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help me with Drug Tests

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Don't quote me on this, but I believe amphetamines (e) are flushed out of your system relatively quickly, like a few days. I don't think there are any rinses (Goldenseal, EZ Flush, etc.) that help with e. But I think if you can allow a few days space between the roll and test, you'll be fine. Weed takes longer because the THC is fat soluble and binds to your fat cells.


Mushrooms... how to see god, be god, and make god obsolete while listening to Pink Floyd

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go to one of those healthfood/supplements stores that cary the stuff to help conceal drugs during tests. i get my shit from this store in hoboken, basically you gotta stay clean for a day, drink a whole bunch of water. and on the day of the test drink this syrupy gatorade lookin but thicker shit and chase it with like 16oz of water. then an hour later your piss is as clean as water, and stays so for the next 5hrs. i've used it more than once before successfully, and i smoke like everyday.


deez nuts

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Yeh these detox couses do work, i went on a three day course 2 days before the test and passed.

But make sure it's not a hair test. Your hair, depending how long, has months worth of drug info in it. There are shampoo's sold that are surposed to be ok, but from what i am told they are not 100%.

Try High Time the magazine for all the adverts you need.

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