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New Panel to Investigate Iraq War Policy

By BARRY SCHWEID, AP Diplomatic Writer

WASHINGTON - Ten prominent Americans, including former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, are forming a bipartisan group to assess the Bush administration's policies in Iraq and political and economic developments in the troubled country.

The study was requested by Congress and will be announced Wednesday on Capitol Hill by Baker and Lee H. Hamilton, director of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, vice chairman of the Sept. 11 commission and a former member of Congress from Indiana, as providing a fresh look at Iraq.

Congress is increasingly restive about the human and financial toll of the administration's policies in Iraq and an apparently open-ended administration commitment to keep U.S. troops there and help rebuild the country amid sectarian violence and attacks by insurgents.

Five Republicans and five Democrats, including Robert M. Gates, director of the CIA from 1991-93, will serve on the group. Former Sen. Charles Robb, D-Va., also will be a member.

The congressionally-financed United States Institute of Peace and three private think tanks are supporting the inquiry. Four working groups will be assigned to measure the strategic situation in Iraq, formation of a government in Baghdad, political development and the Iraqi economy.

Outside experts will be consulted and the working groups are planning to make several trips to Iraq.

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