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...got any firing/quitting stories?...


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...so i had to fire somebody for the first time the other day...sucked...it was quite calm and cool at the beginning but the guy brewed over it and then came at me later in the day...lmao...

...on quitting...when i was young i waited at a grease pit close to my house...we would slammed on the weekends...one Saturday the cook started fucking with me...he finally turned around and said something like, "your job isnt hard - anyone can do your job!"...i just looked at him and said, "oh yeah? Here. I have 12 tables - you can take 'em!"...I threw my guestcheck book at him and went home...i actually went back a couple of days later after they kept calling me and took the job back but it sure felt good to fuck them up - even for just a little while....

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...so i had to fire somebody for the first time the other day...sucked...it was quite calm and cool at the beginning but the guy brewed over it and then came at me later in the day...lmao...

...on quitting...when i was young i waited at a grease pit close to my house...we would slammed on the weekends...one Saturday the cook started fucking with me...he finally turned around and said something like, "your job isnt hard - anyone can do your job!"...i just looked at him and said, "oh yeah? Here. I have 12 tables - you can take 'em!"...I threw my guestcheck book at him and went home...i actually went back a couple of days later after they kept calling me and took the job back but it sure felt good to fuck them up - even for just a little while....

did the guy accidently eat your lunch or something?
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one of my only friends in the office just got fired a few weeks ago...and my higher boss made my actual boss do it over the phone...i felt so bad for him bc he was actually friends with her...it must be really hard to do....

I got fired from Barnes & Noble because I was the klutziest cashier in the world...i loved going there like a month later and flaunting my way better job though lol...they totally deserved it though, they were complete asssholes...

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I let one person go last June...it was right after I was promoted and I nearly pooped my pants! She was VERY cool about it though, and it ended up being better for her. I'm having lunch with her on Thursday...:laugh2:

As for being fired...I hated my second job in the fashion industry...so much so that I called out for two weeks straight and they still didn't fire me. That's when I started actually showing up, but not doing one piece of work assigned to me. Finally they let me go. The owners were such scumbags...one was married with like 8 kids, and used to bring women back to the office and let them crash on his leather couch. :yuck: Then he'd degrade and bad mouth them after they left.

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lets see...i got fired from a nursing home for "unsubstantial verbal abuse" of a resident....if they actually seen all the other crap i did to the other 250 residents it might have been much worse...

...lmao...i dont think i want to even know...

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My first REAL job was at a finance company. I worked there for 5 years and loved it because it was a small company and my salary was MORE than generous. After the 9-11 incident our volume took a terrible turn for the worse and mostly everyone left. Even the 2 owners stopped speaking and the company went from 20 people and very profittable to 4. So i decided to take a 3 week vacation.

Florida, Cali, the works.

when I came back, it was my birthday and my boss decided to tell me that while I was gone he realized i dont do anything because there was nothing to do. and my salary was unjustified. He asked me to do cold calling and work off of commission only. I told him to drop dead and started to pack my office.

Getting fired on my birthday, with no severence. good times indeed.

even better times was when I tried to collect unemployment and they told me that my bosses of 5 years never submitted my unemployment money even though they collected it. Luckily, I was still able to collect.

2 weeks pass and I had one more paycheck owed to me that was to be direct deposited. I called to confirm with the bank that it was put in and I could a whopping 11,000 was deposited. After running around the house screaming my head off like i hit he lottery I found my composure and went to the bank... withdrew all the money and closed my account. Eff him... i knew it was an error because I was the one that always called in payroll.. so he had no clue.

two months later I get a call from him asking to return the money because it was a payroll error. I told him that it was my severence and unemployment money that was held back and never turned in so i was keeping every cent.

super long story short, the payroll company took me to court about a year later, I went representing myself and got to keep 7 of the 11,000

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Dee that was a dope story :rock:

i was working doing surveys over the phone, calling doctors to answer questions about insurance companies that they use and like. i hated it ... hated it so much, people being nasty and everything .. but i tired, and tried! Even rented boiler room to get a slight edge, but i realized it was for nothing and one day in the middle of the day after being cursed out some cunt on the phone, i got up, and just walked out ... never even collected that weeks pay, i said fuck'em i dont feel like even trying to explain why i left. I got 2 voicemails from my manager on my cellphone .. one like .. where the fuck did you go and the other saying dont fucking come back ... boo hoo hoo

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I can't get fired. i don't know why. i threw gelato at a customer last month because she was such a bitch. yes i knew it was wrong, I apologized to my boss explaining to him what a bitch the woman was, and he said not to worry about it.

Last job I had to quit. There was a woman there who became pregnant, and apparently she was playing this game of not going into work, or coming in late with the hopes of getting fired and blaming it on the pregnancy to collect unemployment. I was doing my work and hers. I was getting salary so there was no overtime. When school started for me, I gave them notice that I can’t work past five anymore, and my-coworker’s attendance was effecting me. They had told me that they needed me to pick up her slack and that I had to work late, thus not go to school…. Told them that I was not feeling well, wrote a letter of resignation note sent it though e-mail, and, did not go in the next day.

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