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The unliberal left

Dec 11, 2005

by Burt Prelutsky ( bio | archive | contact )

I keep asking myself why, in spite of the encouraging reports out of Iraq, people such as Rep. Murtha want us to beat a hasty retreat, making the same sort of shameful exit we made out of Southeast Asia three decades ago, leaving our allies to the less than tender mercies of Pol Pot and the North Vietnamese.

Why do these people seem to salivate every time an American soldier is killed doing his duty, as if hoping that when some magical number -- 2,500? 3,000? -- is reached, the American people will rise up and insist that we pull out, thus guaranteeing that not only will the terrorists win, but ensuring that our young warriors will have died in vain?

It can only be that they hate the president more than they love liberty, hate Bush more than they hate the Islamic butchers. Why else would they insist that on a specific date we wave the white flag, turn tail, and run?

To me, the miracle is that even after a war has been waged and after all these months of terrorist attacks, the total of fatalities is still less than the number we lost on 9/11. And whereas we have nothing to show for the loss of those 3,000 lives aside from grief, 25 million Iraqis have been rescued from a bloody tyrant and have actually held a free election. A pox on those who insist that our soldiers have been sacrificed for no good reason. It’s the same reason that good people have died at Bunker Hill and Gettysburg and Iwo Jima.

I happen to live in a town filled with people who speak about Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rove, with the same sort of vituperation that used to be directed at the likes of Hitler, Goebbels, Goering, and Eichmann.

In Hollywood, where liberals rule the roost -- and cause sane people to give thanks that these knuckleheads only make movies, not national policy -- one could get the idea that they would move heaven and earth to elect a Democrat. But, recently, I experienced an epiphany. It occurred to me that, for all their garment-rending when Republicans win elections, after all is said and done, they are really only actors. And, for all their carrying on, each of them is merely playing the role of a concerned citizen.

What happened is that I read that, in preparation to make her presidential run in 2008, Sen. Clinton left Hollywood, after being guest of honor at three fund-raising events hosted and attended by all the usual suspects, with about an extra $750,000 in her war chest.

That may sound like a lot of money just for showing up at a few parties and having a bunch of smarmy pea-brains tell you you’re every bit as wonderful as you think you are. But for these people, that’s chump change. Assuming there were, say, 300 people at these gigs, it works out to just $2,500-a-head. That’s less than these folks spend on a sofa. Heck, it’s less than they spend on lunch!

But, lest it seem that I’m just picking on well-meaning amateurs, and mere millionaires at that, let us consider George Soros. As you may recall, back in 2004, Mr. Soros would start foaming at the mouth at the mere thought that President Bush might be re-elected.

Now this is the same fellow who, rather like Sen. Kennedy, whose money mainly comes to him through a low-taxed family trust fund, demands that taxes be raised on the wealthy. Soros, himself, keeps nearly all of his loot safely out of the grubby hands of the IRS in off-shore accounts.

How much does George Soros hate George Bush? What price did he place on driving this evil creature from the Oval Office? I believe the figure I most often saw bandied about was roughly $30 million. A tidy sum, I’ll acknowledge. But rumor has it that the man could cash out at about $1.2 billion. Which means that even after the election, he was a long way from pauperhood with $1.17 billion left for food, rent, and any incidentals that might arise, such as purchasing Rhode Island.

Now if you had $1.2 billion at your disposal and you honestly believed that George Bush was really Adolf Hitler without the Chaplin moustache, wouldn’t you think you might be willing to spend slightly more than two percent of your net worth to send him scurrying back to Crawford?

So the next time you run into any of these dunderheads carrying on about the fascists running America, tell them it’s all their fault -- that if only they weren’t such penny-pinching cheapskates, John Kerry would be president today.

And then thank them and shake their hand.

Burt Prelutsky has been a humor columnist for the L.A. Times and a movie critic for Los Angeles magazine. He is the author of Conservatives are from Mars (Liberals are from San Francisco).

