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Why all the hype about Pacha?

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ElevatedFlow -- agreed!!

Edubz -- hmmm, I think you are dreaming up this history dude. I grew up amongst hasidic jews in boro park (I'm not jewish), you had the guidos a few blocks away in Bensonhurst, you had the Greek free style boyz in Bayridge, you had the Puerto Ricans on 5th avenue in Sunset park. Hmmm, not too many black people, I'll admit that.

The Jews sang from their Torah on the Sabath, while the Puerto Ricans were split between the beginning of hip hop (actually free style was FIRST), and the guidos and greeks were into free stylin'...although the greeks were better dancers...the guidos liked those dumb circles where they could do their chicken dancing.

Actually, my 'hood was pretty mixed....no projects around, though. I don't think I missed anything.

Hip hop broke no barriers, is right. Talk to any club owner, they would rather not have the hip hop element because then they have to invest in metal detectors.

Racism gone in America, hahahaha....open your eyes a bit wider that wall still exists and adds to it's list...ask anyone from the middle east!!

Later, I'm going to watch Tyra Banks, I already missed Oprah!!

Well, for one, many universities have started having actual classes on the history of hip hop. So, it has come a long way, even more so then dance culture. I am sorry, there is just no denying this. If it didn't bridge or break any kind of social barriers, I am not sure schools would be offering classes on this topic..

I never said that racism was gone, and it doesn't exists. I said its helped tear down the wall. racism will never be gone in america.but today, you see ALOT more interracial dating going on, then you would have 20 years ago.

also, hip hop is a hell of alot more popular then dance music today. I dont understand the whole medel detectors comment. You hear hip hop being played in clubs these days more then dance.

and trust me I know racism exists, I live in the most segregated county in america.

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Really? Which Universities offer this, because I look through course listings often, and have never seen it.

As for interracial dating, I doubt it's hip hop that...20 years ago. You didn't see as many gay couples holding hands back then, either...but, I don't think hip hop had anything to do with that, either. It's a combination of factors...like people standing up for themselves...like Rosa Parks who's tired ass refused to get up for some honkey.

Hip hop may be more popular today...but, every dog has it's day. Thank the white kids for buying the records because in the projects the bootleg versions are available before the record hits the stores and for like 5 bucks.

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Really? Which Universities offer this, because I look through course listings often, and have never seen it.

As for interracial dating, I doubt it's hip hop that...20 years ago. You didn't see as many gay couples holding hands back then, either...but, I don't think hip hop had anything to do with that, either. It's a combination of factors...like people standing up for themselves...like Rosa Parks who's tired ass refused to get up for some honkey.

Hip hop may be more popular today...but, every dog has it's day. Thank the white kids for buying the records because in the projects the bootleg versions are available before the record hits the stores and for like 5 bucks.

Standford, Havard, Fordham, just to name a few...


“The course is designed to examine how the sensibility and musical creativity of urban youth, in two very different historical periods, inspired the musical revolutions that transformed the tastes of entire generations, crossing race, gender and class boundaries,†said the course’s instructor, Mark D. Naison, Ph.D., professor of African and African American studies and director of the Urban Studies Program at Fordham.

Unlike rock, which was the product of the postwar economic boom, hip hop grew out of the depressed socioeconomic conditions in the South Bronx in the mid-1970s, when rappers came together with DJs, graffiti artists and break dancers to establish the main elements of hip-hop culture. Pioneers like Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five; classic groups like Run-D.M.C. and Public Enemy; and contemporary artists like Snoop Dogg, the Roots, Missy Elliott and others are heard and discussed in Keating Hall’s third-floor auditorium.

Some might look with skepticism on college hip-hop courses, but Fordham is not alone in taking a serious scholarly approach to the genre. In recent years, universities like Stanford and Harvard have done the same, turning hip hop’s street credibility into a field of study worthy of academic credit.

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ahhh I met a few of the Wu-tang clan. They dont like white boyz, but they sure like white girls.

Why argue with a "dumb jock" ....no, I wasn't kidding, if these hip hoppers studied literature the way they memorize hip hop bullshit lyrics, we'd have a few geniouses out there instead of crack heads and crack dealers. Hip hop is getting 99% of them no where but jail.

"Now, I ain't sayin' she's a gold digger, but she ain't messin' wit no broke, broke wigga!" ~Kanye West

~Muzik CHick cares about black people. ~ Werd


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ahhh I met a few of the Wu-tang clan. They dont like white boyz, but they sure like white girls.

Why argue with a "dumb jock" ....no, I wasn't kidding, if these hip hoppers studied literature the way they memorize hip hop bullshit lyrics, we'd have a few geniouses out there instead of crack heads and crack dealers. Hip hop is getting 99% of them no where but jail.

"Now, I ain't sayin' she's a gold digger, but she ain't messin' wit no broke, broke wigga!" ~Kanye West

~Muzik CHick cares about black people. ~ Werd


hahahahahaha....no wait....hahahahahahahaha.

Please enlighten us some more...I need a good laugh. Nothing like a pill-droppin, pacifier-suckin candy-raving crack rat dropping some knowledge.

Oh I forgot - the EDM scene is clean, pure and holier than thou. Talk to me after you do another line off the spacebar of your computer! :laugh:


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hmmm ahh you speak of middle class white children, well their new friend seems to be tina....and last time I checked the middle class neighborhood literacy statistics it far outweighed those of the inner city.

Besides the fact that I taught in a few inner city schools....reading level?? hmmm, could improve is an understatement.

Stay off the 'roids, it makes you sound hostile. .......and it shrinks your balls.

Perhaps you already realize that, now go scratch the little shriveled ones, you sound like you have an itch.

Later, gaiter.


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You taught at inner city schools? It all comes together now - don't blame the kids if you suck hairy gorilla balls as a teacher.

Tina improves scores? Oh wow...this is getting good.

And no toots - I don't do roids like the local fist-pumper that hangs out at clubs. I'm pretty sure you've "scratched" enough of their balls during your life.

Now run along and keep sodomizing lil dogs! I hope that 4-legged mop in your gets hit by a bus :laugh:

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Improves scores??? Obviously, the inner city children aren't the only ones who are illiterate.

It appears as if the head between your legs ain't the only head that is shrunken.

Now, run along and scratch...and learn how to read and write (use of commas, perhaps...dumb ass) better...or don't bother answering me with your ill-iterate rubbish.


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Oh you didn't say this?

hmmm ahh you speak of middle class white children, well their new friend seems to be tina....and last time I checked the middle class neighborhood literacy statistics it far outweighed those of the inner city.

Oh my bad...all that coke is getting to your head eh?

Just do us a favor and end your life - you're have no friggin use on this planet :aright:

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