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Goss refuses to give Fitzgerald CIA leak damage assessment


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Tom Flocco.com


Goss refuses to give Fitzgerald CIA leak damage assessment

Date: Saturday, November 26

Topic: --

“I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.” Revelation 2:2

Goss refuses to give Fitzgerald CIA leak damage assessment

Pentagon’s Wolfowitz and Feith espionage evidence before grand juryGeorge Tenet granted partial immunity to testify against White HouseCIA: Plame outed to disrupt probe into Israeli attempt to plant WMDProbe of 10+ legislators, high officials tied to drugs and 9-11 finance before jury

by Tom Flocco


WASHINGTON—November 26, 2005—TomFlocco.com—CIA Director Porter Goss is refusing to give special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald a subpoenaed damage assessment report written by former CIA Director George Tenet detailing how many American operatives were murdered and the full extent of harm to U.S. national security which resulted from the Bush administration leak exposing Valerie Plame Wilson as a deep cover operative, according to intelligence officials.

U.S. intelligence agents say Goss and the White House are obstructing justice by failing to cooperate with Fitzgerald’s grand jury while claiming that Americans are not entitled to see the contents of Tenet’s report for “national security” reasons.

In an interview with TomFlocco.com, national security expert Thomas Heneghan said American intelligence officials have evidence that Tenet took a $38 million dollar bribe to resign so the White House could blame the 9-11 attacks on faulty CIA intelligence.

Heneghan said Tenet and his family are currently being protected by U.S. intelligence, while also revealing that Fitzgerald has granted the former CIA Director transactional immunity in exchange for his testimony against the White House.

The evidence of Tenet’s bribe was discovered by federal investigators who said the money was laundered through Volksbank in Basel, Switzerland which also has links to deceased Bush family associate Leonard Millman and his former controversial partner, “Indian Casino” Jack Abramoff, according to Heneghan.


The intelligence whistleblower told us that evidence implicating former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith for violations of the Federal Espionage Act under U.S. Code Title 18, Section 793 is currently before Fitzgerald’s grand jury.

“Wolfowitz and Feith are agents of a foreign government, operating in the Bush administration to create spin as members of the secret White House Iraq Group,” said Heneghan, adding “they violated elements of the Espionage Act and bypassed the CIA in passing national security information to Israel.”

The assertions raise serious questions as to why the House and Senate are continuing to fail the American people by permitting spies to operate in the Pentagon, why President Bush would appoint agents of a foreign government to the Defense Department with access to military secrets, mission planning and technology—but also whether Congress is obstructing justice and condoning treason by the White House.

Plame team discovered attempt to plant WMD in Iraq

Heneghan told TomFlocco.com that Valerie Plame’s CIA group used the cover of Brewster-Jennings Energy Company “to investigate the weapons of mass destruction (WMD) issue in Iraq and how Turkey could have been used as an invasion pivot point using troops coming from the north and south that may have prevented the insurgency if they swept through quickly—and the firefights would have been prevented at the Baghdad airport, where many Americans lost their lives.”

Plame and her team discovered and interdicted an attempt to plant WMD by Mossad agents, masking themselves as Israeli military officers working unofficially in Baghdad with the United States Military Central Command and known as the J2X Joint Intelligence Liaison, according to the federal whistleblower.

Heneghan’s intelligence sources also revealed that “former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz was in command and control of the failed operation attempting to plant the WMD,” adding, “this was kept secret for the purpose of ‘discovering’ the weapons in order to justify the war.”

“The October, 2002 smuggling operation involving VX nerve gas and aluminum tubes may have traveled through the black market from provinces outside the Russian Federation and linked to rogue intelligence operative Gary Best, and then into Bosnia or Kosovo—but more likely Bosnia—and then into Turkey before being intercepted by Valerie Plame’s team; and this information is in the Tenet damage assessment report,” said Heneghan.

The Pakistan Daily Times reported that retired Navy Lt. Commander and 28 year Defense Department veteran Nelda Rogers, another Pentagon whistleblower, said “the Bush administration’s assurance about finding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was based on a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) plan to 'plant' WMDs inside the country.”