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The unliberal left

Dec 11, 2005

by Burt Prelutsky ( bio | archive | contact )

I keep asking myself why, in spite of the encouraging reports out of Iraq, people such as Rep. Murtha want us to beat a hasty retreat, making the same sort of shameful exit we made out of Southeast Asia three decades ago, leaving our allies to the less than tender mercies of Pol Pot and the North Vietnamese.

Why do these people seem to salivate every time an American soldier is killed doing his duty, as if hoping that when some magical number -- 2,500? 3,000? -- is reached, the American people will rise up and insist that we pull out, thus guaranteeing that not only will the terrorists win, but ensuring that our young warriors will have died in vain?

It can only be that they hate the president more than they love liberty, hate Bush more than they hate the Islamic butchers. Why else would they insist that on a specific date we wave the white flag, turn tail, and run?

To me, the miracle is that even after a war has been waged and after all these months of terrorist attacks, the total of fatalities is still less than the number we lost on 9/11. And whereas we have nothing to show for the loss of those 3,000 lives aside from grief, 25 million Iraqis have been rescued from a bloody tyrant and have actually held a free election. A pox on those who insist that our soldiers have been sacrificed for no good reason. It’s the same reason that good people have died at Bunker Hill and Gettysburg and Iwo Jima.

I happen to live in a town filled with people who speak about Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rove, with the same sort of vituperation that used to be directed at the likes of Hitler, Goebbels, Goering, and Eichmann.

In Hollywood, where liberals rule the roost -- and cause sane people to give thanks that these knuckleheads only make movies, not national policy -- one could get the idea that they would move heaven and earth to elect a Democrat. But, recently, I experienced an epiphany. It occurred to me that, for all their garment-rending when Republicans win elections, after all is said and done, they are really only actors. And, for all their carrying on, each of them is merely playing the role of a concerned citizen.

What happened is that I read that, in preparation to make her presidential run in 2008, Sen. Clinton left Hollywood, after being guest of honor at three fund-raising events hosted and attended by all the usual suspects, with about an extra $750,000 in her war chest.

That may sound like a lot of money just for showing up at a few parties and having a bunch of smarmy pea-brains tell you you’re every bit as wonderful as you think you are. But for these people, that’s chump change. Assuming there were, say, 300 people at these gigs, it works out to just $2,500-a-head. That’s less than these folks spend on a sofa. Heck, it’s less than they spend on lunch!

But, lest it seem that I’m just picking on well-meaning amateurs, and mere millionaires at that, let us consider George Soros. As you may recall, back in 2004, Mr. Soros would start foaming at the mouth at the mere thought that President Bush might be re-elected.

Now this is the same fellow who, rather like Sen. Kennedy, whose money mainly comes to him through a low-taxed family trust fund, demands that taxes be raised on the wealthy. Soros, himself, keeps nearly all of his loot safely out of the grubby hands of the IRS in off-shore accounts.

How much does George Soros hate George Bush? What price did he place on driving this evil creature from the Oval Office? I believe the figure I most often saw bandied about was roughly $30 million. A tidy sum, I’ll acknowledge. But rumor has it that the man could cash out at about $1.2 billion. Which means that even after the election, he was a long way from pauperhood with $1.17 billion left for food, rent, and any incidentals that might arise, such as purchasing Rhode Island.

Now if you had $1.2 billion at your disposal and you honestly believed that George Bush was really Adolf Hitler without the Chaplin moustache, wouldn’t you think you might be willing to spend slightly more than two percent of your net worth to send him scurrying back to Crawford?

So the next time you run into any of these dunderheads carrying on about the fascists running America, tell them it’s all their fault -- that if only they weren’t such penny-pinching cheapskates, John Kerry would be president today.

And then thank them and shake their hand.

Burt Prelutsky has been a humor columnist for the L.A. Times and a movie critic for Los Angeles magazine. He is the author of Conservatives are from Mars (Liberals are from San Francisco).

What a hate monger...NOT!

Loved it! Good read!

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A Dynasty of Mass Murderers:

Bush Family Nazis

Four generations of the sociopathic predator George W. Bush family have been attacking the human race through stealth practices, and contributing to the mass murder of millions of people. The Bush family has financed, aided and abetted, and collaborated with the most evil dictators and tyrants of the 20th century.

