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You guys are a bunch of fucking losers crying and bitching over a fucking 'internet messageboard'. Get a fucking life. Take this crap so seriously and all. I am laughing at ALL of you as I am writing this down. Think you own this Board? Hahahahahahahahahahhahahaha. Losers.


I'll be back..

Hasta La Vista, babee..

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Originally posted by Jilly:

I just think its quite funny that most of you who are doing the complaining..haven't even been here that long! You don't even know how it used to be...haha

Just remember..with the huge number of people finding this board now...there is bound to be some good...and some bad...


Amen Jilly, amen. I've only been posting for two years (reading longer) but I have seen MANY transformations on this board. Christ, just look at my post count to see how many posts interest me lately, blah.



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I think you need to loosen up a bit hun. Does your whole life revolve around this board? Yes, I am very into music (I am a singer) I make my own songs, ETC. BUT really if you don't like the posts about mindless chit chat then you DO not have to be a part of it do you? SO take a chill pill sweetie

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Guys, Please don't give up on this just yet! We're looking into a lot of your concerns and improve the quality on our end. But lest remember who makes the board, good or bad, entertaining or boring... the people who post. I admitt, I should be posting more entertaining or informative posts and haven't been but I will try to in the future.

And Charlie, thanks for the heads up on not wearing my clubplanet t-shirt to Twilo this Saturday for Mario Picotto.

See you all on the floor.



-beat slacker mac-

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OK, I've read everyone's concerns and as a "Newbie" I'd like to give my .02. The reason I started posting was primarily b/c of the comraderie i saw between those of you who have been around and attend these meetups. Most of the crew i've rolled with for years has now gone it's seperate ways and, well, to be quite honest, i'm not ready to quit the scene just yet.

I agree with mysteriousss completely. Everything goes in cycles and i'm sure this is no different. When something isn't new anymore and the novelty wears off, it's human nature to look back and claim that things have changed, when in fact they're still the same. The only thing that's changed is your perception of it. "There's nothing new under the sun." However, for all those who have been around, some of whom i met recently (and btw i thought you were all real cool, at least on the surface LOL) and others i hope to meet real soon, enlighten me and the rest of us newbies as to what it was like, not just that it isn't that way anymore (and fuck the imposters, i've already gathered that this is a fairly new phenomenon).

I ask this in earnest. I would like to play my part in keeping whatevr tradition there may be alive as well as bring whatevr new ideas and thoughts i may have to the table. It is, to be quite honest, disconcerting to read all about how it just isn't the same or how much it sucks, 'cause I just got here. Like showin up to a party when the keg is tapped and everyone's goin home. Ya'll were newbies once too.

guess that's all. Hope the meetup was fun tonight.




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Originally posted by bastardino:

Know your role and shut your mouth. The rock is about to speak. Here is what I think about this whole issue. You guys should be greateful you have imposters and as well as people like me on this board. You should be down on your fucking knees in front of us. Me personally, i am simply brutally honest with everyone on this board. I don't belive into this being nice bullshit to everyone, even people you don't like. If i feel like saying something, i say it. I mean seriously, like my post about all DJ's being ugly. WTF. I personally happen to think all DJs are hanus, i mean is that so bad that I think that way. and most of you probably think the same but never admit it. I also happen to think DJing takes no talent, and you know what I found out? that a lot of you think so too. as far as the imposters go, whoptituda whopptitude oh my what a wonderful day. These guys aren't throwing stones in anyones face, they're just fucking around trying to spice things up. I think it's very entertaining, and so do you all of you deep inside, and the ones that don't are stiff ass mo fos. Relax and get loose, aren't you all supposed to be laid back druggies anyway? you can't take a few jokes, ?

i agree with bastardino on some points: those about being honest and saying whatever you want, and about chilling and who cares who says what. i think some people take things too personally. and why? the only interaction you're having (at the moment) is the exchange of anonymous words over the internet. if you really have a problem with someone on the board and take things as seriously as it appears, why don't you just meet in person and figure things out? i mean, you might as well just stop pretending like it doesn't consume you so much

with all that serious, somber stuff said, imma jack a stoag and pretend to do some work

peace, love, and a rock of crack



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Originally posted by bastardino:

Know your role and shut your mouth. The rock is about to speak.

