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Posts abouts music news, news about DJs, some worthy club info...something worthy about the scene. Kept me actually interested reading the board. I joined the board back in June and it had all this stuff...and I know peeps who have been on ths board longer have said it was better.

Now all the board has annoying imposters, ridiculous, annoying posts, useless chit chat, posts about checking up on fuck buddies...I could give two shits about who wears what sneakers, what people drink, how much and what kinds of drugs people take, what people smoke, promoters who need to take up so much space to promote one party...if you can't bullshit properly, then you don't know how to promote, who cares if you made it to a another level of posting...what do you want a button...you became a clubber...big fucking deal, you were one to begin with. Oh yeah if posts that are "urgent, please read, attention" and have nothing important to say...are annoying.

I'm not saying every post have to be about music...there are posts on here that are really amusing. Adds variety. Keep certain posts to the other boards...thats why they are there. But there has been seriously alot of crap lately. I'm not the only one saying it.

Peeps wonder what happened to the other members who constantly posted before...well...they got tired of seeing this crap. Seems like its become more of a popularity contest.

Well that's my opinion, I can be wrong.



maybe someday is when it all stops or maybe someday always comes again...


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you just mean...when it was good

I don't mind a little nonsense, but AAAGGGHHHH I saw 6 threads about Clubbing on page 1 today, that's it

- Pete





Upcoming Shows: "Spanking the Spoony" Every Wed night!!!...as for that, looks like 2001 will be the next gigs!


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Yes, there has been an abundance of all that crap you're talking about... the second I give an honest opinion, they think I'm being nasty.

So, should I say, oohhh, you are great, no you are... adds nothing to the conversation. You're right, it seems like everyone's on a popularity contest these days... oohh, you're so cool... well, if you need to have peeps say it, I tell you one thing... you aint' so cool... you're a kiss ass, and there's nothing more I despise more.

I have had my share of idiots pming me that I'm nasty... well, fuck you and fuck you some more.

Also, what's this shit I've been hearing about someone waving some light shit that says ClubNYC at Twilo... hello? Like there ain't bouncers trying to bust us, you guys wanna attract more attention?

There's a fucking reason why we got meetups at the powerbar... it's so the fucking bouncers can't peg where we're hanging out. Wise up people... the fun ain't gonna last when you advertise this shit all over the place. I don't care how clean you are or aren't... I like privacy, simple as that...

One word of advice... get the fuck away from the steps, cause the bouncers are watching us like a hawk now... and I wonder who started it... this shit got me really pissed.

I ain't on no popularity contest... I wanna party hard til I go down and you betta get the fuck outta my way while I do it. Peeps know I can be a loyal son of a bitch... piss me off and I'll find ways to tear you a new asshole.


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by schwingep:

you just mean...when it was good

I don't mind a little nonsense,

- Pete


I don't mind some nonsense, but let it be something entertaining...humorous...

"I got a headache..so what..get fucking aspirin."



maybe someday is when it all stops or maybe someday always comes again...


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Guest crystalmethodny

Amen to that Frank.

Unfortunately, I don't have the time right now to help contribute and post some relevant topics. I'm in L.A....... agh.

Russ Reign and myself shall return to start up something! Muahahahaha


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

"I think of you, how I used to do on Sunday Afternoons."


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GOd save the good posts!!!! cwm1.gifcwm1.gif

The good news is I found that info on that Deep Dish song. And we are ALL looking for songs with Sasha playing Hide U live.

Ps.....new logo




[This message has been edited by myrlin (edited 12-13-2000).]

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i think your right the board is all about whos the best dj and where the clubs at.....i go on the board to fuck around....and beeee myself....i use to rip my friends when they told about the board and what goes on....there just to much competition over dj and clubs...and i cant believe no body rembers dj disciple.....his fucking old school...this when the old sound factory was around the block from lighnight and he also had a show every week on 89.1..brother was sweet..he always played good recss..alright whatever i have to say...KILL cwm23.gif KILL KILL KILL

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... to post you needed to grab a post-it note, thumb tack, and put it on the cork board


"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


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Originally posted by crystalmethodny:

Amen to that Frank.

Unfortunately, I don't have the time right now to help contribute and post some relevant topics. I'm in L.A....... agh.

Russ Reign and myself shall return to start up something! Muahahahaha

Cool beans Steve my brother...hope everything is going well in Cali. smile.gif



maybe someday is when it all stops or maybe someday always comes again...


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Okay let me jump in here......first off, I agree with what shadowchaser has to say.......I feel that this board should get posts for three reasons....

1) Good Questions - if someone need some info on something related to clubs or music, or even something miscellaneous is fine.....they should be worth answering though......I feel that when I have a question about something, this has been the best and fastest place to have it answered.

2) Quality Information - any info that is meaningful and related to the scene that is......info on a DJ, a new party, a meetup, etc........