The story is too complicated as told by most historians, so this is an attempt to give a concise overview of the key points of this geneology of monsters which can be easily grasped by the general public. Of course this is a simplification and many links are provided to documentation online. More complete history is found in books in libraries which are copyrighted and therefore not on the internet.

George Herbert Walker -- a supreme predator, operating with top organized crime lords, devoured companies and people's life works for their private enrichment without honest work of the few cannibals hiding behind facades of feigned decency. [1] His allies, collaborators, and sometimes business partners included John D. Rockefeller (founder of Exxon way back then under the name of Standard Oil of New Jersey), [2] [3] E.H. Harriman (owned railroads) [4] [5] [6] and William Rockefeller (financed Harriman's railroad through Rockefeller's 'Citibank' predecessor). [7] [8] Walker is the architypal Wall Street War Profiteer, with office headquarters address at 1 Wall Street. [9] [10]

Samuel Prescott Bush -- He was son of a Episcopalian preacher converted over to the satanic side by George Herbert Walker. Walker and Bush would each contribute one child to the marriage of Prescott Bush and Dorothy Walker to produce grandson George Herbert Walker Bush, and great-grandson George Walker Bush.

Sam started out as low-management for railroads, where he made the connections needed to move over to Buckeye Steel Castings Company. Buckeye harbored railroad strike-breaker sentiment from the president on down. It's founder was member of the "Cleveland Gatling Gun Battery",[11] called a military and social organization, set up in 1878, the year after nationwide railroad strikes the year before. This guns and railroad connection returns for World War I, when Buckeye Steel produced gun barrels and shell casings,[12] and Sam Bush was moved by his employer-owners puppet-masters into the position of chief of the Ordnance, Small Arms and Ammunition Section of the War Industries Board. Bush took national responsibility for government assistance to and relations with Remington and other weapons companies.[13]

Preacher's son Bush looks innocent until you are informed that his patron, Percy Rockefeller [14] took control of Remington Arms in 1914. [15] Frank Rockefeller was president of Buckeye Steel for three years from 1905-1908, followed by Sam Bush from 1908-1937, throughout the WWI years and the gunbarrel sales era of Buckeye.[16] In 1915 a new Remington plant was constructed, operational by 1916 for the first world war, just in time to get a million rifle order from Russia.[17], [18] 67% of all the ammunition used in WWI by the US, Britain and Russia was sold by "Merchants of Death" Remington. [19] [20] [21]

Samuel Prescott Bush was an early president of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), which is has always been anti-worker, anti-consumer-rights, and ultra-conservative. Three past presidents of NAM helped Robert Welch form the John Birch Society, to uphold the tradition of Sam Bush -- Bush's Buckeye Steel employees worked seven days per week, 12 hours per day. It's not a far step for son Prescott Bush managing Auschwitz slave labor worked to death.

Prescott Sheldon Bush -- Best known for serving in the US armed forces in Arizona during WWI spent defacing Geronimo's grave and grave-robbing the skull for his germanic secret piracy club "Skull and Bones Society" headquartered at Yale, University. [22] [23] [24] What he is not famous for was his financier banker support of Adolph Hitler, the Nazi Storm Troopers, Auschwitz and death camps. In his quest to get rich Prescott Bush collaborated with the Nazis before war broke out and through the year after Pearl Harbor.

Prescott Bush became Hitler's banker when he became Fritz Thyssen's banker. [25] [26] The incredible loot Fritz's father made in steel, coal, and railroads during WWI was hidden in Holland. Shortly afterwards he was looking to spread some in America and opened a front operation through E.R. Harriman in New York City. [27] [28], [29] In fact, reports indicate that the Bush connections to Nazi money continued through 1951. [30]

The reason Auschwitz was located where it was is because that is near where Fritz Thyssen's coal, steel, and railroads were. [31] [32] That made it possible for I.G. Farben to synthesize fuel from coal gasification for the war machine there, which made it also possible to synthesize rubber there. [33] [34] I.G. Farben also made Zyklon B gas, enough to annihilate two million people according to the trial testimony of the Auschwitz camp commander Rudolf Hoess. [35] [36] [37]

Fritz Thyssen published a book titled "I Paid Hitler" in 1941. It described how Thyssen sponsored the Storm Troopers of Ernst Roehm as early as 1933, allowing them to build up to 4,500,000 strong to take over Germany. But in 1942, even after Pearl Harbor, Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, were administering Thyssen's money until forced by the US government to halt (temporarily).

