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Zarqawi KILLED?


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Officials Probing Whether Raid in Mosul Killed Zarqawi

By Ellen Knickmeyer and Thomas E. Ricks

Washington Post Foreign Service

Monday, November 21, 2005; A11

BAGHDAD, Nov. 20 -- An Iraqi police commander said Sunday that U.S. and Iraqi officials were certain that seven men who fought to the death in a house in northern Iraq were members of al Qaeda but were still trying to determine whether one of them was Abu Musab Zarqawi, the Jordanian insurgent leader.

U.S. and Iraqi forces remained deployed around the site of the three-hour gunfight Saturday at a house in the city of Mosul, north of Baghdad. Children stayed home from class on Sunday, a school day in the Islamic world, and other residents kept off the streets, presumably fearing that more fighting might result from the heavy military presence in the city.

Joint forces backed by U.S. military helicopters had surrounded the house after receiving a tip that led them to believe that Zarqawi might be inside, the governor of Nineveh province, Duraid Kashmoula, said Saturday.

As Iraqi soldiers and U.S. Special Forces advisers went into the building, grenades rained down from the roof, wounding 11 of them, according to a U.S. Army officer near where the raid occurred. Multiple explosions collapsed the building, and two American Special Forces troops were killed, he said.

Kashmoula said four of the fighters inside died while resisting the assault, and three others blew themselves up with explosives rather than be captured. A woman was also found inside with the words "suicide bomber" marked on her chest, officials said. Brig. Gen. Said Ahmed Jubouri, a police commander in Mosul, said the force of the suicide blasts destroyed the house.

Zarqawi is the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, a group allied with the larger al Qaeda organization and that is believed responsible for many suicide attacks in Iraq.

Kashmoula said U.S. officials retrieved the remains and were investigating whether Zarqawi was among the dead.

U.S. military officials believe it is possible that Zarqawi was killed in the raid but will not know with certainty until DNA tests are run, said a U.S. military intelligence official involved in Iraqi issues.

There is a "30 percent" chance that one of the bodies is Zarqawi's, he said. But he warned: "We've had dry holes before."

Over the past month, the official said, there has been a series of raids following a surge in tips from Iraqis unhappy with Zarqawi and his operation. These tend to be traditional Iraqi leaders -- sheiks and imams -- upset with the organization, especially its recent execution of Sunni Arabs in Ramadi, the provincial capital of Anbar. "Their feeling is that al Qaeda in Iraq has overstepped its bounds," he said.

Ricks reported from Washington. Special correspondent Dlovan Brwari in Mosul contributed to this report.

© 2005 The Washington Post Company



BAGHDAD, Nov. 20 -- An Iraqi police commander said Sunday that U.S. and Iraqi officials were certain that seven men who fought to the death in a house in northern Iraq were members of al Qaeda but were still trying to determine whether one of them was Abu Musab Zarqawi, the Jordanian insurgent leader(I hope not).

U.S. and Iraqi forces remained deployed around the site of the three-hour gunfight Saturday at a house in the city of Mosul, north of Baghdad. Children stayed home from class on Sunday, a school day in the Islamic world, and other residents kept off the streets, presumably fearing that more fighting might result from the heavy military presence in the city(you see, we're just creating more terror).

Joint forces backed by U.S. military helicopters had surrounded the house after receiving a tip that led them to believe that Zarqawi might be inside(OH NO!!!), the governor of Nineveh province, Duraid Kashmoula, said Saturday.

As Iraqi soldiers and U.S. Special Forces advisers went into the building, grenades rained down from the roof, wounding 11 of them(Gooooooo Al-Qaida!!!!), according to a U.S. Army officer near where the raid occurred. Multiple explosions collapsed the building, and two American Special Forces troops were killed(they've probably been abusing inoccent terrorist and killing inoccent Iraqi's), he said.

Kashmoula said four of the fighters inside died while resisting the assault, and three others blew themselves up with explosives rather than be captured(poor desperate souls. forced to such extremes by an imperialist America trying to steal their oil). A woman was also found inside with the words "suicide bomber" marked on her chest, officials said. Brig. Gen. Said Ahmed Jubouri, a police commander in Mosul, said the force of the suicide blasts destroyed the house(yeah right suicide blasts??? Those special forces blew that bldg. up and probably killed a bunch of women and children, now they'll blame it on female suicide bombers....MURDERS!!!!).

Zarqawi is the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, a group allied with the larger al Qaeda organization and that is believed responsible for many suicide attacks in Iraq(He's just a freedom fighter! Damn this media bias!).

Kashmoula said U.S. officials retrieved the remains and were investigating whether Zarqawi was among the dead(Gosh, I hope not...Uday, Kusay, Saddam and now Zarqawi? plz no!!!).

U.S. military officials believe it is possible that Zarqawi was killed in the raid but will not know with certainty until DNA tests are run, said a U.S. military intelligence official involved in Iraqi issues(lies!!! all lies!!!! they killed women and children!!).

There is a "30 percent" chance that one of the bodies is Zarqawi's, he said. But he warned: "We've had dry holes before."(I knew it!!! hahahahahahaha Goooooo Al-Qaeda!!!)

Over the past month, the official said, there has been a series of raids following a surge in tips from Iraqis unhappy with Zarqawi and his operation. These tend to be traditional Iraqi leaders -- sheiks and imams -- upset with the organization, especially its recent execution of Sunni Arabs in Ramadi, the provincial capital of Anbar. "Their feeling is that al Qaeda in Iraq has overstepped its bounds," he said.(uh oh!!! progress in this war is not good for me!)

Ricks reported from Washington. Special correspondent Dlovan Brwari in Mosul contributed to this report.


Call me crazy, but when you position yourself in a manner in which GOOD NEWS FOR AMERICA is somehow BAD NEWS FOR YOU, then you might just wanna consider how it is you've marooned yourself on that island of propaganda, who sold it to you and what their motives might have been.

Or, you can stay stuck on stupid!

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