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Will Dean and Kerry ever shut the fuck up


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Howard Dean's Foot-in-Mouth Disease Reappears

So while others in America are worried about an Iranian nuclear weapon, the nation's top Democrat has other anxieties about Iran that keep him up at night. Forget about the Iranian president's desire to "wipe" Israel off the map and threat to choke off oil supplies to the West, Chairman Dean is more concerned with an elected president of the U.S. turning our nation into a fundamentalist dictatorship. Consider the following from today's ABC News' The Note:

--while discussing domestic surveillance on ABC's Good Morning America, DNC Chairman Howard Dean said many in the Republican Party disagree with the President, adding that all Democrats are asking is that "we don't turn this country into a country like Iran, where the president of Iran can do everything he wants at any time."

Pathetic, but I'm sure Sen. Kerry agrees with him.

And to Think He Almost Became President

From his gimmicky "Home from Iraq by the Holidays" troop withdrawal plan to his filibuster yodel from the Swiss Alps, Sen. John Kerry's free fall continues. In today's Washington Post, Kerry now trots out this gem concerning the violent assault directed at a newspaper published in a free society.

"These and other inflammatory images deserve our scorn, just as the violence against embassies and military installations are an unacceptable and intolerable form of protest."

As Marshall Wittmann over at the Democratic Leadership Council points out,

It is a delusion to believe that these mobs will be appeased by a moral equivalent condemnation of both the cartoons and the violence. Democrats, in particular, must make it clear that this has nothing to do with "offensive" cartoons and everything to do with a war against Western values.

Of course, Kerry's moral equivalence characterization is exactly wrong. His weak-kneed remark will only embolden the radical elements and further undermine Islamic moderates. His words must be music to the ears of people like Mr. Abu-Laban, who, the Wall Street Journal reports, is under pressure "for results."

Under pressure from young radicals for results, Mr. Abu-Laban, the Copenhagen cleric at the forefront of the campaign, and several others formed the "European Committee for Honoring the Prophet," an umbrella group that now claims to represent 27 organizations across a wide spectrum of the Islamic community. (Moderate Muslims dispute this and say the group has been hijacked by radicals.)

Mr. Abu-Laban, who grew up in Egypt and was arrested there in the early 1980s after being expelled from the United Arab Emirates for his preaching, took charge of writing statements for the group and communicating with Muslim ambassadors. He denies holding extremist views, but acknowledges hosting visits to Denmark by Omar Abdel Rahman, before his arrest in New York, where the blind sheik now is serving a life sentence in connection with the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

Thank you Ohio voters!

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Pathetic, but I'm sure Sen. Kerry agrees with him.

without providing anything to back that up of course

And to Think He Almost Became President

From his gimmicky "Home from Iraq by the Holidays" troop withdrawal plan to his filibuster yodel from the Swiss Alps, Sen. John Kerry's free fall continues. In today's Washington Post, Kerry now trots out this gem concerning the violent assault directed at a newspaper published in a free society.

"These and other inflammatory images deserve our scorn, just as the violence against embassies and military installations are an unacceptable and intolerable form of protest."

It is a delusion to believe that these mobs will be appeased by a moral equivalent condemnation of both the cartoons and the violence. Democrats, in particular, must make it clear that this has nothing to do with "offensive" cartoons and everything to do with a war against Western values.

Of course, Kerry's moral equivalence characterization is exactly wrong. His weak-kneed remark will only embolden the radical elements and further undermine Islamic moderates.

whats so horrible about what John Kerry said? its the same position that the Vatican is taking. would the author of this call the vatican deluded?

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without providing anything to back that up of course

whats so horrible about what John Kerry said? its the same position that the Vatican is taking. would the author of this call the vatican deluded?

:cry: kerry is getting beat on.....

moral equivalency dickhead, moral equivalency.....got your pussy all tight because your boy Kerry is getting beat on?

And focus on the writer taking the leap of faith that Kerry agrees with Dean, not on yet again another disgraceful comment by Dean.......get a grip son.....Dems need to do the NATION a favor and get rid of Dean....

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:cry: kerry is getting beat on.....

moral equivalency dickhead, moral equivalency.....got your pussy all tight because your boy Kerry is getting beat on?

And focus on the writer taking the leap of faith that Kerry agrees with Dean, not on yet again another disgraceful comment by Dean.......get a grip son.....Dems need to do the NATION a favor and get rid of Dean....

what i'm curious about is who authored this piece of garbage that you posted.

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  • 2 weeks later...
"These and other inflammatory images deserve our scorn, just as the violence against embassies and military installations are an unacceptable and intolerable form of protest."

I see nothing wrong with what was said Igloser.

If that was Bush or Cheney or another one of their cronies, you would not be putting your thongs in a bind.

You need to brush up on reading comprehension.

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