be in a cave somewhere plotting the demise of the west? Will you hurry up already and off yourself, there are virigns waiting for you. In your case, virgin boys you sick faggot fuck! LOL


PS...I've already printed this post and sent it to the authorities. They need to know that an enemy of the state is living among us here in America. You're going to be hunted down for being a traitor and terrorist sympathizer.

Choke on that puta!

fucking great

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's good to know you're only galvinazing the American people against Bush and his criminal war with that attitude. That same attitude when Bush accused congress of aiding the enemy cost him dearly in the polls. What were the numbers the last time I checked? Ah yes.... 34% job approval rating and falling fast.

Should the "authorities" arrest the majority who oppose Bush for "treason"?

I'm still here. Your attempt out of total desperation failed. Having an opinion isn't treason. Disagreeing with your king isn't treason either. Announcing there is to be no criticism of your king, not criticism of the events or to stifle the right to free speech and debate is treason.

You hate free speech.. You hate freedom.

You see, the "authorities" laughed it out. Nothing for them to go on. They didn't persue it, knowing they would get reamed in court.

And for treason, that is a charge congress imposes and is tried by congress, at least that's what it said the last time I read the constitution. The same constituition you would rather throw into the inceninerator since you hate it so much.

The both of you hate freedom, therefore hate America and is the true danger to this country.

It is you who is defending criminal acts. The criminal acts of a lying out of control president and you would even go as far as defend his criminal acts by inflicting criminal acts on those who disagree with both you and him. Not surprising what criminal acts republican extremists would do to defend the crimes of their leader.

You prefer dictatorship over democracy. Hitler would be proud of you.

You are a waste of bandwidth. You are a fucking dickwart, an asshat, assfinger, fuckwad, imbecillic blowhard, a cocksmoking faggot etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc...............

PS. YOU don't give a fuck about Rosa Parks.

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It's good to know you're only galvinazing the American people against Bush and his criminal war with that attitude. That same attitude when Bush accused congress of aiding the enemy cost him dearly in the polls. What were the numbers the last time I checked? Ah yes.... 34% job approval rating and falling fast.

Should the "authorities" arrest the majority who oppose Bush for "treason"?

I'm still here. Your attempt out of total desperation failed. Having an opinion isn't treason. Disagreeing with your king isn't treason either. Announcing there is to be no criticism of your king, not criticism of the events or to stifle the right to free speech and debate is treason.

You hate free speech.. You hate freedom.

You see, the "authorities" laughed it out. Nothing for them to go on. They didn't persue it, knowing they would get reamed in court.

And for treason, that is a charge congress imposes and is tried by congress, at least that's what it said the last time I read the constitution. The same constituition you would rather throw into the inceninerator since you hate it so much.

The both of you hate freedom, therefore hate America and is the true danger to this country.

It is you who is defending criminal acts. The criminal acts of a lying out of control president and you would even go as far as defend his criminal acts by inflicting criminal acts on those who disagree with both you and him. Not surprising what criminal acts republican extremists would do to defend the crimes of their leader.

You prefer dictatorship over democracy. Hitler would be proud of you.

You are a waste of bandwidth. You are a fucking dickwart, an asshat, assfinger, fuckwad, imbecillic blowhard, a cocksmoking faggot etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc...............

PS. YOU don't give a fuck about Rosa Parks.

Please, if anyone on this board knows who Destruction is, or his friends with this social defect, please take him to see the medical attention he so obviously needs...

At the very least, with the proper therapy and medication, it may reduce the probability of him frightening people with disturbing posts like last one...and of course, most importantly, a clearly mentally ill person is off the streets, and can hopefully never, ever reproduce

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Please, if anyone on this board knows who Destruction is, or his friends with this social defect, please take him to see the medical attention he so obviously needs...

At the very least, with the proper therapy and medication, it may reduce the probability of him frightening people with disturbing posts like last one...and of course, most importantly, a clearly mentally ill person is off the streets, and can hopefully never, ever reproduce


I defend the criminal acts of the Bush administration and defend the criminal acts of anyone who commits a crime against anyone who disagrees with the criminal actions of our leader.

You bring the fear upon yourself. What you are truely afraid of is patriotic American people who expose him of his lies and criminal acts and those who defend his criminal acts and lies.

Nobody believes him anymore. Nobody believes the propaganda his lapdogs spread around like a cancer. The cancer is getting removed and we the patriotic america loving people, unlike yourself are the chemotherapy. We are giving the country the "medical attention" it truely needs and that is to expose Bush for his lies and push to have him removed by impeachment because we the majority who now oppose Bush are the surgeons who will remove the cancer.

Oh, by the way Bush no longer has the majority behind him when only 34% of the American people, including YOU are what's left of what little support he has.


And it just keeps plummeting.

There's no chance for recovery this time. The damage is done.

Keep defending a treasonous war criminal. Nobody's stopping ya.

You can't intimidate me Billy. I'm not Jeremy Glick, Billy.

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You bring the fear upon yourself. What you are truely afraid of is patriotic American people who expose him of his lies and criminal acts and those who defend his criminal acts and lies.

Nobody believes him anymore. Nobody believes the propaganda his lapdogs spread around like a cancer. The cancer is getting removed and we the patriotic america loving people, unlike yourself are the chemotherapy. We are giving the country the "medical attention" it truely needs and that is to expose Bush for his lies and push to have him removed by impeachment because we the majority who now oppose Bush are the surgeons who will remove the cancer.

Oh, by the way Bush no longer has the majority behind him when only 34% of the American people, including YOU are what's left of what little support he has.


And it just keeps plummeting.

There's no chance for recovery this time. The damage is done.

Keep defending a treasonous war criminal. Nobody's stopping ya.

You can't intimidate me Billy. I'm not Jeremy Glick, Billy.

The above quote was sponsored by the Foundation for Children Who Were Dropped On Their Head

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Your brother threatened my life and you have the nerve to say you don't wish death on anyone??


From what I read he sated that he wanted to punch you in the face. How a simple punch in the face can be interpreted as a threat to your life can only lead me to assume that you're a ...............................


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From what I read he sated that he wanted to punch you in the face. How a simple punch in the face can be interpreted as a threat to your life can only lead me to assume that you're a ...............................


I'm gonna punch your face is still a threat you pussy. Shut up and stop defending your criminally minded brother, fagtard.

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