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Don't Look Now But........


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Looks like Al-Jazeera is having a field day w/ the democratic party and their spineless quest for power of the White House at the expense of the American soldier abroad.


Next, I can imagine "uncle sam" style campaign add which reads "Usama Wants You" (replace Uncle Sam cartoon w/ UBL).

This should be the new DNC seal....

Congrat Demz!!! Really! Great job! Terrorsit all over the world LOVE YOU!

You said you were worried about what the rest of the world thought of America, well how about what Americans, specifically soldiers think of Democrats?

I can only hope and pray the RNC plays their cards right and w/in the next year unload on all of the politicians playing politrix w/ this war for their own selfish aquisition of power!

Have no fear Demz, if America disownes you, you'll always have Al-Qaida to turn to!

You guys are true patriots,,,,,,,,only for the other side and not America!


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I am so disgusted with the politicians and elected officials who are playing a reprehensible game of politics with this war......The Dems are completely repulsive, and some GOPers are equally as bad.......Clinton, as a former President, should know better...disgusting.....

We have soldiers in major theaters of battle, military and intelligence operations in 60 countries, and people sacrificing their lives for a NOBLE cause, and for the national security of this country, both now, and more importantly, for the future.....

Here is what I hope---that for the shameless politicians who are playing politics with this war for their mid-term elections, that the American people wake up, and realize that these ELECTED officials are dispicable, and vote them out of office for those who have more respect, decency, and common sense in their behavior and words when he have our soldiers in harm's way.....

I wonder what it would take for this country, and some in government, and the media, and the left, and the politicians to realize we are AT WAR........woudl it take hitting the WTC in 1993, or bombing the Khobar Towers, or hitting our African Embassies, or our warships like the U.S. Cole, or the WTC again, or beheading journalists, or bombing innocent mean, women, and children of the MUSLIM faith, or trains in Spain, subways in the U.K., or jihadists raiding schools in Russia, or bombing tourist places in Jordan or Bali, or the President of Iran saying he is going to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, or fill in the blanks...

This country, and Western civilization, and the majority of Muslims who do not adhere to the twisted hijacking of their faith, better wake the fuck up.....we owe it to this country, and the civilized world..........and right now and forever, we OWE it to the men and women of our military...

Reprehensible what is going on......and I state, again, that honest dissent, or true critique, is needed and warranted........but not empty rhetoric, outright lies, and disgusting bloviating without EVER having an alternative solution....

Our enemies could not have scripted a better scene that what is going on in this country...they know there is only one way to defeat us, and that is to wear out our limited resolve, which they know too well, and we have demonstrated way too often....remarkable that so many can't understand that...........

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Well said bro!

I'm still soaking it all in..................

What's not to get? Couldn't be more crystal clear what we face.

How's our generation going to deal w/ this shit?

We see what liberals want. We see what democratic politicians say. As of last night, we saw what democratic politicians do!

Only 3 voted to cut and run from Iraq. ONLY 3!

So what's w/ the democratic side show circus? House Repz call their bluff and as expected, nothing but more hot air and psuedo-rage from today's modern democrats. Seems like they're playing to their sugar daddy's on the far left, but @ what expense? Is that a sign of a confident party or an act of desperation?

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