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Attn: Crobar Personel

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and you dont think they have brought charges up against people and lost in court ??

they may have done it for political reasons like someone said, to win votes with asian population cause it was a major complaint...

you dont know what is going on behind closed doors

but untill you show us a court case that set the precedent in such a case, you really have nothing but a settlement from 2003 and your opinion,

To win votes with the asian population? :laugh:

these suits dont even make it to the paper, and what votes would janet reno need to win in bill clinton's second term in office?

Its the nightclubs that are settling, not the city or state, the clubs are the ones who settle because they know if they dont they will be shut down or go to jail.

The united states of america passed a law in 1964 saying that it is illegal to refuse someone entry into anywhere based on race. END OF STORY.

you keep arguing over semantics, like who can prove what, etc etc. Thats all worthless. The point is it is illegal.

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To win votes with the asian population? :laugh:

these suits dont even make it to the paper, and what votes would janet reno need to win in bill clinton's second term in office?

Its the nightclubs that are settling, not the city or state, the clubs are the ones who settle because they know if they dont they will be shut down or go to jail.

The united states of america passed a law in 1964 saying that it is illegal to refuse someone entry into anywhere based on race. END OF STORY.

you keep arguing over semantics, like who can prove what, etc etc. Thats all worthless. The point is it is illegal.

The second point is that you cannot prove it with this crobar issue.
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To win votes with the asian population? :laugh:

these suits dont even make it to the paper, and what votes would janet reno need to win in bill clinton's second term in office?

Its the nightclubs that are settling, not the city or state, the clubs are the ones who settle because they know if they dont they will be shut down or go to jail.

The united states of america passed a law in 1964 saying that it is illegal to refuse someone entry into anywhere based on race. END OF STORY.

you keep arguing over semantics, like who can prove what, etc etc. Thats all worthless. The point is it is illegal.

i dont think I ever disagreed with you that it was illegal

I just saying fat chance at a law suit..

especially since CROBAR ALLOWS ASIANS INTO THE CLUB every week

and it is not a public estalishment

and I meant black population - reffering to that lawsuit you mentioned janet and elliot.....my bad

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Thanks for the input..what about denying entrance based on sex ?

That's a tougher one, the Civil Rights Act also deals with sex, so in theory discrimination by places of accommodation based on sex is also against the law, but in the nightclub scenario, it's just become one of those accepted social norms that if you come up to the door of a nightclub as one big sausage party, you're not going to get in at some places. On the flip side, I went to go see Peter Rauhofer with Ingrid at Roxy a couple of years ago. They didn't let us in because she was a girl. Was I annoyed, yes. I'm there for the music and I frankly could care less if it's a gay club or not. But the vast majority of people in a situation like that would never sue. Could I make a case in theory? Maybe (though I'd probably lose), but most people will never take it that far (I certainly couldn't be bothered) and will just go somewhere else, which we did. Race discrimination in American society is seen as a much bigger deal (one can argue ad nauseum as to whether it is or not), but the fact is, that's the way it is is because of American's sordid race relations history. And the law gives subjects race discrimination to a higher level of scrutiny.

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That's a tougher one, the Civil Rights Act also deals with sex, so in theory discrimination by places of accommodation based on sex is also against the law, but in the nightclub scenario, it's just become one of those accepted social norms that if you come up to the door of a nightclub as one big sausage party, you're not going to get in at some places. On the flip side, I went to go see Peter Rauhofer with Ingrid at Roxy a couple of years ago. They didn't let us in because she was a girl. Was I annoyed, yes. I'm there for the music and I frankly could care less if it's a gay club or not. But the vast majority of people in a situation like that would never sue. Could I make a case in theory? Maybe (though I'd probably lose), but most people will never take it that far (I certainly couldn't be bothered) and will just go somewhere else, which we did. Race discrimination in American society is seen as a much bigger deal (one can argue ad nauseum as to whether it is or not), but the fact is, that's the way it is is because of American's sordid race relations history. And the law gives subjects race discrimination to a higher level of scrutiny.
thanks..hows the discrimination in the UK??
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i dont think I ever disagreed with you that it was illegal

