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Reekend Weview


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Friday - Slouches arrive at my house... Sangria... Fartlett on the decks and fun... Avalon @ Farina - super fun and didn't get thrown out... Then get over to Rise for Paolo Mojo who f00cking killed it at RISE... my highlight was the Snortchezz/TeamJ5 invisible tug of war and then hearing @ 6 am New Order - When the Sirens Call - Planet Funk Vocal Mix... killed it IMHO...

Post party at my house and more abuse of Buckfarter... can't beat that...

Woke up Saturday - f0cked up... Straight to Sissy K's for dollar drafts (28) and some food... Came back, showered up set up the decks at the after-hours and over to mammals for one cocktail... Ended up at Underbar where Buckmasters was not allowed in. He can elaborate on why that was. Anyways - Chris Soul and Mammal killed it inside. Great time and awesome after-hours at Mammals...

Sunday - Day of rest and lots of explaining from Mahrune and Bucktarded about the nights that they had...

Let’s hear it boys...

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Friday...Emjay and K-Fizzle got here, ate blocks of cheese and went over to vytos. Sucked down lots of sangria, got rowdy, went to avalon, grabbed Kares boobs. Blacked out for the last hour of avalon, left and walked a mile to find a taxi..went to rise. Paolo Mojo RIPPED it! Blacked out again for a while. Went back to vytos...sucked down some 'shots'. Could get the damn tv or radio to werk cuz vee-frooo cookie proofed it. Tried to convince em-jizzle to shower with mahrune but she wasnt hearing it so he passed out. Watched vytus harrass buckwheat for like 4 hours..left went home and ****** for a while 105.gif

Saturday-ish...woke up, ate pizzer, tommy tube top and quashy came over, drank more sangria, and other stuff...passed out for an hour, woke up, bumped it up, watched a napolean dynamite again

Sunday...made a siiik breakfast, drove 20 minutes to no where, went and got some ice cream, came home, got retarded for an hour, watched delta heavy, broke the big purple glass bowl :( made some turkey burgers, sent emjay and kfizz on their way and passed the eff out.


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my edited e-mail review cut n pasted....

Friday was good. farina was really packed... got in at 11 and it was dead, by 12 you couldn't even make it up the stairs to the dj booth/balcony. Blacked out for the last half hour or so. Farina played Farina music and there wasn't anyone there that I saw NOT dancing and having a good time.

The Sangria went over a little too well. About 20 people showed up at Vytos and it was gone in no exaggeration less than 10 minutes. I could have brought an NFL size gatorade cooler full of it and it wouldn't have lasted an hour.

Rise was great. Paulo Mojo played this dark trippy electro type music for the first few hours. None of us could leave the dance floor... which was jammed to the point that we were almost smushed against the wall. Every song was harder and better than the last.... great build up/progression. Stayed up there till about 5AM then bam... dance floor thins out big time. So we went to the lounge and chilled... dont really remember the music, wasnt really paying attention.

Afterhours was money. Nice to meet you buck.

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friday/sat morning----adopted some kittens. hung w X, went to kares. back to mammals. thought about avalon. stayed at mama's. went to rise. sobered up too quickly. went back to mama's. bounced to to cornergirl's @9am. re grouped @reevy's. cornergirl turned green and puked. napped.

sat nite-freshened up at mama's. disco came over w. b-day drinks. went to underbra. mama and chris soul ripped it. there was boston crackhead convention in the vip room. afterhours at mama's. some retards came over and we had to give em the foot. stayed up till 9am watching bits and peices of movies. finally i was driven home.

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What did Disco do this weekend? Detail review please.

Friday: Dispensed drugs at the hospital until almost midnight. Went home. Ate some ice cream. Slept.

Saturday: Shared some quality birthday pink champagne at Mama's. In a room of four people, one shared my exact same birthday...wildness.

Off to Underbar. Spent the first 30 minutes wandering the room trying to warm up and pondering the disappearance of Buck. Danced. Went to bathroom to fix make up. Danced. Made out with half the internationals in the VIP area. Danced. Admired Jose's sweater. Finally, went to bathroom and sat on floor of stall pondering my shiny disco pants from 1:51-1:59 am.

Back to Mama's. Hung out and admired Vyto's biceps. Froze ass off walking back to my car around 4:30ish.

Sunday: Slept. Eggs, coffee, donuts. Watched crappy movie. Drove up and down every street in East Boston. Slept.

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ok here goes. you are all so kind btw.

friday night was great. enough about that.

