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Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'


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"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier - just so long I'm the dictator." December 18, 2000


Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'


Dec 9, 2005, 07:53

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Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to meet with President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial USA Patriot Act.

Several provisions of the act, passed in the shell shocked period immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, caused enough anger that liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union had joined forces with prominent conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly and Bob Barr to oppose renewal.

GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.

“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”

And, to the Bush Administration, the Constitution of the United States is little more than toilet paper stained from all the shit that this group of power-mad despots have dumped on the freedoms that “goddamned piece of paper” used to guarantee.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, while still White House counsel, wrote that the “Constitution is an outdated document.”

Put aside, for a moment, political affiliation or personal beliefs. It doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent. It doesn’t matter if you support the invasion or Iraq or not. Despite our differences, the Constitution has stood for two centuries as the defining document of our government, the final source to determine – in the end – if something is legal or right.

Every federal official – including the President – who takes an oath of office swears to “uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says he cringes when someone calls the Constitution a “living document.”

“"Oh, how I hate the phrase we have—a 'living document,’” Scalia says. “We now have a Constitution that means whatever we want it to mean. The Constitution is not a living organism, for Pete's sake.”

As a judge, Scalia says, “I don't have to prove that the Constitution is perfect; I just have to prove that it's better than anything else.”

President Bush has proposed seven amendments to the Constitution over the last five years, including a controversial amendment to define marriage as a “union between a man and woman.” Members of Congress have proposed some 11,000 amendments over the last decade, ranging from repeal of the right to bear arms to a Constitutional ban on abortion.

Scalia says the danger of tinkering with the Constitution comes from a loss of rights.

“We can take away rights just as we can grant new ones,” Scalia warns. “Don't think that it's a one-way street.”

And don’t buy the White House hype that the USA Patriot Act is a necessary tool to fight terrorism. It is a dangerous law that infringes on the rights of every American citizen and, as one brave aide told President Bush, something that undermines the Constitution of the United States.

But why should Bush care? After all, the Constitution is just “a goddamned piece of paper.”

© Copyright 2005 by Capitol Hill Blue

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"See in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."


America: The Fourth Reich -- Broadcaster and writer Barrie Zwicker: It should not be denied any longer -- America is hurtling along the road to full-fledged fascism. Consider 20 parallels between the USA today and Hitler’s Germany.


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Courtesy :bump:

Courtesy?? You shouldn't even be authorized to use such a term... :P

Irony... suites you better...

and in response to your subject... "just a goddamned piece of paper!â€

Is it not made of paper?

is it plastic?

Whats the problem...?

Aside from a remark being taken out of context... this post is stupid...

Of Fucking course the dude thinks of it as more then JUST a piece of paper.. he wouldnt of been involved in ANY sort of politics if he thought other-wise...

dumb dumb...

oh.. I forgot... he spent his whole life planning to steal middle eastern oil.. my bad... so he probably knows nothing about that... "goddamned piece of paper!â€


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You're not defending America. You're defending Bush.


Nazi fag!

Too bad Bush won't get his provisions renewed. He got owned by the senate.. hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

fuck you

fuck bush

have a shitty weekend.

If you were only one-tenth of the man you pretend to be....

man.. I would love to beat you beyond recognition...but Im disciplined enough to not waste such time.

I mean... A pile of shit... is a pile of shit.. WHY bother trying to spray perfume on it... its still is what it is...



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cocksmoking bootlicker.

Im impressed...

the intelligence is just... just...

flowing from your posts...

and HOW the HELL did you know that I lick boots?


Ive been a closet bootlicker for 6 years now and have always masturbated with kiwi boot shine every weekend.. I was CERTAIN no one knew about my fetish...



Have I seen you at those meetings too perhaps?

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But yet a court has the right to seek such information without permission and without a search warrant. So what if it didn't get approved. If our Government wants info...they'll get it. I don't understand how the patriot could offend THOSE WHO HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE.

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Bush on the Constitution: 'It's just a goddamned piece of paper'


Dec 9, 2005, 07:53

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Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to meet with President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial USA Patriot Act.

Several provisions of the act, passed in the shell shocked period immediately following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, caused enough anger that liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union had joined forces with prominent conservatives like Phyllis Schlafly and Bob Barr to oppose renewal.

GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.

