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Herbal Journal

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Ahh, a week off from my shitty job...a head full of bong hits...and Diggers in a few days.

Ain't life grand.


Okay since I'm completely addicted to this damn board, I'm taking it with me to NY.

I want to post my thoughts on the city, the people I meet and the places I go. Kind of like An Herbal Journal biggrin.gif

If it blows cwm8.gif I promise to stop.


"Money is one thing, but soul is another."


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Originally posted by herbalist:

If it blows cwm8.gif I promise to stop.

Tell us anyway... so we can improve this goddamn forsaken city... and put it back like it used to be... hoes on 42nd instead of Disney... no cops at Twilo... window washes for ten cents... and murder rates that you actually got scared of.


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

Tell us anyway... so we can improve this goddamn forsaken city... and put it back like it used to be... hoes on 42nd instead of Disney... no cops at Twilo... window washes for ten cents... and murder rates that you actually got scared of.

Bro, the hoes are at 42nd st...they got hired to work in the Disney store...



close the world...open the next...


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That's the kind of urban renewl program I'm talkin about. The hoes from Hollywood/Vine meet rich, billionaire business men who hire them to act as their fling only to have the couple fall madly in love and live happily ever after. cwm6.gif

Gotta love Hollywood. cwm2.gif

I'm packing right now. Hehehe. Double entendre.

Damn weather report mostly 30's occasional snow and rain... cwm23.gif

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Originally posted by herbalist:

Hey hook up the out-of-towners with the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guest list</A> bro.

OK...I got you got you down for the champagne room...and yes there is sex in the champagne room...

EZ...what's the matter? Don't want the gift that keeps on giving? tongue.gif



close the world...open the next...


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Hey nice meeting some of you kids. Charlie, we'll party our heads off tomorrow.

** Day 1 -- Big Bear, CA

err, this is not the New York city I know.

Thanks to a major accident on the FWY, we just missed our plane. Called around, found our friends at a cabin in the mountains, headed there for an Eyes Wide Shut party. then tried the airport again the next day.

Lesson learned: #1) Get your butt to the airport on time. #2) Find out who's that girl underneath the mask ;D

Day 2:

Liquids... cool lounge spot. Sorry had to bail so early. Hamlet was dead tired. frown.gif

Dropped off my brother, Relaxed a bit. Now heading to Centro Fly...



"Money is one thing, but soul is another."


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Night 2 continued:

Ended up at Cheetah's instead of Centro-Fly. Cheetah's is okay. Kind of a crazed-out college club gone techno. Crowd was hopping.

Damn wanted to check out Centro Fly but they were closing by the time I got there. Was on my way to an afterhours and this guy came up asking for money and told me a story worth the cover money I was gonna spend at afterhours. So I was like "well, this is a sign I need to call it a night." Got in the cab and went home under the snow.

Frickin' snow. biggrin.gif So very cool.

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Night 3

Started at Float. Stopped in and listened to some chunes. I like the space, especially the VIP overlooking the floor.

Headed to Twilo at about 5. Danced my head off until they were like yo man, you all got to leave. I said "We wont go...we wont go...we wont got." That didn't work.

So now, S&D is officially over and I had a blast...fond memmories and great music put me to bed.

It was nice meeting so many of you.



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Err, rest of the plans. smile.gif

Last night, we ended up at three places. Went to Veruka for cocktails, then headed to Exit and finally SF.

My brother loved Exit. He's really into a club that is a spectacle as much as anything else, and well exit is a spectacle. I liked the concept, but I think it's the kind of place that can get old real quick.

SF -- F*#k, what a crack den. biggrin.gif If I ever want to go to another club where legions of cracked out juice heads walk around without their shirts and try to molest every girl that walks by them, I know just the right place in NY. Not that we don't have the equivilants in LA, but the way people pumped the place upm it's like you're walking into heaven on earth and if your heaven on earth is this place, ju got problems.

Bailed out of that joint just in time to catch the sunrise from the hotel room.

Now, I'm in Jersey for Christmas and will be heading back to LA tomorrow night just in time for work on Tuesday. frown.gif

Merry Christmas NY and thanks for the memmories.

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Originally posted by herbalist:

SF -- F*#k, what a crack den.

Shit, Hank, shoulda asked me about Cracktory... that place is the armpit of clubbing in NYC... I woulda stopped you from wasting your time there in a heartbeat.


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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