3) Something very entertaining - if there is something that can entertain me, I'm up for it.......even if it has no direct relation to clubbing, if someone posts something that is downright hilarious, I enjoy reading it and it gives me a laugh at times when I'm not in a good mood......make it good though if you are to post something like that.....

I feel that too many people post just to have their name on the board and to see if people will respond to them.......I don't really get upset about it but I do get upset when I have to go to the second and third pages of posts to weed out something useful because BS posts are just taking up space.......The board is, in theory, open to anything but I think if everyone sticks to making useful posts the board will be much more valuable to everyone........

Here's three things that need to go I think......

1) Personal Conversations - I think there is too much personal info and chit chat floating around on the board.....if a post sparks a need for a conversation, us PMs, email, or IM the person and carry on there.......I have posted plenty of times about a question I have and by the 8th post two or three people are going back and forth with each other conversating while totally disregarding the post at hand.......again, this really doesn't "piss me off" but why not just carry it on in the places I names above(PM, email, IM).....that's what they're there for.....

2) Repetitive Promoting - I have no problem with the promoters advertising new parties and such, in fact, I think it is very good to let everyone know what is going on......however, when it gets to the point of hammering the party at everyone, it's wrong......we can read and we only need to read it once......with that, promoting should be done in a way to advertise a party and not to bash other clubs or parties at the same time.......keep it cool....

3) Imposters - well, this is probably a lost cause as far as solving the problem......I guess we just need to hope these idiots get bored with themselves and quit it or that the administrators decide to take stricter action.......it was okay at first but now I would say a good percentage of the posts here are from these people.......I mean, are they that bored? Whatever......

Quick note too......ezdreamer is very on point with what he said about overadvertising ourselves when out.......I admit I did it myself once or twice but now I realize he has a good point.......this is something good we have and only we can ruin it by doing such things......

That's it......



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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Okay. Here's my $0.02--

Frank definatley makes sense in the things that he said. This week i have felt a really weird deadness on this board, and i know that everyone feels the same.

I think, in my opinion of course, that the #1 reason for it are the impostors. Why? Well, think about it. These people have absolutley no lives, and they insist on attempting to be that bully that everyone knew as a small grade-school child. And that, ironically enough, is how they are still acting.....like children. We being human beings do not like to be made fun of, so we answer them back, or curse them out or whatever. Doing this we are fueling thier fire...and making them want to do it more. Now, this seems to have evolved into a HUGE repetative cycle, which in my opinion is slowly destroying what we once had. When i went to my first meetup i was thrilled to meet everyone, cause the board was all about people interacting with eachother. Now its petty childish bullshit. And i dont want to lose the board over it.

Frank- I want to say one thing tho. Yes there are a number of Bullshit threads where people carry one personal convo's etc. But these threads have always existed. And they always will. They are basically the replys and topics that keep the board moving during the day. Complaining about them is by far not a solution. I would be a lying if i said that i have never participated in any of these threads, or even started one of my own. And you would be lying yourself if u said the same. the fact of the matter is we are all guilty of it. Is there something wrong with that? NOT AT ALL. The reason that i love this board so much is because i am able to see what peoples views and opinions are....from Clubs, to Music, and yes...even thongs to clothes to sneekers. as silly as it sounds, think about it. All it is, is human interaction, with one another. YES there will be somethings that you find stupid.....but it will interest some people a little, and some alot. see where im coming from? Like i said in a post a while back....if it doesnt interest you....just back out of the page...and go to something else. That right there avoids uneeded drama. ITS A MESSAGEBOARD FOR GOD'S SAKE.....its not life. however, as you know, there are alot of good people on here, with really good hearts and minds.

On that note. Charlie, I'll tell you now that you are a good guy. You are very chill to hang out with. And when i say it i mean it. Im not "being a kissass".....when i say that there there are alot of good people on here, with really good hearts and minds, i fucking mean it. I'm not out to kiss anyones ass. I just enjoy every fucking second that i spend with the people that i do hang out with from here. and if i want to say that so and so is a cool guy/girl, or that they are awesome people all together....why should that be seen as kissing ass? The best thing about you charlie is that you dont give a fuck what people think, and you express your opinion no matter what. And what i said is mine. so, please, respect it, as i respect yours. Also, what you may think is Bullshit is someone else's opinion or though. If you are so big on people respecting what you have to say, no matter what it is....respect what they say, no matter what it is. And yes, you make a totally valid point in what you said about advertising ourselves too much. and i will admit in saying that i was the one with the skyliner at twilo 4 weeks ago, and i do realize my fault, and apologize whole heartedly. Either way, i lost it that night so you wont have to worry. smile.gif

This board is not my life. However, i have met a HUGE number of individuals that have become part of my life. Some closer than others. It really sucks that its falling apart over such petty bullshit. Im hoping that this "deadness" is due to the time of year (final exams, shopping, end of the year numbers etc.)....b/c it would really suck if it just died.

