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Chus & Ceballos


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very interesting, especially the Providence, RI date .... since it's a holiday the next day,I wonder if it will go later... probably not, considering all the trouble as of late. ah well... it still proves my case that Providence is really trying to become a respected nightlife destination. :D



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aww yeah, can't wait :D ... in the meantime, check out this article from an interview I had with the boys back in 2005:

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In Stereo With Chus & Ceballos

By Alex R. Mayer for JJazproJect.com

"You don’t choose music. It chooses you." -- Chus

Three worlds collide and at the flashpoint stand Chus Esteban and Pablo Ceballos. Their cross-cultural "Iberican Sound" is a melting pot of influences and styles, bridging their love of the original American House sound with a tough-as-nails twist of Tribal and the musical traditions of their native Spain. This diversity has not only proven a key to their success as DJs and Producers, but shows their desire to create a larger, more inclusive global music community.

At a time when Dance music is so constantly subdivided and broken down, it is refreshing to find such diverse influences at work. Early on, Ceballos’ ears were inspired by the electronic techno-oriented sounds of Massive Attack, Bjork and Depeche Mode, while Chus locked on to the funky, soulful sounds of disco and early house.

"That’s the secret," Ceballos explains. "We love music and we love all different styles. It is good to always find the balance, and when you are open to any kind of music you can find that balance more easily."

Six years ago, Chus and Ceballos came together out of a lack of music being produced in Madrid. Their combined efforts have resulted in Stereo Productions, which is now comprised of four separate record labels. Stereo is the main label for the big projects, while Stereo Cool represents the sensual, groove-based house material and Solar encompasses more electronic and boundary-pushing projects. The Iberican label is reserved strictly for Spanish and Portuguese producers and artists. As if that wasn’t enough, they are launching yet another label, Amoeba, targeting more commercial, radio-friendly material.

"Both of us bring such different influences, which is funny," ponders Ceballos. "Maybe that’s the secret to our success. Music is something so big and so rich and you are always learning. We like to work together and we love to collaborate with other people. When you work with other people that have such different influences, the music you create is much richer."

Collaborations with the likes of Tedd Patterson, Halo and Ritchie Santana, and the sometimes-unexpected results that they yield, fuel Chus and Ceballos on their musical mission. "We are always trying to surprise ourselves and be open to the unexpected. When we decide to collaborate with someone, it is because there is a connection, there is a vibe," they explain.

Essential tracks such as "That Feeling" and "The Strong Rhythm" have helped solidify Chus and Ceballos’ place in the modern story of dance music, and showcase the palate of styles that they embrace. Within one night’s DJ set, or even a single track, they take their listeners on a journey through darkness and happiness, from the deepest depths to the highest atmospheric heights.

Above all else, they emphasize the groove and the beats as a foundation for all of their work. "Throughout history [dance music] has always been about the groove. We always begin with the groove and we work very hard with the beats," Ceballos explains of their process in the studio. "Then when we have a good beat and a groove, we work on the rest of the track. Producing is fun, but sometime it can get a bit old. Spinning a track out in a club and getting the immediate feedback is the Nirvana for us. Working on a track all week long is worth it when you can play it out in a club on the weekend.

"For us, being a DJ and a producer is the same thing," Chus offers.

He also seems to believe that the future of dance music is a world where the genre and style lines continue to be crossed, blurred and combined. "I think that the future is fusion; all elements all together," he explains "In the past things have been more separated… trance DJs, Techno DJs, etc. But the last year I think has shown that DJs can have great success mixing all styles together."

"I think that House music is like a cycle," Ceballos says. "When there is nothing new, and people get bored, there is always a flashback, people go back to something from the past. When you take something from the past, you never take it in the same exact way. You take it with new sight, new ambition."

Despite new technology and progress, Chus insists that pure musicality must remain at the heart of the music. "It’s very important that the evolution of the music go together with the technology. If you listen to the way music is made today, it is very different from the past. There is so much new technology, instrument plug-ins, different textures, and ways to treat the vocals that make the music sound different from the past. The only thing that never changes is the soul. You can have a track with all these different amazing sounds, but it may not say anything at all. With today’s technology, anybody can make a track in their bedroom."

Indeed, it can be easy for young, untrained ears to simply copy the dark and dissonant layers and effects they hear in the music being produced by the likes of John Creamer or Deep Dish without realizing the complex musicality and arrangements that are at work. "Producers of today are missing something about the sound," Ceballos contends. "They have forgotten that they are making music."

Ceballos continues to explain why they are such for purists when it comes to creative sound engineering. "In the past, people spent all their time on the idea of the track. There were only 5 sounds to use, and you had to do something that sounded good. They had to find the soul of the track."

By bringing elements of themselves to their work, Chus and Ceballos inject an undeniable diversity and soul to the music. "When we make a remix, it’s like we’re making our own track, but with these other elements," Ceballos explains.

"There is always progress and we are always learning everyday," Ceballos reflects. "House music is always changing so it’s hard work to be in house and to be born into the music. But that’s why we always say ‘You don’t choose music. It chooses you."

Interview and words by Alex R. Mayer for JJazproJect.com


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