“I don’t give a goddamn,†Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.â€

“Mr. President,†one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.â€

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,†Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!â€

I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.â€

And, to the Bush Administration, the Constitution of the United States is little more than toilet paper stained from all the shit that this group of power-mad despots have dumped on the freedoms that “goddamned piece of paper†used to guarantee.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, while still White House counsel, wrote that the “Constitution is an outdated document.â€

Put aside, for a moment, political affiliation or personal beliefs. It doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent. It doesn’t matter if you support the invasion or Iraq or not. Despite our differences, the Constitution has stood for two centuries as the defining document of our government, the final source to determine – in the end – if something is legal or right.

Every federal official – including the President – who takes an oath of office swears to “uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says he cringes when someone calls the Constitution a “living document.â€

“"Oh, how I hate the phrase we have—a 'living document,’†Scalia says. “We now have a Constitution that means whatever we want it to mean. The Constitution is not a living organism, for Pete's sake.â€

As a judge, Scalia says, “I don't have to prove that the Constitution is perfect; I just have to prove that it's better than anything else.â€

President Bush has proposed seven amendments to the Constitution over the last five years, including a controversial amendment to define marriage as a “union between a man and woman.†Members of Congress have proposed some 11,000 amendments over the last decade, ranging from repeal of the right to bear arms to a Constitutional ban on abortion.

Scalia says the danger of tinkering with the Constitution comes from a loss of rights.

“We can take away rights just as we can grant new ones,†Scalia warns. “Don't think that it's a one-way street.â€

And don’t buy the White House hype that the USA Patriot Act is a necessary tool to fight terrorism. It is a dangerous law that infringes on the rights of every American citizen and, as one brave aide told President Bush, something that undermines the Constitution of the United States.

But why should Bush care? After all, the Constitution is just “a goddamned piece of paper.â€

© Copyright 2005 by Capitol Hill Blue

Who is this Thompson guy anyway?

The Rant Archives

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America: The Fourth Reich -- Broadcaster and writer Barrie Zwicker: It should not be denied any longer -- America is hurtling along the road to full-fledged fascism. Consider 20 parallels between the USA today and Hitler’s Germany.


there is nothing on the CNN transcript that is anywhere near to what you are highlighting in bold.

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then why supply the link to the transcript?

and that blue ink published by a crackpot who cant prove anything that he's writing.

Those pesky little details always seem to get in the way.........


Hey Destruction? Know how to play Tune in Tokyo?

-Tell your mom to put her hands behind her head

-Then tell her to turn her head side to side while saying "beep, beep, beep" (over and over)

-Then lean your ear into her chest and twist both her nipples while you repeat "Tune in Tokyo, Tune in Tokyo"....LOL

You might pick up more "exclusive exposes" that way.

Give it a shot, why don't ya'???


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then why supply the link to the transcript?

To reinforce my point.

and that blue ink published by a crackpot who cant prove anything that he's writing.

Lets see...

"There ought to be limits to freedom."-Bush... Dallas Morning News


"A dictatorship is a heck of alot easier.- Bush... CNN and White house documents.

So it does not surprise me he would call the constitution a goddammed piece of paper WHICH HE DID SAY.

Fucking liar.

The info came from 3 people including one of Bush's own aids. So now you're gonna defend a crackpot (Bush) who can't prove anything he lies about instead of defending America??

This proves Bush is anti-civil liberties and cares less about the Constitution and anyone who does not give a fuck about our constitutional rights, the freedoms the constitution gives us as Americans and the Constitution itself says alot about a president who cares less about America and it's people.

He should pack his bags and move to Saudi Arabia, or North Korea.

Praise be to capitol hill blue for reporting what the corporately owned mainstream media is afraid to (and refuse) to report.

You can come out of the closet now because your faux liberalism has been exposed.

Oh, it's blue LINK. Not blue ink. Learn to read.

And to dr moron: I have a better tune for you play on your mom's tits. It's called shut the fuck up.

Now go ass rape your daughter.

Courtesy?? You shouldn't even be authorized to use such a term... :P

Irony... suites you better...

and in response to your subject... "just a goddamned piece of paper!”

Is it not made of paper?

is it plastic?

Whats the problem...?

Aside from a remark being taken out of context... this post is stupid...

Of Fucking course the dude thinks of it as more then JUST a piece of paper.. he wouldnt of been involved in ANY sort of politics if he thought other-wise...

dumb dumb...

oh.. I forgot... he spent his whole life planning to steal middle eastern oil.. my bad... so he probably knows nothing about that... "goddamned piece of paper!”


It's parchment (Hemp paper) poster boy.

please forget to pull the rip cord the next time you jump.

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