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C&C/VC Crobar Sat.

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chus ceballos awesome tribal/progg/tech some funky/soulful samples atop the banging progg tribal beats.

some big progg bass. great set. i was there 3-6. 6 am

vic on, proggy/tribal bit monotonous but artful samples.

chus/ceballos crobar/vic my rating overall for the night ***3/4 of 5 poss stars. fairly friendly crowd but also a few crickies and quite a few guids.

thought vics crowd the carl cox night was much hotter looking.

really impressive C&C set. was there 3-ish til they finished, 6 am?

stayed for an hour of vic til 7:

C&C have a really modern even futuristic sound. cool workings with the tribal/percussions. love the way they use alittle bit of soul/funk samples. also a real way with a progressive or hard house cruncher as heard circa 5 am.

I thought C&C used the huge room magbnificently theirs is a big sound that expands.

Ive heard vic on & off for a long time. hes pro, he plays a lot of tribal that is hard and not boring. his energy is impressive, hours of hard edged sound a la carl cox's relentless pace.

I like the samples I heard last night, some strings, some other cool sounds.

I just find vic slightly monotonous or samey. but Im sure he played lots of big classics/hits/jams as the day wore on. - can the spotters & the 3;30 pm after after hours crowd pls fill us in on what songs vic pulled out from 7 am to 3:330 - on??

vic is certainly an expert in what he chooses to do but i thought C&Cs flavours were spicier and more widescreen.

still between lots of good music on the progg tribal tip just right for 2005-06 and a fun energeic & dedicated crowd, it was a suvccessful night in nyc, truly.

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We got there at 1:00 a.m. and the line was really long ... at one point, there was an Asian guy offering $50.00 to let him skip the line but the bouncer was honest and said no you can wait at the end of the line...at least Crobar bouncers are honest. Also, I noticed that lots of people were being taken off the line and there were alot of copmobiles around but, fortunately, I saw a bouncer that we knew and he let us in w/o waiting...once inside it was very crowded and it stayed packed until like noon...I really like C&C's music especially when they announced..."you are listening to the sounds of Chus and Ceballos in Stereo"...they definitely have a futuristic tech house sound which was amazing. And btw while spinning one of their tribal songs, they played a video of Mena Suvari dancing which was really HOT...I think Ive seen Crobar play that a few times before and it is awesome...is that from a movie?? anyway, at 5:00 VC came on and he was great as well but I preferred C&C. It's funny too because when V.C. came on, all of a sudden out of nowhere it was like Roxy on Saturday night...all the straight people went upstairs and it became like 90% gay on the dancefloor...one of my friends complained that there were like less than 20 girls downstrairs while the dancefloor was packed with shirtless guys hugging each other lol...anyway, it was a great time.

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I was only there from about 4:30 to 6:45, but what I heard of C&C was insane! I will definitely have to make it earlier next time. The part when they had the "Chus and Ceballos in stereo" vocal was awesome!!! Calderone was pretty good too...for the record the crowd was very gay. When I got there around 4 the line was pretty much all guys, and when I left it was the same thing.

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