It is not known whether the Fitzgerald grand jury has subpoenaed testimony from the former U.S. Navy officer, who said “the plan failed when the secret mission was mistakenly taken out by ‘friendly fire.’ “

These and other revelations raise more questions regarding why House and Senate members are not subpoenaed by Fitzgerald to publicly testify as to why they are obstructing justice by permitting the White House to commit treason against the American people.

Obstruction of justice and perjury


There is evidence that CIA Director Goss conspired with Vice President Cheney, and Republican senators, including Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts (R-KS) and a Roberts staffer to leak the CIA “black site” foreign torture prisons story to Washington Post Assistant Managing Editor Robert Woodward.

The leak was used for a November 2 story by Dana Priest in an attempt to obstruct justice by “an end-run to discredit the CIA and the Fitzgerald grand jury investigation,” according to news reports and U.S. intelligence, said Heneghan.

Senator Trent Lott (R-MS) reportedly blew the whistle on the obstruction, telling CNN “this subject was discussed at a Republican senators-only luncheon last Tuesday, the day before the story ran in the Washington Post,” adding “a lot of it came out of that room last Tuesday…He [Cheney] was up here last week …and every word that was said in there went right to the newspaper.”

Heneghan said “Robert Woodward could be indicted for obstruction of justice in this matter,” alleging that Goss originally leaked the secret information to Republican senators who then passed the story to Woodward and Priest in violation of senate ethics rules at the least according to Lott’s prediction.

Woodward’s admitted knowledge of Valerie Plame’s covert identity since June-July, 2003 raises additional obstruction of justice questions since the Post editor has for two years been publicly casting doubt on Fitzgerald’s probe as insignificant and unimportant.

Woodward concealed his conflict of interest until last week regarding his role as a key player and possible focal point in the alleged obstruction of justice in the Plame case.

Reports reveal evidence that either Woodward or Post reporter Walter Pincus is not telling the truth, since Pincus and Post reporter Glenn Kessler have been questioned in the Plame investigation; and Woodward claimed to have told Pincus about Plame’s covert CIA status, to which Pincus replied, “Are you kidding, I certainly would have remembered that.”

Since Fitzgerald just found out about Woodward’s central role in the Plame case, it is obvious that Pincus never told the prosecutor about Woodward’s claim when Pincus testified before the grand jury, allegedly revealing that one of the two is not telling the truth.

In a startling revelation, Heneghan said “There are U.S. intelligence files and field reports which identify Bob Woodward as a deep cover member of the Office of Naval Intelligence with links to the Israeli Mossad,” adding, “there are also serious questions as to why Woodward was the first to obtain the CIA-Valerie Plame leak story and what role it played in his book which attempted to portray Bush as an ‘in-command’ leader.“

“There are also intelligence files indicating that Woodward’s retired boss and former Washington Post Editor-in-Chief Ben Bradlee is closely linked to the Mossad and knows the true story of President Kennedy’s assassination,” said Heneghan.

U.S. legislators, public officials linked to drug money and 9-11 finance

In a related issue, intelligence sources say a probe of about 10 federal legislators and high government officials linked to drug money laundering through the Middle and Far East and the finance of the September 11 attacks is currently before the Patrick Fitzgerald grand jury.

The investigation of well-known American public officials is also reportedly tied to a Washington appeals court cover-up by three Republican judges and Justice Department attorneys involved in the obstruction of justice and gagging of former FBI contract linguist Sibel Edmonds.


When we asked how many Americans were named in the intelligence intercepts and linked to drug money laundering or 9-11 finance that she translated, Edmonds told TomFlocco.com, "There is direct evidence involving no more than ten American names that I recognized," further revealing that "some are heads of government agencies or politicians—but I don’t want to go any further than that," attempting to stay within the guidelines of her court gag order.

Edmonds said, "Nobody is looking at the Department of Defense aspect of the whole 911 cover-up. The FBI is citing two reasons for my gag order: to protect ‘sensitive’ diplomatic relations and to protect foreign U.S. business relationships."

Heneghan told us “there is a major split developing in the United States media—the ones that want to tell the truth and the ones that do not,” causing more questions to be raised about implied obstruction of justice within all levels of American news groups.


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