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Former CIA Analyst: Western Intelligence May Be Behind Mosque Bombing


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Former CIA Analyst: Western Intelligence May Be Behind Mosque Bombing

Ray Mcgovern says US in most danger ever, from its own government

Prison Planet | February 26 2006

Former CIA analyst a and presidential advisor Ray McGovern does not rule out Western involvement in this week's Askariya mosque bombing in light of previous false flag operations that have advanced hidden agendas of the ruling elite.

During the mid-eighties, McGovern was one of the senior analysts conducting early morning briefings of the PDB one-on-one with the Vice President, the Secretaries of State and Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.

He joined Alex Jones to discuss many topics from martial law to government false flag terrorism and provocation tactics.

McGovern firstly suggested that Posse Comitatus, the law that forbids the military to take on a policing role within the US, is being systematically overthrown.

"Not only have the top ranks of the intelligence community been politicized and corrupted, so has the army. The military establishment is goose stepping around, saluting the President and saying whatever the President wants them to."

A former officer himself, McGovern declared that the unprecedented movement towards a martial law mentality within government and military is a deeply unsettling one and that the US is hurtling toward a dictatorship.

"As I look at the top Pentagon brass, I have to conclude that unlike my days as a US army officer, those folks have been so politicized that if the US President told them to go ahead and exercise police functions in this country they would go ahead and salute and they would do it, and that's really scary."

Moving on to the "war on terror", 27 year veteran McGovern concurred that staged terror has long been used by our governments in order to forward their own agendas at home and elsewhere:

"There's lots of evidence that the government in the past has used these things for its own purposes, for overthrowing governments, as it did in Iran in 1953, and in Guatemala in 1954, the Gulf of Tonkin was a little different...LBJ did deceive Congress and the war went on for seven years."


Concerning 9/11 McGovern declared that although he is still in two minds, he is deeply suspicious of the official version of events and "there is certainly a cover up." The amount of unanswered questions and blatant lies told by Cheney and the NeoCons makes it very easy for him to believe the government was involved.

Moving on to the recent Askariya mosque bombing in Samarra, Iraq McGovern commented;

"The main question is Qui Bono? Who benefits from this kind of thing? You don't have to be very conspiratorial or even paranoid to suggest that there are a whole bunch of likely suspects out there and not only the Sunnis. You know, the British officers were arrested, dressed up in Arab garb, riding around in a car, so this stuff goes on."

Ray McGovern is part of a collective of former Intelligence officers who call themselves Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS). Their writing can be found on www.truthout.com


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Wildlife group claims proof of Bigfoot colony

Says it will release 'scientific evidence' of creatures soon

Posted: February 19, 2006

Sasquatch fever has struck Malaysia, where an animal-protection group now claims to have "scientific evidence" to prove the existence of the legendary creature known as "Bigfoot."

The Johor Wildlife Protection Society says it has discovered an entire colony of the creature, which it has dubbed "Orang Lenggor" (Lenggor People) in the Johor jungles.

"We will make public the evidence soon," the society's secretary Tay Teng Hwa told Bernama, the Malaysian National News Agency.

He noted a member of his group spent six years studying the creatures and interacted directly with the colony.

"The adult creatures are between 10 and 12 feet tall while their children are six- to seven-footers. Seventy percent of the Orang Lenggor have a human appearance but the rest resemble apes."

He described the creatures as being timid, with black hair on their bodies at young ages, turning brown as they grow older.

"They like to eat fish and fruits they gather in the jungles, including durian. They also have a liking for river water that contains dissolved salt and would walk for miles to get it," Tay added.

He did not disclose the precise location of the purported Bigfoot colony or the type of "scientific evidence" the society possesses, but did say the society decided to reveal its discovery now because foreigners with sophisticated equipment were entering the Johor jungles to track down Bigfoot without the knowledge of the state government.

"We are worried these foreigners might find Bigfoot and then announce to the world as their discovery," he said.

Media from across the world have already made it to Malaysia to try to document the discovery.

The New Straits Times says they include the BBC, a seven-man crew from a U.S.-based firm producing TV documentaries and a cameraman from KBS 2TV in South Korea.

Locals, including Dicky Darwis Abdul Rahman, told the Times some people believe they've even heard the wild call of Bigfoot.

"The workers who regularly go hunting in the nearby jungle know how to differentiate the calls of the various animals in the jungle and they are convinced that the roars were unlike that of any known animal."

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Media Treadmill Blackout On Key Issues Of Port Story

Sweetheart deals and government links swept under the rug

Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | February 28 2006

The mainstream media treadmill has re-employed its familiar tactic of moving attention away from the cornerstone smoking guns that make the port story important and those that would implicate former administration officials and the White House itself in criminal activities.

We are now learning that it is not 6, 12, 18 or 21, it is more than 21 port complexes that in American and 10 to 15 in Canada that are going to be handed over to Dubai Ports World. The majority of the major port systems in the United States and North America will be sold off.

Segments of the controlled left have tried to make the debate about racism. It doesn't matter which country is handed the ports, as the British already owned the ports to begin with. The supposed terrorism threat being used to try and block the deal is a red herring.

We should oppose the port deal simply because selling off key infrastructure is a threat to the sovereignty of the United States.


We should also oppose the deal because former Treasury Secretary Snow and the Bush administration have made millions of dollars personally and billions of dollars for their respective companies in these sales.

The individual named by the White House to run security for all major US ports under Maritime Administration, David Sanborn (pictured above), is the current number two man at Dubai Ports World and head of their European and Latin American operations.

So when Neo-Cons defend Bush by saying that UAE won't be running security at the ports involved in the deal, they are deliberately ignoring the fact that DP World's number two is already in charge of all major US ports by appointment of Bush.

The New York Daily News pointed out Snow's (pictured below) connection to the sweetheart deal in pointing out that Snow headed, "the federal panel that signed off on the $6.8 billion sale of an English company to government-owned Dubai Ports World - giving it control of Manhattan's cruise ship terminal and Newark's container port.


"Snow was chairman of the CSX rail firm that sold its own international port operations to DP World for $1.15 billion in 2004, the year after Snow left for President Bush's cabinet."

The deal has already violated federal law in its failure to undergo a 45 day review procedure. That alone should bring criminal charges of espionage for those involved who profited from breaking federal law.

These issues take precedence over national security issues. The UAE is a willing stooge in the manufactured war on terror. The media has once again artificially framed the debate and shifted attention away from the key factors in this story.


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