The Bush family got rich stealing everything these people had. It stole their children, stole their homes, stole their belongings, stole their clothes, stole their hair, stole their freedom, stole their government, stole their work, stole their health, stole their lives.

The Nazi Bush family got rich

stealing the gold filings

out of murdered victims teeth.
















NOTES: (these links were valid February 2005)

1. -- http://www.john-loftus.com/bush_nazi_link.asp

2. -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exxon-Mobil

3. -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Oil

4. -- http://www.nubond.net/railroad/rb_chap11.html

5. -- http://www.beardbooks.com/eh_harriman.html

6. -- http://www.forbes.com/2002/09/27/0927richest_15.html

7. -- http://phatnav.com/wiki/index.php?title=William_Rockefeller

8. -- http://articles.roshd.ir/articles_folder/humanscience/social/40%20Richest%20Americans%20of%20All%20Time.htm

9. -- http://hnn.us/comments/15155.html

10. -- http://www.tribalmessenger.org/t-bush/bush-family-history-pt1.htm

11. -- http://www.h-net.org/~business/bhcweb/publications/BEHprint/v008/p0009-p0015.pdf

12. -- http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/01/12/1448237

13. -- http://coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/54/54_12-13.pdf

14. -- http://phatnav.com/wiki/index.php?title=Percy_Avery_Rockefeller

15. -- http://www.namebase.org/cgi-bin/nb06?_ROCKEFELLER_PERCY_A

16. -- http://www.scripophily.net/bucsteelcasc4.html

17. -- http://www.remingtonsociety.com/gallery/album05

18. -- http://www.remington.com/aboutus/corphistory.htm

19. -- http://www.geocities.com/7897401/merchant/merchant_13.html

20. -- http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/history/minute/merchants_of_death.htm

21. -- http://www.dldewey.com/columns/jul02f.htm

22. -- http://www.secretsofthetomb.com/excerpt.asp

23. -- http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/10/02/60minutes/main576332.shtml

24. -- http://www.yaleherald.com/article.php?Article=2523

25. -- http://www.john-loftus.com/Thyssen.asp

26. -- http://www.reformation.org/wall-st-ch7.html

27. -- http://www.frankkryder.com/thyssen.htm

28. -- http://www.intl-news.com/modules.php?name=News&file=print&sid=54

29. -- http://www.nhgazette.com/cgi-bin/NHGstore.cgi?user_action=detail&catalogno=NN_Bush_Nazi_Link

30. -- http://www.nhgazette.com/cgi-bin/NHGstore.cgi?user_action=detail&catalogno=NN_Bush_Nazi_2

31. -- http://www.guardian.co.uk/usa/story/0,12271,1312540,00.html

32. -- http://www.ce-review.org/99/21/kosc21.html

33. -- http://www.auschwitz.org.pl/new/index.php?language=EN&tryb=stale&id=228

34. -- http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/auschbirk.html

35. -- http://www.spectacle.org/695/perp.html

36. -- http://www.fscwv.edu/users/pedwards/evidence_of_evil_by_timothy_w.htm

37. -- http://www3.usenetarchive.org/File.asp?service=4241

38. -- http://veritas3.holocaust-history.org/questions/zyklon.shtml

http://www.parascope.com/gallery/galleryitems/holocaust/ http://www.holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/hoess-memoirs/



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this guy is fucking insane isnt he?

ha.. I dont even have time to read all his bullshit..

good entertainment though...

I think we have a couple of scenario's.......either destruction is a complete social misfit with zero redeeming qualities who has escaped from a mental instituition or does not take his medication...........or he is a little boy who sits in mommy's basement in his feetie pajamas who thinks its cool to post the most extremists shit in a pathetic effort to get attention......

Either way, a douchebag

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