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In Memory of Blueangel - September 11

Twilo Beauty

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I don't know anyone on this board anymore and I hardly stop by to visit- but back in the day I recognized a whole bunch of individuals who would post regularly and I even get into fights with some of them. One of them being Blueangel.

Back in 01' I read on here that she perished at WTC.

I'll never forget that post. Until today, I am shocked that someone so young and vibrant and so unworthy of pain met that fate.

I wonder where you are Blueangel. If you have a computer in the sky- can you send me a thread to let me know what a swine I am. I miss that - It's the little things in life that are alot more powerful.

God Bless you. I remeber someone posting her real name- but it slips my mind- she will always be the angel.

RIP Blueangel.


Mitch- are you still on here?

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Kyung "Kaccy" Hee Cho


Was Caregiver, Peacemaker Among Family and Friends

Dec. 27, 2001

Kyung "Casey" Cho, 30, of Clifton, N.J., worked in the insurance industry, but she spent much of her free time counseling friends in matters of the heart.

"All her friends went to her for advice," said Cho's sister, Jin. "She saved a lot of marriages."

Cho was also a source of strength for her family, serving as caretaker and peacemaker in a household that included her mother, two sisters and a nephew.

She was her family's primary wage earner, having recently started a new job at Marsh & McLennan, a professional services firm with offices on floors 93-100 in the north tower of the World Trade Center.

Cho was at work the morning of Sept. 11, when a hijacked jetliner crashed into her building, causing it to collapse. Jin Cho last spoke with her sister the night before the terrorist attack. They agreed to have lunch on Sept. 11 after Casey decided she couldn't afford to skip work that day.

"We talked about playing hooky," Jin said. "It's one of those, 'What Ifs,' you think about."

Cho and her sisters were born in South Korea but moved with their parents to the United States in the mid-1970s, settling in Ozark, Mo., where the sister of Cho's father, Paul, lived. The family moved to New Jersey in the early '80s.

Cho graduated from Rutherford High School in Rutherford, N.J., and studied business and finance in college. She had several jobs before going to work for Merrill Lynch in New York City.

After working for Merrill Lynch for several years in the World Financial Center, she moved to nearby Marsh & McLennan in 2001. She worked in the company's insurance branch and handled environmental claims, her sister said.

Away from work, Cho enjoyed writing short stories and poems, doing charity work and caring for her family, which was dealt a financial and emotional blow in 1994 when her father died of a stroke at 52.

In addition to her sister Jin, Cho is survived by her mother, Yuree; and a sister, Myung.

--Rob Fernas (Los Angeles Times)

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