Me personally, i am simply brutally honest with everyone on this board.


what is your role again, or what do you think it is?? you're a nobody from what i can tell. brutally honest? about what again? You don't know shit about anything, you're a just a loud prick you has nothing worthwhile to say.

you hide behind a computer and say all you do. that is easy. i don't think you have the balls to say anything to anybody's face. that is why you hide behind your computer.

you are weak

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One other thing....

I agree that ppl. who bring spice and comedy to the board is great. If someone can get me stirred...all the power to them. My one complaint of in-your-face attacks is PMs I rec'd from ppl. I don't even know, telling me basically and bluntly how they would f*** me (imagine illegal acts of violence against women) plus other very gross shit that I won't go into. I don't mind opions and attacks on me. Hell, tell me where to go, tell me I'm a piece of shit....but DO NOT threaten me with violence like that!!!

That's it!!!


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Originally posted by bastardino:

1) ****You guys should be greateful you have imposters and as well as people like me on this board. You should be down on your fucking knees in front of us.

2) ****Me personally, i am simply brutally honest with everyone on this board.

3) ****I mean seriously, like my post about all DJ's being ugly.

I also happen to think DJing takes no talent,

1) ****are you kidding me??

2) ****about........?

3) ****you're soooo controversial, how cool

STFU and have a nice day smile.gif



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 12-13-2000).]

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Originally posted by lexxxi:

One other thing....

I agree that ppl. who bring spice and comedy to the board is great. If someone can get me stirred...all the power to them. My one complaint of in-your-face attacks is PMs I rec'd from ppl. I don't even know, telling me basically and bluntly how they would f*** me (imagine illegal acts of violence against women) plus other very gross shit that I won't go into. I don't mind opions and attacks on me. Hell, tell me where to go, tell me I'm a piece of shit....but DO NOT threaten me with violence like that!!!

That's it!!!


Damn.. I got a lot of those nasty PMs but I never reply.. Never got threats or violent shit though.. I stopped posting on the sex board partially because of all the trash that was being sent to my PMs.. What should we expect though when posting very personal things about our sex life on the board? Those ppl are assholes but imagine all those sickos on the interner reading about this and that, of course some of them will reply...... frown.gif

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Damn.. I got a lot of those nasty PMs but I never reply.. Never got threats or violent shit though.. I stopped posting on the sex board partially because of all the trash that was being sent to my PMs.. What should we expect though when posting very personal things about our sex life on the board? Those ppl are assholes but imagine all those sickos on the interner reading about this and that, of course some of them will reply...... frown.gif

I never replied to them. And, I agree with regards to putting personal stuff about the things we like in our sex life, that's why I stopped. But still...it was to nasty for my tastes!!!

Ah well!!! Shit happens!!!

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Originally posted by thomaskm1:

Charlie, thanks for the heads up on not wearing my clubplanet t-shirt to Twilo this Saturday for Mario Picotto.

See you all on the floor.

I, uh, wasn't there Saturday... what shirt? I didn't get one. Am I missing something here?

Shit, if there's a free shirt to be had, give it up man... I love free shirts... hehehe...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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I was talking about my shirt but I think I will need to get one to you when we have more made. I saw what you said about not promoting who we are and then I remembered that i wore a CP t-shirt to Twilo a few months back. You gonig to Mario Picotto on Saturday? That guy is crazy, great DJ.



-beat slacker mac-

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Originally posted by thomaskm1:


I was talking about my shirt but I think I will need to get one to you when we have more made. I saw what you said about not promoting who we are and then I remembered that i wore a CP t-shirt to Twilo a few months back. You gonig to Mario Picotto on Saturday? That guy is crazy, great DJ.

You have to forgive Charlie...his mind tends to come and go sometimes...





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