These are just my thoughts. Thanks for listening.

-Al cwm12.gif


"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

"Live for Twilo Fridays, The rest are just details" -Me

"I can walk in straight lines, within my own crooked world" -a drunken Aramis Ponte


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I definately see where you are all coming from, and I am clearly pretty new here, but is it really that hard for you to click to another page and find posts that you are interested in? It seeems that their is a market out there for many of these posts that you are not interested in. Can't you just ignore them??

Just my opinion,



If ignorance is bliss, then you must be rolling!

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I'm certainly not an old member of this board. I'm very very new in fact.

But, just have one suggestion to make, and I think most people do this.

Those imposters only exist because people pay attention to them when they post. People respond to their idiocy and they feed off that. They're attention vampires.

Ignore them completely and by completely I mean *completely* and they'll start to fade.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

---"You have wings! Why don't I have wings?!"

---"Cause you're a boy, silly."

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I totally agree on that, shadow....

Even though there are tons of 'bullshit' posts, I beleive I can still get the information I need; which is why I joined this in the first place... I beleive it is thru posts like these, and information on how our communitty works, that newbies and impostors and everyone who doesnt get it, will understand how, what and why we spend our most precious time checking the boards for posts and ideas that we can share or get something out of... cwm34.gif Props to all those who remember what the whole purpose of a 'clubplanet' message board is...

Keep it real guyz, and keep on postin'!!! cwm1.gif



Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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If all the above mentioned rules will be followed.. there would be just 3 posts a day ....

whats wrong with looking at the third page?...

i agree it could be annoying but - for the most part this board is here to kill time and help bored people ....

i do agree about personal posts - if they are personal - let them stay that way

but if people feel the need to bullshit let them - just dont put "! ! ! " next to stuff that is not urgent ...

lets make an agreement on using some sign

(my sudgestion the STOP sign - that red always gets my attention) in the rare case that everybody should know something

another sudgestion BE MORE DESCRIPTIVE in the title Line - no one word descriptions like

"look here"


"to all ..."

i hate those and never read them

just my 2 dollars worth



AIM: ZUinc2000

E-Mail: ZUinc99@aol.com

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Originally posted by trippintrance64:

and i will admit in saying that i was the one with the skyliner at twilo 4 weeks ago, and i do realize my fault, and apologize whole heartedly. Either way, i lost it that night so you wont have to worry. smile.gif

So, it was you? Tsk, tsk... hehehe... it's all good... just don't replace that with a whistle... nothing attracts more attention than a whistle.


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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You can all just bite me. The end.

no----scratch that...

I want to know what's going on for New Year's... .post that shit!!



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Hey Guys!

I am not about to say I know anything about anything when it comes to the board because I am still new here. I just have some points:

I agree...I would luv to see more topics about the scene, DJing, etc. I find the posts that inform me of what clubs are like, the DJs involved and that general info is great because I am still learning about the scene. I find all of this stuff quite fascinating (esp. how DJs do their stuff). I use this information to pick the clubs I want to go to and the DJs that I want to hear live. Furthermore, all this info allows PORN and I to plan our trips to NYC easily (of course with all of ROBY's help as well).

I will admit that I participate in the bantering back and forth on useless topics with people I have met or not met on this board (yes PMs, AIM, email or phones would make more sense). The majority of my reasoning is this board is one of the few venues I have to talk or read about everyone...being a Canadian I don't get to meet up every weekend with everyone (yes...PMs, AIM, email or phones would make more sense). I agree the bantering can get out of hand. I enjoy reading it...as long as it doesn't get nasty or become direct attacks on people (and I have had some unwarranted and quite nasty personal attacks on myself just like others...RE: the sex board...some of you have pointed out that I don't post anymore, there are reasons why!!!!). I agree we all have our opinions and that's awesome because THAT is what makes this board work well. There can be a fine line between OPINIONS & PERSONAL ATTACKS. We as board members have to take things with a grain of salt and remember EVERYONE is entitled to their opinions and we have to try not to take everything sssooo personally all the time.

I agree...these imposters can be nasty. I have not been posting on the board as much because of them. I read their shit sometimes and some of us feed into their antics...stop feeding them and they will go get food elsewhere. I do have sympathy for those of you they have attacked, really I do but, (UN-FUCKING-FORTUNATELY) they do have a right to be a board member until someone states otherwise. I know that sounds horrible to say (esp. because some of the personal attacks have been completely repulsive) but...am I wrong?!?!?!

I agree that we are here to have fun and enjoy each others thoughts and stuff. So, giddy up!!!

That's my incoherent 2 cents...well, maybe 1 cent!!!