enter saturday, the day was perfectly fine until we hit underbar. perhaps the worst door crew i've ever seen. in my top two of worst nights i've ever had. i go downstairs with discok and mahrune. apparantly i was on the list as buktardid but nobody decides to let me in on this IMPORTANT peace of information. my hand gets marked. i tell them my real name, which is aaron beckett, sorry sir you are not on the list. that will be 20 bucks. i had maybe 10 on me. at this point everyone is inside except for me. so i think ok, no big deal i'll just hit up an atm and come back. 4 or so blocks of walking, asking people where the atm is, and finally i find a bum laden atm glass cubicle sort of area. a plethera of bums trying to sell me crack and oxycottins while getting money out was only the start to my extravagant adventure (no i didn't buy any, for those wondering). obtw, my phone died as soon as i got outside of underbar and tryed to call people. YES, more walking in the cold, but at least now i have money so now i just need to get back to underbar and i'll be all set right? wrong. after being escorted back by one of the bums and slipping them a 2 dollar tip, i'm back. i get to the front of the line, "you can't get back in here sir". why not i was just in there. "you are done here for the night, please move along". i threw every sales pitch i had in my arsenal at them but it was not enough for an out of towner like me. i then proceed down the road to a nearby bar. at this point there is nothing i could do so i decided to sit at the bar, drink, and chat with the bartender. besides the bums, probably the only nice people i talked to the entire evening. 2am hits. ok so i'll go wait for everyone outside underbar and i'll be all set. nope. the place empties and here i am one hour later, with nobody around, still being hassled by the door guys telling me to get away. at this point i'm getting pretty mouthy with them, i was very close to getting arrested. i then spend another 1 or 2 hours trying to flag down a cab. other people were as well, i asked some girl how far i was from the airport, because vyto lives close to it, and she says "get away, i don't know you." ok i've had it this night is awful. finally get a cab. 37 more dollars later i arrive at vyto's after making the cab stop at another atm, thank god i atleast found my way there right? all doors and windows locked. more standing in the cold fabulous. after banging on the two upstairs doors trying to wake someone up for at least 30 minutes and getting no answer, i realize that i have one option and one option only, then my night from hell can finally be over. i broke his window and climbed on through. a mixed feeling of "vyto isn't going to like that one bit" and relief is now present. at least i had a bed with peace and quite at that point. horrible night. might not be back out for a while after that.

btw, vyto talks a lot of shit but ask him how his leg is doing. i'm sure he's failed to mention the dead leg i've given him. how's your bruise dude.

this has been an episode of buklost in boston.

thanks, and godspeed.

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ok here goes. you are all so kind btw.

friday night was great. enough about that.

enter saturday, the day was perfectly fine until we hit underbar. perhaps the worst door crew i've ever seen. in my top two of worst nights i've ever had. i go downstairs with discok and mahrune. apparantly i was on the list as buktardid but nobody decides to let me in on this IMPORTANT peace of information. my hand gets marked. i tell them my real name, which is aaron beckett, sorry sir you are not on the list. that will be 20 bucks. i had maybe 10 on me. at this point everyone is inside except for me. so i think ok, no big deal i'll just hit up an atm and come back. 4 or so blocks of walking, asking people where the atm is, and finally i find a bum laden atm glass cubicle sort of area. a plethera of bums trying to sell me crack and oxycottins while getting money out was only the start to my extravagant adventure (no i didn't buy any, for those wondering). obtw, my phone died as soon as i got outside of underbar and tryed to call people. YES, more walking in the cold, but at least now i have money so now i just need to get back to underbar and i'll be all set right? wrong. after being escorted back by one of the bums and slipping them a 2 dollar tip, i'm back. i get to the front of the line, "you can't get back in here sir". why not i was just in there. "you are done here for the night, please move along". i threw every sales pitch i had in my arsenal at them but it was not enough for an out of towner like me. i then proceed down the road to a nearby bar. at this point there is nothing i could do so i decided to sit at the bar, drink, and chat with the bartender. besides the bums, probably the only nice people i talked to the entire evening. 2am hits. ok so i'll go wait for everyone outside underbar and i'll be all set. nope. the place empties and here i am one hour later, with nobody around, still being hassled by the door guys telling me to get away. at this point i'm getting pretty mouthy with them, i was very close to getting arrested. i then spend another 1 or 2 hours trying to flag down a cab. other people were as well, i asked some girl how far i was from the airport, because vyto lives close to it, and she says "get away, i don't know you." ok i've had it this night is awful. finally get a cab. 37 more dollars later i arrive at vyto's after making the cab stop at another atm, thank god i atleast found my way there right? all doors and windows locked. more standing in the cold fabulous. after banging on the two upstairs doors trying to wake someone up for at least 30 minutes and getting no answer, i realize that i have one option and one option only, then my night from hell can finally be over. i broke his window and climbed on through. a mixed feeling of "vyto isn't going to like that one bit" and relief is now present. at least i had a bed with peace and quite at that point. horrible night. might not be back out for a while after that.

btw, vyto talks a lot of shit but ask him how his leg is doing. i'm sure he's failed to mention the dead leg i've given him. how's your bruise dude.

this has been an episode of buklost in boston.

thanks, and godspeed.

jesus!!! who did you go with? nobody noticed you were missing and went to check on you?

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i'm just back at work now, here's my weekend review.

went to DC to visit my friend suzanne for the weekend - friday night drank 5 margarita's at a mexican restaurant with suzanne and her fiance, flirted with a gross waiter to get him to make our drinks stronger, blacked out half way through the night, went to some bar - had some weird guy try to lick my face. then drank like 5 beers - took tons of dumb pictures, blacked out again, woke up at noon still kind of drunk. watched some dumb movie and the olympics and got ready to start drink again. made apple martini's and had about 4 before heading to the "fight". jimmy lang got knocked out in the 3rd round, what a loser. had a huge hot dog and like 3 beers, getting super super drunk again. went home, blacked out a little, got bit by suzanne's puppy, passed out. woke up at 2pm, so hungover i could die. went to get food, bad idea :puke: . was late for my flight, hurt my back somehow and now my luggage is lost. stayed home from work yesterday and still don't have my luggage. want to cry :(

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