I just saying fat chance at a law suit..

especially since CROBAR ALLOWS ASIANS INTO THE CLUB every week

and it is not a public estalishment

and I meant black population - reffering to that lawsuit you mentioned janet and elliot.....my bad

I agree with you that these lawsuits wiould be very difficult to prove unless there is an identifiable pattern of discrimination, but Crobar is by definition a place of public accomodation under the law. Would anyone argue that a restaurant is not a place of accomodation? The same logic applies. If you hold yourself out as open to the public (even if you have a door policy), then you can't discriminate based on race. But like I said, I don't think you'll see a class action lawsuit by Asians at Crobar, they'll probably just go to Avalon.

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thanks..hows the discrimination in the UK??

I find England to be a lot more integrated than many cities in the states, including New York. That probably comes from the fact that you have so many different countries and cultures in close proximity to one another, so people are more accepting of differences. This may be a generalization on my part, but this is just my observation. Then again, one example to the contrary, on one of the UK based messageboards you had people complaining about Fabric in London was being overrun with the "European" crowd and how there were hardly any Brits that went there anymore. Seems like these issues are everywhere, just always in a different form.


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I agree with you that these lawsuits wiould be very difficult to prove unless there is an identifiable pattern of discrimination, but Crobar is by definition a place of public accomodation under the law. Would anyone argue that a restaurant is not a place of accomodation? The same logic applies. If you hold yourself out as open to the public (even if you have a door policy), then you can't discriminate based on race. But like I said, I don't think you'll see a class action lawsuit by Asians at Crobar, they'll probably just go to Avalon.

I dont know the legal discription of a place of accomadation or wether crobar legally falls under that description, so i cant comment

i mean they have every right to a lawsuit, anyone does, even the guys getting turned away with no girls..... but my whole arguement is they wont win........

last night there were tons of asians in crobar...

wheres the discrimination ?

having a door policy that they follow on one night is not something they will lose in court over, as long as they have evidence to prove the lawsuit wrong..

country clubs that get sued for not letting blacks in, Lose cause it is pretty impossible for them to prove otherwise...

my point was how impossible it would be to prove ..and how wrong people sounded by screaming for lawsuits...

but hey, you never know till you try

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The only night Crobar is guilty of being racist so called is on saturday night with Boris, for some reason that night asians are not allowed no matter if they are a citizen or not lol.

All the asians like Avalon, but lots of times the music sux, thats also a reason why white people don't go except, young college kids and underagers.

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Can illegal aliens sue, first off all the asians that so called cause the problems don't even got there green cards alot of them, just call immigration.

If a alien falls down in a club because the club didn't fix the stairs can he sue if he is not even a citizen here?

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Whats that drivers license scanner some clubs use, does it take a picture? It seems if u use a foreign id or passporet they can't scan u

Can a club deny access to people for not having a drivers license from one of the 52 states?

If the answer is yes this could solve peoples problem with FOBS, but would discriminate against tourists.

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Whats that drivers license scanner some clubs use, does it take a picture? It seems if u use a foreign id or passporet they can't scan u

Can a club deny access to people for not having a drivers license from one of the 52 states?

If the answer is yes this could solve peoples problem with FOBS, but would discriminate against tourists.

52 states?

At least FOBS know the USA has 50 states you douche

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Guest gabo
Whats that drivers license scanner some clubs use, does it take a picture? It seems if u use a foreign id or passporet they can't scan u

Can a club deny access to people for not having a drivers license from one of the 52 states?

If the answer is yes this could solve peoples problem with FOBS, but would discriminate against tourists.

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Whats that drivers license scanner some clubs use, does it take a picture? It seems if u use a foreign id or passporet they can't scan u

Can a club deny access to people for not having a drivers license from one of the 52 states?

If the answer is yes this could solve peoples problem with FOBS, but would discriminate against tourists.

If you do not have a state i.d. they take a picture of whatever i.d. you are carrying (passport or else).

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