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a couple short notes...

the old skoolers who don't post anymore didn't leave this board because of the imposters. if anything a couple of them stayed only as imposters to point out what the board used to be like, and try to deter more of the nonsensical trash that inundates this board now. granted i don't condone the racial garbage, but the mainstay of the phony name guys has been pointing out hypocrites and contradictions which personally i think was and is necessary. not to mention the straight up monotonous dribble that congests this board like nothing else.

all things change and thats what should really be noted, this board won't be the same again. so like many others, if you don't like it then perhaps it's time to move on.

i miss how it used to be, the one thing i enjoyed the most about this place was, arguements aside, you could learn something. not everyone agreed, but not many spoke without the knowledge to do so.

several other things to take into consideration... if your feelings have been hurt by someones comments on this board, you really need to check yourself, because it aint all that serious.

if you think that twilo security is going to single out the CNYC posse your nuts, they probably think you're just another bunch of loonies in the house. im certain that these words have never been whispered over their headsets "you see that crew on the stairs with the sign, that's those Clubplanet heads, their bad little kiddies, it's time we put an end to that"!

be cool



we must cultivate our gardens...

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Frank, I totally agree with all that you've said. This board had MUCH more substance when I was only a reader last year.

Charlie, I agree with you too that these days you can't give a constructive criticism. Everybody wants to be a one HUGE posse or something. This is a freakin' internet board where we can discuss music, DJs and the club scene. It's suppose to be made of different views and opinions. We're "suppose" to discuss and YES sometimes debate over our own ideas. NOT everyone is going to like one type of music or one DJ. That's just totally ridiculous. But it seems like everybody wants to Mr. or Mrs. Popular and it's getting old . . . FAST cwm25.gif

I clicked on this morning and counted maybe three posts that I found interesting. I remember a time when there were so many different posts that there wasn't enough time in my work hours to look through all of them. I miss that. cwm1.gif



“Hypocrisy is the lubricant of society." -David Hull angel.gif

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Well...3 years ago when I joined this board..let me tell you....it was ALL about music and clubs..and nyc nightlife in general. There were NO posts on the crap we have now..like "how big is your" or other surveys or topics off the subject at all..

The only thing we debated about was clubs and music..not relationships..not "you fizznag" etc..Yes..I do remember some E posts..but we did not have a drug board back then..and there was no bluelight either...

Now..this board has become a place for people of about our age..20-low 30's etc..to talk about whatever..with some club/music posts in between...I have mixed feelings about this...I don't like it..for the fact that some of the discussions are just damn stupid...but on the other hand..where else are you going to find a place with a good # of people about our age to ask advice, discuss things...etc. I must say that I have found some of the off-topic things very interesting..to see the points of view of other people around my age..however different they are from mine.

I just think its quite funny that most of you who are doing the complaining..haven't even been here that long! You don't even know how it used to be...haha

Just remember..with the huge number of people finding this board now...there is bound to be some good...and some bad...



" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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Sorry for even posting my thought on this one...coze I'm REALLY pretty new to the board. I have to agree with a lot of what has been said. The board is although quite entertaining from time to time... pretty senseless in other respects. It seems like a lot of people out there just want to dish out on others and then a lot of people on the other hand take everything so damn serious. I joined the board cause I liked the site when I lifed in the States two years ago. Now I came back for good and I thought it a good idea to get some news on clubs or other intersting things happening around the city. Well, some of the infos are quite good but unfortunately there is also a lot of bull*** going on. Plllleeezzze if you want say hi to your friends - use the normal email system. I get kind of tiered on reading those rather private and 'in-side' conversations. So, once again...apologize for even posting on this one but I needed to get this off my chest.

Love & Peace...

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Personally, some of the off-topic posts can be interesting (sometimes), but if not I just ignore them - its that easy. If the posts were solely about music and the scene, then there literally will be 10 posts a day (hey, maybe this way we can actually get some work done at work!).

My biggest gripe, however, are these damn imposters...I say we should just completely ignore their posts (as someone else mentioned) - that way they will not have anything to feed off, and thus will get bored and move on.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by Jilly:

I just think its quite funny that most of you who are doing the complaining..haven't even been here that long! You don't even know how it used to be...haha

Ah... on the contray my dear... I can't say for anybody else, but I have been lurking for awhile catching what the board was about before I posted anything... newbies nowadays post the same questions that was asked maybe about four threads down.

The repetitive threads don't bother me, I couldn't care less if the same q was asked a million times... it's when the shit spills over to real life that it starts to bother me.

Wizard, some peeps have been pulled to the back... whenever there's a posse, yeah, the security will check them out closer, you can't tell me no, cause I know of at least three cnycers that got pulled to the back... and a friend that got tossed out of the club. So yeah, stupid shit does affect peeps out there. They look for signs of trouble... and posses are one of them.


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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