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Is evolving that scary of a concept???

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I can debate and discuss just like the best of them when it comes to some things...just like everyone else.

But another thing that is a bit more rare, is my personal ability to constantly educate myself by looking at all things from many different perspectives...

Hell.. I HATE Mr. Fag-Moore..and his dillusional views.. etc.. I wont go there.

BUT even so... I watch farenheit 911 TWICE>>>> Took me a week of stopping it and picking it up... (couldnt do it all in one sitting) and I SHIT you not ... I did not Sleep right that ENTIRE week...


the point...

A position in anything is much more supported and stronger with knowledge of as much info that you could handle.

ONCE again.. Mr destruction... Will you consider taking zee tour of your very first military base? No strings.. I mean I would hook it up with the museum run... the whole. nine....

Just answer me dude... Its bugging the fuck out of me that your playing that avoidance thing when Im trying my damnest to be mature..


poopy head...

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I applaud your efforts but don't waste your time...destruction is a despicable shit stain who does not warrant your valuable time

Well thank you.. but maybe I am foolish. With even attempting...

It just makes me feel soo uncomfortable that... out there... exists such ignorantly naive people...

And to boot...

Im even attempting to "enlighten" this fool... But he is too scared...

Actually, it makes sense if you think about it.

If I did indeed modify his perspective by chance (probably the same time the blizzard touches down in hell) he would seriously loose all sense of meaning in life. And suicide surely would follow.


Ill be kind..

Never mind destruction... please continue with destructing your own perceptions.... I shant convince you other-wise due to the fact that I would feel horrible for setting the wheels in motion for your own "self-destruction".

have an airborne day... :P

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Eccentric - nice effort man, but you made one very big assumption. That he is sincere about educating himself. People like him, whether extreme right or left, are just bent on defending their position regardless of facts - in fact, the truth scares them, just in case it discredits their position.

What is they say - when a person is absolutely convinced he can NEVER be crazy, and the world is the one that is crazy - what is that person?

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Eccentric - nice effort man, but you made one very big assumption. That he is sincere about educating himself. People like him, whether extreme right or left, are just bent on defending their position regardless of facts - in fact, the truth scares them, just in case it discredits their position.

What is they say - when a person is absolutely convinced he can NEVER be crazy, and the world is the one that is crazy - what is that person?


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Eccentric - nice effort man, but you made one very big assumption. That he is sincere about educating himself. People like him, whether extreme right or left, are just bent on defending their position regardless of facts - in fact, the truth scares them, just in case it discredits their position.

What is they say - when a person is absolutely convinced he can NEVER be crazy, and the world is the one that is crazy - what is that person?

Your very right... my sincere apoligizes for being too optimistic (not sarcastic) .

They also say ignorance is bliss... I would love to go back into time when the innocence of believing they world was just fine and dandy would be wonderful. That allusion that I had in my youth... oy. Granted, it was tainted probably by the age of 14, but still.. those were the days..

hehe.. so true.. confusingly. But Im confused... Im absolutely convinced.. yet the same time will be the first person to admit being crazy most of the time. Hmm.. ah.. fuck it.. What do 5 different psychologists opinions mean anyways? Quacks...

Seriously though, I wouldnt have it any other way. To be normal and naive in this world.. yuck. A nightmare.

blah.. Im not making too much sense this morning.. time to drink some coffee and fuck with other posts... :P

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Eccentric - nice effort man, but you made one very big assumption. That he is sincere about educating himself. People like him, whether extreme right or left, are just bent on defending their position regardless of facts - in fact, the truth scares them, just in case it discredits their position.

What is they say - when a person is absolutely convinced he can NEVER be crazy, and the world is the one that is crazy - what is that person?

This is all too often the problem nowadays. People rabid about their politics and convictions and assertions. Instead of looking at things from a larger perspective they stick to their narrow dogmatic point of view and nothing else could possibly be so. In fact if you oppose their opinion, then your an uninformed, unintellectual idiot simply because they say so.

I think people are in fact de-evolving, at least in this respect.

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Eccentric - nice effort man, but you made one very big assumption. That he is sincere about educating himself. People like him, whether extreme right or left, are just bent on defending their position regardless of facts - in fact, the truth scares them, just in case it discredits their position.

What is they say - when a person is absolutely convinced he can NEVER be crazy, and the world is the one that is crazy - what is that person?


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p.s. destruction...

Since Im an adult... Ill tell you this much..

If you ever feel like taking the risk of being better educated...

I still will politely and maturely follow through with my offer...

Until then though... (ladies pardon my french) ... you are truly the biggest pussy Ive met...

and Ive met a lot of pussies...


have an airborne day...


thank you very much for being such a dumbass... it makes me feel smarter...

I appreciate it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

BUMP... :P

yeah.. its been a couple weeks... since I last RE-asked you the same questiont that you kept avoiding..

Just for the hell of it... what do you think? Want to give the education thing a try?

Or ... yes.. probably still a big pussy...

its ok....

(destruction this is your cue to reply with a one-word slander irrelevant to anything I just said in this entire thread)

Preach on the stupid dummy boy!!!

Someone must lead the retarded to revolt in the cafeterias about jello flavor options...

uh huh.. I know.. I know...

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